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1、几组常用代词的区别1.many,much;a few,few,a little,little. 意思 区别许多有一些/点(表肯定)几乎没有(表否定)修饰可数名词manya fewfew修饰不可数名词mucha littlelittle举例hands make light work.(人多好干活。)There isntwater left.(没剩下多少水了。)I havefriends besides you.(除你之外,我还有几个朋友。)I havefriends except you.(除了你,我没有什么朋友了。)There istime.Take it easy.(还有 点时间,别慌。)T

2、here istime.Lets hurry.(快没时间了,我们快点。)2.another, other; others,the other, the others区别形式单数复数作定语作主语或宾语泛指及图 示another(众多中的)另 个oooooIIoneanotherother.(其他的)others (另 些,其他人)oooo”ooosomeothers特指及图 示the other(两者中的)另外一 个one the other (只限两者中使用)the other. (其余的)the others (其余)IIsomethe others注意:1. 有the的指在特定范围中的“剩

3、下的全部”,没加the的指不明确范围中的“剩余中的一 部分”。例如:Dont lend the bike to.不要把单车借给别人。There are 46 students in our class.Twenty are boysgirls .其余的是女孩。2有s的后面不能再接名词;无s的后面可接名词。例如:Many people like sports.Some like running,(=other people)like football.3. another原为an other的合成词,因而多接单数名词,但也可接“few/数词+复数名词” 表示累加或更换,意思是“又一,再一;别的,

4、另一个的”。例如:I wanttwo helpers. 我还要两个帮手。(表示“累加”)Ill call youday. 我改天再给你打电话。(表示“更换”)Saying is one thing and doing is.(说是一回事,做是另一回事)4. 注意某些固定短语: the day after (几天前),(隔天),one after another (一个接一个地), (另一边), (另一方面), (一个,另一个.第三个)3.both.either.neither.each.all.every.none单词bo th(n)e it hereachallnoneevery表示范围二者

5、二者以上三者以上词性形容词或名词性名词性形容词性修饰名词(作 adj.)复数单数复数/不可数名词单数后跟成分(作 adj.)名,物代 指代,the名词同 both与of短语连 用。指人或物名词,数词 other 等谓语形式复数单数复数/单数单数举例A friend tois a friend to.(对所有人都友好的人对哪一个也不是朋友)。If you run after two hares, you will catch.(同时追两兔,哪只也抓不到)。If the blind lead the blind ,shall fall into the ditch.(盲人领盲人,双双掉沟内)。Th

6、e college offersEnglish and French ,but my schedule will let mchoose, not.(大学开设英语和法语,但我的时间表只允许我选择一门,而不是两者。There are t rees onside of the st ree t.(街道两旁都有树)。of t hem has his own dut y.(他们各人有各人的责任)。Notman can do it well.(并不是每个人都能做好这件事)。4. this ,that ,it, one ,ones, these, thoset hist hese指代单数名词;近指,即指较

7、近的人, 物,时间表示要说或做的事情。其复数疋 these。All I want to say is: Live and learn.is Atlanta. Shes been ill t hese days.that those指代单数名词;远指;表示说过或做 过的事情。that和被替代的名词并非 指同一事物,而是指同类事物;多用 于事物的比较,以免重复。其复数形 式是those。which poem do you like, this or?He had a cold,why he didn t come?The boys of this group run faster than of

8、that one.itit所替代的事或物,就是前面提到过 的同一个 词,此外它述可以代替上 文中的某个句子或一部分。其前不加 修饰语。I consideradvisable to tell her beforehand.If he really does this ,shows he hasntmastered it.替代泛指的可数名词,指被替代名词 的冋类当中的一个,而不是被替代名 词的本身。它所替代的名词常有a/an + a d j ,the ,this ,that, any ,some 等修饰。ones是one的复数。I need a car but I ve money to buy

9、one. There are more ways to the park than . The big fish can eat the small .When you make new friends, dont forgetthe old .七. it 的用法及强调句性 质功能例句代 词用作人称代词,代替上文提到的人, 动植物或事情。A: Wha ts the sound?B: Its the wind shaking the door.What a lively baby it is!our boss is ill. Have you heard about it?You can lea

10、d a horse to wat er. but you can not make it drink.用以代替指示代词this或that。-Wha ts t his?-Its an ant.-Whose spoon is that? -Its hers.表示时间,天气,距离,价钱等Its time for lunch.It never rains but it pours.It may be five miles from here.引 导 词作形式主语,代替由不定式,动名 词或从句等表示的真正主语It is easy for him to buy a new house.It is no u

11、se pumping a dry wel l枯井打水徒劳无益)It is strange that nobody knows her.作形式宾语,代替由不定式,动名 词或从句等表示的真正宾语I feel it my duty to help those poor children. We thought it no use doing that.It is / was +强调部分+ that /who +原句剩余部分。 注意:1如果被强调的是人,其后用that 或who均可;2.若被强调的是物,时间或地点等 壮语,其后只能用that,不用 where ,when ,why.此结构只限强 调状语

12、,主语和宾语。I saw him yesterday at home. It was I that /who saw him yesterday at home. It was him that /who I saw yesterday at home. It was yesterday that I saw him at home. It was at home that I saw him yesterday.注意:右原句是not until句型,在until部分时, 要扌巴否定形式放入被强调部分。例如:He didn t leave until I returned. ffIt was

13、not until I returned that he left.注意:any可以用在肯定句,意为“任何的,随便哪一个”往往与单数名词连用。如: will do . 任何一个都行。Come you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。some 可以用在疑问句。意为请求,建议或者希望对方作出肯定回答等。还可以表示不确定的“某一个”相当于a certain.修饰单数名词。如: Would you lend me some money? 你能借给我点钱吗?Why dont you give him ? 为什么不给他提点建议呢?注意下列问题用不定代词的简略回答。 Who is in the office

14、? . 没有人What is there in the box? . 没有东西 How much water is there in the cup? . 没有水 How many boys are there in the room? . 没有人代词 it 用法巧记口诀代词 it 本意它,既可指这又指那;时间天气均可指,谈到距离也用它;假主假宾均可做,强调句型跟that。第三节专项能力强化训练一 基础训练: 常用易混代词对比辨析练习1. a) The life in China is different from in some west countries.b) The houses of the rich are larger than of the poor.A. this B. that C. theseD. those2. a) The fish is too big. I want to buy a small .b) As is known, the big fish can eat the small.c) I like this ballpoint pen better than I used just now.A . one B. the one C. ones D. them3. a) I need a PC but I have



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