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1、装订线20112012学年第一学期期中模拟考试英语试卷(A) 班级 姓名 学号 成绩 题号一二三四五六七总分分值25151010201010100得分阅卷人一.Choose the best answer.(每题1分,共25分)1. The manager let the phone on the table ring several times before he_ thereceiver. A. picked up B. raised up C. brought up D. took over2. Why were you so late for work today? _to the o

2、ffice was very slow this morning because of the traffic accident. A. Drive B. Drove C. Driving D. That driving3. In order to _your goals, you must work hard. A. achieve B. make C. develop D. grow4. He didnt tell me _to read after class. A. Neither I cared B. Not did I care C. I didnt care D. Neither

3、 did I care5. I had work hard to _the other students.A. keep away from B. keep up with C. Keep back D. keep out 6. The car driver was badly _ on both legs in a traffic accident. A. wounded B. damaged C. injured D. broken7. It wasnt as good a dinner _ she had promised us. A. as B. that C. which D. wh

4、at 8. He wore dark glasses to avoid _. A. having been recognized B. to be recognizeC. recognized D. being recognized9. Susan has not seen her brother for ten years and has _ of his address. A. no thought B. nothing C. no mind D. no idea 10. The car was repaired but not quite to the owners_ A. attrac

5、tion B. satisfaction C. pleasure D. complaint11. You should take complete _ for the accident. A. control B. objection C. business D. responsibility12. They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no_ A. end B. result C. conclusion D. judgment13. He suddenly remembered that his s

6、choolbag_ at home. A. has been forgotten B. had been forgotten C. has been left D. had been left 14. I will let you know_ it is settled. A .as soon as B. as C. till D. since 15. The sheep _ one after another since last week. A. has disappeared B. have disappeared C. are disappearing D. is disappeari

7、ng16. We arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _ sat a little boy. A. it B. that C. which D. what 17. I feel its a great pleasure _ to attend your birthday party.A. to invite B. to be invited C. invited D. having invited18. Owing to the storm, the flight was _ for one and a half hours.A. stopped B. gi

8、ven C. disturbed D. delayed19. It was long before the cut on my hand _ completely. A. healed B. improved C. cured D. treated20. If it hadnt been for your timely help, I_. A. would fail B. would have failed C. will fail D. should fail 21. The twin brother were so much alike that even their own parent

9、s_ one _ the other sometimes. A. mistook.for B. longed.for C. took.over D. named.after22. The travelers were not aware_ the danger ahead. A .with B. for C. to D. of23. The task cant be finished _we get more money from the government. A. until B. for C. if D. since 24. _ what happens, I wont change m

10、y mind.A. No matter B. Although C. Unless D. Even if25. You are always finding _with what I do.A. fault B. mistake C. wrong D. error二、Fill in the blanks with the correct words and expressions.(每小题1装订线分,共15分)comfortable make sth out of in honor of responsible in pain on the occasion of feel free to d

11、o sth give a hand actually energy think of as delight in answer to overcome make a difference1. When you are away from your family, you have to be _for yourself.2. John was so _and warm in bed that he didnt want to get up.3. The students are planning a big party _ their retiring teacher.4. Human bei

12、ng learned to _ tools _ stones thousands of years ago.5. He is welcomed everywhere, for he is ready to _ to anyone in need.6. This was given to me as a present _ my graduation from high school.7. In my family my parents are like our friends, so we _ask them any questions.8. We need someone with _ and enthusiasm to do



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