【人教版】必修四:Unit 4 Period 2 Language Study 讲义含答案

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1、 精品资料Period 2Language Study1.使学生能正确地运用一些重要的单词和短语,如represent, approach, be likely to等。2.培养学生合作探究的能力。1.在具体语境中掌握词汇的基本含义、词性及用法。2.通过运用重要的单词和短语,巩固语言点的学习。重点单词1. n.陈述;说明2. vt.代表;象征3. n.社团;联系;联想4. n.宿舍5. n.飞行;航班6. adj.好奇的7. vt.&vi.接近;靠近;走近n.接近;方法;途径8. vt.保护;保卫9.adj.主要的10. v.误解;误会11. n.成人;成年人adj.成人的;成熟的12. ad

2、v.简单地重点短语1. 与交流2. 四周环顾3. 吻某人的面颊4. 与某人握手5. 很可能;有希望6. 总的来说;通常􀳅自我核对􀳅重点单词:1.statement2.represent3.association4.dormitory5.flight6.curious7.approach8.defend9.major10.misunderstand11.adult12.simply重点短语:municate with2.look around3.kiss sb on the cheek4.shake hands with sb 5.be likely to6.

3、in general品句填空1.She set up an (社团) to help blind people.2.She didn􀆳t come back to her (宿舍) until half past eleven last night.3.I􀆳ll book you on a direct (航班) to London.4.The light wind gently brushed his (脸颊).5.She knows very little Japanese; this often leads to (误解) when she visit

4、s Japan.6.Not only children but also a like the film.7.Please turn right at the next c, and you will see the station.8.The soldier gave his life in the d of his country.9.There are two m political parties in the United States.10.The professor sometimes dines at the student c.【答案】1.association2.dormi

5、tory3.flight4.cheeks5.misunderstanding6.adults7.crossroads8.defence9.major10.canteen1.represent阅读下列句子,注意represent的意思及用法。He represented our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him.他代表我们学校参加竞赛,我们为他感到自豪。The dove represents peace.鸽子象征和平。通过观察以上句子,我们发现represent用作动词,意思是“”。【答案

6、】代表;象征represent.as.把描绘成represent oneself as / to be自称是represent sth to sb 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事make representations to.与交涉;向提出抗议 represent, stand for和on behalf of的用法区别:represent用来表示代表某人,某个团体、政府等;某种标志代表什么;某物(书、雕塑等)表现的是什么;把某人 / 物描绘成什么。stand for往往用来表示字母、数字、符号等代表、象征什么。on behalf of为介词短语,表示代表、代替某人。.完成句子(1)They

7、said that they(代表) the committee.(2)He will (代表我们班) sing at the school singing contest.【答案】(1)represented(2)represent our class to.单项填空The geography teacher explained to us that the red lines on the map railways.A.represent B.expressC.reveal D.expose【答案与解析】A句意:地理老师向我们说明了地图上的红线代表铁路。represent“代表;象征”,符

8、合句意。express“表达”;reveal“显示;揭露”;expose“使暴露”。2.approach阅读下列句子,注意approach的意思及用法。The time for graduation is approaching.毕业的日子即将来临。We should approach this problem with great care.我们应该非常慎重地处理这个问题。The best approach to learning a foreign language is the study of the spoken language.学习外语最好的途径是学习口语。 The approa

9、ch of winter brings cold weather.冬天即将来临,天气变得寒冷。 All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.通往宫殿的所有道路都有军队守卫。通过观察以上句子,我们发现approach既可以作(1)词,意思是“(2)”;也可以作(3)词,意思是“(4)”。【答案】(1)动(2)接近;处理(3)名(4)方法;接近;通道at the approach of在快到的时候be approaching (to) 与差不多 / 大致相等approach to sth (做某事的)方法(途径)make appr

10、oaches to 想接近某人;想与某人打交道be easy / difficult of approach容易 / 难以接近approach sb about / for sth 向某人要求某物单项填空They are said to have developed a new to teaching, which is said to improve classroom teaching greatly.A.methodB.meansC.wayD.approach 【答案与解析】D句意:据说他们已经开发了一种新的教学方法,这种方法据说可以极大地改善课堂教学。这一组名词都可表示“方法;途径”,

11、但各有侧重。method指有条理的、系统的方法,后接of;means指实现目的的手段或某种交通方式;way较多用在具体的事情上,口语用语,常用of doing或to do作定语;approach常指抽象意义的方法,与to连用。3.defend 阅读下列句子,注意defend的意思及用法。He is better at defending than attacking. 他的防御能力比进攻能力强。Finally they took up arms to defend themselves. 最后,他们终于拿起了武器进行自卫。They tried to defend themselves agai

12、nst the enemy with all their might. 他们竭尽全力抵御敌人。The law defends people from injustice. 法律保护人民不受冤屈。We defend ourselves with guns.我们拿起枪来自卫。They were defended with guns.他们带着枪作为防卫。通过观察以上句子,我们发现defend作(1)词,意思是“(2)”。【答案】(1)动(2)防御;防卫defend against保护不受;防御defend from 保护使不受危险defend with用来保卫defend oneself with

13、sth 用来保卫自己defend, guard, protect的用法辨析:defend指对迫在眉睫的危险或侵袭而采取的武力或其他手段的防御。guard指小心翼翼地保持警惕,防止实际存在的或可能发生的危险。protect指借用某种东西作为防御保护的工具,使人或物免受伤害。.完成句子(1)Their duty is to .他们的责任是防御敌人。(2)She the mad dog.她保护她的孩子们不被疯狗咬伤。【答案】(1)defend themselves against the enemy(2) defended her children from.单项填空We should defend

14、 ourselves the traffic accidents while walking home from school.A.withB.againstC.inD.of【答案与解析】Bdefend后通常接保卫的对象, against后则接造成危害的东西。1.be likely to阅读下列句子,注意画线短语的意思及用法。She is not likely to leave next week.她下个星期不可能离开。I􀆳m likely to be very busy today.我今天可能很忙。It􀆳s very likely that he will not agree.很有可能他不会同意。通过观察以上句子,我们发现be likely to的意思是“”。【答案】很可能;有希望 单项填空


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