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1、英语语言学常用名词解释 . What is lanage?“Laguagis sytem rbitaryocasymols se for human communicatin. It i a syse, ince lingusc lemnts rearranged ystmaticlly, rther han randl Airry, in the sene tatthre s sualy no iriniconecti w wok(like “ok”)and theobjt t rers to Ths eplaisan is explind by the ac that dffent lan

2、uags have differet “books”: “book”iEnglsh, “lire”i Frnch, “su” in Chinese. issymbolc,eause wordareasociaedwithjects,tios, ide etcbynoing btcvenon. Nae,people usetheos or vocaors tosmlize wht h ih to rfero. I isvoal, bese soud o sechisthe pray medium r ll a lnguage Wrting systms cam mchlat han thespk

3、e form. Thefact ht sl chlren ern adcaonly ear to spea (and listn)bere they wrte(and ead) also indctha language pmail ocl, rather tha ritten.Theterm“humn” in te defiitin is mant eify tha lanuage is huma pecific.2Watae ds eaurs o lanuage?“esgn eatures” hee refr o the deinin popertis ofhuman lauage tha

4、t tll the difeen betwe hman nguage d an sstem ofaimal comuication. hyare rbtrrins, dualiy, prodivity, diplacemen,cultua trnsmssio erchangeilt. Wat arbtrnss?By “arbitainss”,we ean tere is o oica oneci betw meaigsandunds dog mig bea pig f oly he fiseon or grou of persn hdsed it for a pig. Langae i ere

5、fore largely abitrry. Butlnguage no aoluelysem to besome sod-igassociation, ifwe thikof echow, lke“bng”, “crash”, “roar”,whih are motia in a rtan sne. Secndy,som compouns(rdcompund to n wr)are ot entirel rbitrryeihr. “Type” nd “rite”e opqu oumotvate words, wile “type-ite”s les o, r oanrntor motivted

6、 than e word thatakei. Sowecan say “arbiariess” i a maer ofdre.4. Whatis da?ngitsrefr“dualit” (o strutur) to the fact a i al languages so far invtgate,o finsto levels ofsctureorpateig. At the firs, highe leve, lag inlzdinerms o iations f eanngful units(suh as mrphes,wdsetc.); a th second, owerlel, i

7、t issen as un of segmens whih lck anymanig ntemsele,bu whh combn to frm un of meanin ccordinto Hu Zanglin tl., lnguge i a se to sts of strutures,onof sus and thoher f eaing.Thiss imprtat or teworkings of anguage. A smallnumbe of semantic units (word), ad es units fmeanig can be rrand and rearranged

8、intoa infinite numb of entnces (note tt e ave dictiares ofos, but no ditioarof sentnces!) aiymakes t psible or a persot talkabot anytingwitn hisknowdge. N nimal comuncton sysem enjysthi dalty. Wh is proucivty?Productity refrs to tealty t theabiliy cosuc and undrta an indenitelyagenumbrof sentence n

9、oes ntie lanae, incluingtose at has neve head efe, but that r appropriate t tespeaingituaio o one ha everaid o her “A rd-eylent isa esal hote ed ihan frcan gibbon”, b h can sayi when necesay, nhe c undeand iin riht regster.Dffernt fr rtistic ceativiy, thouh, prdutiity nevegoes outidhe lagug, tsaloca

10、e “rul-ound crativity”(by N.Chomsky).What s isacemen?“Dceen”, as onof thedsign feure the un anguge,ees ote fct that onecan alkabout things thatar nt pres, as easil s h dos tingspresent. In other ord, n can refr toeal d unral thin, hng of th pat,f he present, of thefuture. Lngageielf cn bkeabut too.

11、hn a ma, f examle, is ying o omn, abot smtig, itighte somehing tha hadoccrred, rsmething that is ouring, or somehitha is oor Whe is barkig,oweer,yu ca decde it sbarngrsethn ratoeon tht eiss n and there. It culdntbebw-wowing srrowully fr a bon elot. The bees sy, nnetheless, hasa smll sha o “isplcemnt

12、”, bt tis anunspaab y share7.hats cuurl trnsmissin?Thi ms thanguageisotiolgically transted fom gnratioto genertion, u that detailsof he linuistc sysem ms b lernd aew by eac seaer. istrue thatth capacity for langugeinuman big (N.Chsycalledi “languaacquisito device”, or D) hs a eneicbais, but theparicula anguge prs learns to spak is a ultura oneothe hn ageec oneli h g baigsystem. I ahun being roht up in iolain



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