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1、七年级英语下册英语unit12 SectionB导学案课题:unit12 What did you do last weekend? Section B第1课时1a-1e 年级:七年级 学科:英语 设计人:汤杰钰 时间:2013-12-26审核人:柏静 时间:2014-1一、 教学目标: 1学习并掌握词汇:fly, kite 2学习目标语言:-Did you do anything interesting last weekend? -Not really, but I visited my sister. 3情感态度目标:交流回忆以前做过的事情,增进对同学间的了解。 二、重点与难点:重点:熟

2、练拼写fly, kite等词和运用基本句型-Who went the library? -Sally did.难点: 掌握一般过去时并在实际情景中自如运用。三、教法与建议:Five step teaching methods Task teaching methods四、学法与建议:Group work ,pair work Individual ask and answer五、教学练评活动程序:任务1:诊断性评价:(自主学习、预习)A、预习课文,朗读理解记忆词汇:fly kite fly a kite B、小试身手 1. 弹吉它_ 2. 去图书馆_ 3. 放风筝 _ 4. 和朋友共进晚餐 _

3、 5. swimming pool _ 6. Not really. _7.上个周末_ 8.study for a test _ 9.visit ones sister _ 10.have dinner with friends _任务二、新课呈现1、学习新知(自主学习、预习,教师点拔) (1)利用投影仪将书中的图片展示出来,将1a中的词组和图片对号。 根据自己的喜好在1a中的活动下画笑脸和哭脸儿。 (2)播放两次录音完成1c的表格3巩固新知(自主学习、合作学习,教师导学) 根据1c的听力编对话,并进行角色表演。4、课堂小结(自主学习、合作探究学习,教师点拔)和同学讨论自己的周末做了什么,并进

4、行角色表演5、(自主学习、合作探究学习)合作交流 观察与运用。先组内讨论交流,然后由小组派代表就共性问题进行讲解。针对学生的疑惑,教师给予点拨。机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编的对话在全班面前展示吧。 相信你一定行!Come on!任务三、合作探究,教师点拨 Group work: 回顾听力考试题型,总结归纳提高听力的方法。Notes:_ _六、形成性评价I单项选择。( ) 1. I _ my room last night. A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned( ) 2. He _ his homework on Sunday morning. A. do B. did

5、C. to do( ) 3. It is time _ home. A. go B. to go C. to go to( ) 4. What _ you _ over the weekend? A. did; do B. did; did C. do; does( ) 5. _ he _ tennis after classes yesterday? A. Did; played B. Did; play C. Does; play. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. - _ she _ (practice

6、) her guitar. - No, she _.3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening?4. She _ (not visit) her aunt weekend.5. -When _ you _ (write) this song? - I _ (write) it last year. . 句型转换。1. Id like some fish. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ fish?2. Tina wanted a small size uniform. (对划线部分提问) _ _ uniform _ Tina want?3. She

7、 and her friends went shopping last Sunday afternoon.(改为同义句)She _ shopping _ her friends _ Sunday afternoon.4. weekend, you, what, do, did, last (连成一句) _5. I played soccer on my computer. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ soccer on _ computer.四、【快乐阅读】: New York City “If you love somebody, send him to New York for i

8、ts Heaven; if you hate somebody, also send him to New York for its Hell.” This is a famous line from the TV play Beijingers in New York in 1990s. Many people learned a lot about New York City from the TV play.As the biggest city in America, New York is the biggest centre of the finance, trade and cu

9、lture of the country. Its an important centre for international affairs because the headquarters of the UN are also here.When you think of New York, what comes to your mind first? Broadway, Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street or the Statue of Liberty? Different people will give different answers

10、. However, few people will think of its nickname “the big Apple”.Why do people call New York “the big Apple”? There are different stories about that. Which one is true? No New Yorkers seem to care about it. They are happy to be able to have a real taste of the exciting “Apple”.判断正误, 正确写 “T”, 错误写 “F”

11、( ) 1. Many Chinese people didnt know New York City in 1990s.( ) 2. New York is the biggest city in the USA.( ) 3. The headquarters of the UN are in New York.( ) 4. The Statue of Liberty is not in New York.( ) 5. There is only one story about the New Yorks nickname“the big apple”. 七、背诵sectionB 1c的听力

12、稿和单词八、小结反思:评价项目评价内容或结果概括本课时主要内容-What did you do last weekend?- I played tennis last weekend.第2课时Section B 2a-2c年级:七年级 学科:英语 设计人:汤杰钰 时间:2013-12-26审核人:柏静 时间:2014-1一 教学目标: 1学习并掌握词汇:high, ago, India, moon, surprise, snake, move, start, jump, wake, into, forest, ear 2学习目标语言:学会对自己的旅行进行描述. 3情感态度目标:交流旅行见闻,增加阅历。


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