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1、考研考博-考博英语-中南大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Nowadays more and more people are interested in arranging time for exercises and ( )to release the stress caused by the fast pace and pressure of their lives.问题1选项A.registrationB.illuminationC.mediationD.meditation【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。registration 登记;挂号;illumination 照明;阐明;me

2、diation 调解;调停;meditation 冥想;沉思。句意:如今越来越多的人对安排时间锻炼和冥想感兴趣,为了释放生活的快节奏所带来的精神压力。只有D项符合题意。2. 单选题The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and ( )su

3、ch illnesses.问题1选项A.disguiseB.impedeC.consummateD.precipitate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项disguise“掩饰;假装”;B选项impede“阻碍;妨碍;阻止”;C选项consummate“完成;作成”;D选项precipitate“使(坏事)突然发生”;猛地落下”。句意:新的生物精神病学并没有否认心理因素在精神疾病中的作用,而是假设这些因素可能作为现有生理条件的催化剂而起作用,并 这类疾病。在本句中,“因素”与“疾病之间”是引起与被引起的关系。因此D选项符合题意。3. 单选题The research committee u

4、rged the archaeologist to undercut her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great, since her initial report has been based only on ( ).问题1选项A.capriceB.suppositionC.evidenceD.conjecture【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。caprice怪想,随想曲;supposition:假定,推测;evidence证据,证明;conjecture推测,猜想。句意:因为原始报告仅

5、仅依据异想天开,研究委员会敦促这个考古学家去掉那个说她发现的这个坟墓是亚历山大的声明。由undercut her claim及only可知空格处所填单词是贬义词。4. 单选题Its the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world, a ( )molecular edge on which we survive.问题1选项A.integratedB.precariousC.solidD.collided【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。integrated综合的,完整的;precarious

6、不稳定的,危险的; solid结实的;collided碰撞的。句意:生命起源于海洋,海洋是地球循环系统的关键一环,这些不稳定的小分子是我们生存的基础。根据句意可知B项符合题意。5. 翻译题Read the following short paragraph carefully and then translate it into English.预言未来的经济是困难的事情。美国人逐渐意识到他们自己是在一种全球化经 济中竞争,而且他们将不断经历经济的好转和低迷。不过有一件事情可以确定的是,美国关于财富的传统观念已经对人民的生活水平和价值观产生了深远的影响。而因为美国 人对于财富持续增长的观念已经

7、深深扎根于他们的信仰系统,所以财富的衰退的现状会 对他们产生严重的挫伤。不过即便是经济的衰退,很难说对他们所持的理念带来太多的 作用,相反也许会产生积极的竞争和促进作用。【答案】It is difficult to predict the future economy. Americans have come to realized that they are competing in a global economy and that they will continue to experience economic upturns and downturns. One thing is c

8、ertain, however, that Americas traditional view of wealth have had a profound effect on its peoples living standards and values. Americans belief that wealth will continue to rise have deeply rooted in their belief system, hence the current decline in wealth can be a serious setback for them. But ev

9、en a recession would hardly do much on their ideas; instead, it may produce positive competition and facilitation.6. 单选题Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiment she let a number of ( )results slip by.问题1选项A.anomalousB.salientC.redundant

10、D.verifiable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。anomalous 异常的;不恰当的;不一致的;salient 显著的;跳跃的;redundant 多余的;累赘的;verifiable 可证实的;可检验的。句意:她经常最先发现与其他调查结果不一致的数据,不过在这个特殊的试验中她却让一些不一致的结果溜走了。由Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings可知A项正确。7. 单选题As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does no

11、t allow respect to ( )her sense of whimsy when painting it.问题1选项A.suppressB.inspireC.satisfyD.provoke【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。suppress “抑制;废止”;inspire “激发;鼓舞”;satisfy“满足”;provoke“激怒”。句意:尽管她将斗牛视为严肃的事情,但在用绘画形式表现它时,她并没有让敬意遏制自己的奇思异想。由As serious as she is about the bullfight 及not allow respect可知 “抑制”符合语境。As在句中表

12、让步关系。8. 单选题James Joyce was an Irish novelist who revolutionized the methods of depicting characters and developing a plot in modern fiction. His astonishing way of(1)a novel, his frank portrayal of human(2) in his books, and his complete command of English have(3) him one of the outstanding influenc

13、es on literature in the 20th century. Many(4)judge that he is second only to Shakespeare in his(5) of the English language. Joyce was deeply influenced by Ireland and(6) all his books about Dublin.When he was in Dublin College, he(7)languages and spent his spare time reading books. He(8) to take par

14、t in the nationalist(9)like his fellow students, but he became(10)interested in literature. He wrote outspoken(11)of literary criticism that shocked his teachers and even taught himself Norwegian so that he could read Ibsens works in the(12) .When he graduated in 1902, he(13)he would become a writer

15、 and an(14), because he felt he could not be one(15) the other. In order to preserve his ideal of writing(16) , fully, and as objectively as he knew how,(17 ) the people and places he knew best, he had to escape from all(18)to become involved in popular(19) or public life. He went to France, Italy and Switzerland, where he lived in(20) and obscurity for the first 20 years, only returning to Ireland when his m


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