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1、背调信息收集表背景调查信息表Important Notice/ 重要声明:Shin edo will always respect your privacy and keep all the in formatio n con cealed. Un less enforced by law, the private information that provided by you and that obtained by Shinedo will be kept un der secrecy and n ever be disclosed for any purpose other tha n

2、 employme nt scree ning.(或其授权的机构)所您的个人隐私将始终获得尊重。除非有法律强制性要求,您所同意提供的个人信息以及轩渡咨询获得的任何信息将予保密并且不得用于除证明您就职适宜性以外的其他任何目的Please en sure all questi on in this form are completed and an swered correctly. 请确保此信息表中所有的问题已全部完成并准确回答。Please provide your wet sig nature on the Declarati on and Letter of Authorizati on.

3、 Please en sure sig nature dates are today s date.请在声明及授权书手写签字。请确保签字日期为当前日期。Shin edo does not commit to only con tact the provided con tact pers on to con duct backgro und scree ning. He/She will be con tacted only whe n n ecessary.轩渡咨询并不承诺只会与所提供的联系人完成背景核实。所提供的信息将作为参考.Once Background Screening is co

4、mpleted, the report will be returned to the HR team for record ing.在背景核实完成后,相关报告会交至人力资源部门存档。Personal lnformation/AB息*Position AppliEH(应聘駅位):*Name (in local language) 姓答:Gender(ttgiJ)Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy)Nationality(国圈*Types of Identityfidentity card/Passport)identity Card No.In order for the Comp

5、any to obtain a complete and accurate background history please provide full details below.为便于取得完整并准确的背暴历史.请详细填写下资料+Have you lived or worked in the United States during the past 7 years? If yes, Please provide your US Social Security Number, and if no, please indicate no in the space provided:您是否在过去

6、7年中在美国居性或工作过?如果是请提供您的美国社喪保险号*如果是否f 请在右侧空白处写NoMUS SSNiHave you lived or worked in Canada during the past 7 years? If yesT Please provide your Canadian Social Insurance Number, and if no, please indicate no in the space provided:您噩否在过去7年中在加拿大居住或工作过?如果是,if提供您前加專大社会保险号.如果 是否.请在右91空白处写” NoCanadian SIN:Ha

7、ve you lived or worked in Singapore during the past 7 years? If yes, Please provide your Singapore NRIC/FIN, and if nof please indicate “no in the space provided:您是否在过去7年中在新加坡居住或工作过?如果星,请提供您的新加坡身份证号/新加坡外 籍人员身份证号如果是否.i青在右侧空白处写円NSingapore NRIC/FIN:For PRC Candidates: Please attach a copy of your PRC I

8、D card 中国大陆籍候选人:请附上身悄证复印件For Other Candidates: Please attach a legible copy of your passport which was used when travelling to China 非中国大陆措帳选人:请附上护照疑印件Note for Korean Residents/Citizens:In accordance with the Article 24 of the Personal 1 rrfonnNtion Protection Act in South Korea, please DO NOT PROVI

9、DE US WITH YOUR Korean Resident Registration Number (RRN) in any form of communication or documentation朝鲜居民注意/公民:按唱&个人信息保护法第二十四条的韩国不要肛任何帘式为我们提供师的韩国居民登记号码(RRN).Educational QualificationsPlease provide details of your completed top tertiary academic qualificati on( s).Educati onal in stituti ons will

10、be approached to verify your qualificati ons.In dicate theexact n ame un der which any educati on qualificati ons were atta in ed.Please providefull and clear names and addresses for each institutionattended.Do not useabbreviated terms or in itials.If you don t have any tertiary academic award, plea

11、se check this box: 如果您没有任何高等教育经历证书,请勾选此框:*College / Un iversity *Year of Study (mon th/year) 就学时间(月/年)FromTo厂 Full Time(全日制)College / Un iversity Address*Certificate Number*Type of degree atta ined*MajorIs this qualifica please fill out b 所取得的学历学位 Chin ese Unive中国大学名称:Foreig n Uni vertion archived f

12、rom a Chin ese-Foreig n cooperati on pro elow:是否为中外合作教育项目?如果是,请提供以下信息:rsity Namegram? If yes,sity Name:外国大学名称:#Professi onal Qualificati ons/专业资质经历Professi onal Qualificati on Indicate the exact namebodies will be approached to verify your qualifications. under which any professionalqualificationswe

13、re attained.Please provide full and clear n ames and addresses for each body atte nded. Do not use abbreviated terms or in itials.专业资质机构将会被联系以便求证您的专业资质经历。请提供完整并准确的专业资质证书名称,机构名称及地址。 请不要使用缩写或简写。If you don t have any tertiary academic award, please check this box: 如果您没有任何专业资质证书,请勾选此框:UPlease attach cop

14、ies of your Professional Qualification Certificate请附上专业资质证书复印件Issu ing Body Name:机构名称:Qualificati on Awarded:获得资质:Qualificatio n ID:证书编号:Year of Award:(mon th/year)颁发日期:Employme nt History/工作经历If you do not have any work ing experie nee, please check this box:如果您没有任何工作经历,请勾选此框:Please list details of

15、 your lastlemployers . Please state your eurrent or most recentemployment. The employer will be contactedto verify your employmenthistory.Provide full n ames, addresses and, where possible, the teleph onenu mber of theemployer. Do not use initials or abbreviations.请填写您最近 段的工作经历.请提供您当前或者最近的雇用经历。此雇主将会被联系以便求证于您的雇佣经 历。请提供公司全称,地址以及,如可能,此雇主的联系电话。请不要使用缩写或简写。*Company Name( 公司名称)1Company Address(公司地址):*Branch / Department(就职部门):*Job Title(职位):Dates of Employment(就职时间):From(从)Employee ID(员工号):*HR In formation人事部信息Name(姓名):Job T



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