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1、Unit 7 Its raining一、词组at/in the park 在公园里sound like 听起来be at home = be in 在家call sb. back 给某人回电话no problem 没问题take a message for sb. 帮某人捎个话not too bad 不太坏right now 现在visit my old friends 看望我的老朋友in Canada 在加拿大in Europe在欧洲visit our school 参观我们学校summer school 暑期班learn a lot 学了很多summer/winter vacation 暑

2、假/寒假sit by the pool 坐在泳池旁边drink orange juice 喝橙汁see you soon/next month回头见/下个月见study hard 努力学习climb mountains 爬山be on a vacation = take a vacation 在度假play in the snow 在雪地里玩skate on a river在河上滑冰just right for walking正适合走路write to sb. 给某人写信take photos 照相,拍照take a photo of sb./sth. 给某人/某物拍照make a snowm

3、an 堆雪人in the rainy weather = on a rainy day 在下雨天have a good/great time = have fun 玩得开心tell /ask sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉/要求某人(不要)做某事go skating /shopping /fishing /swimming /boating /hiking 去滑冰/购物/钓鱼/游泳/划船/远足二、句子1. Hows the weather in Shiyan? = Whats the weather like in Shiyan? 十堰是什么天气? Its sunny /clo

4、udy /windy /rainy /raining /snowy /snowing /hot and dry /cold /warm /cool. 这里是晴天/阴天/刮风/下雨/下雪/又热又干燥/冷/暖和/凉爽。2. What are they doing right now? 他们现在在做什么? They are playing computer games. 他们正在玩电脑游戏。3. Whats he doing these days? 他这几天在做什么? He is reading an interesting book these days. 他这几天在看一本有趣的书。4. Hows

5、 it going (with you/with your study)? (你)近来可好?/ (你的学习)近来怎样? Its great /fine /pretty good /not (too)bad /just so-so /terrible. 很棒/很好/非常好/还不错/一般/很糟糕。5. Hello, may I speak to Rick, please? /Is that Rick (speaking)? /Is it Rick there? 喂,我找里克/你是里克吗? Hi, Rick speaking. /This is Rick (speaking). /Its Rick

6、(speaking). /Its Rick here. 嗨,我是里克。6. Could you tell him to call me back? /Could you ask her to call me at 8765-4321? 你你能否叫他给我回个电话?/你能否叫她拨87654321这个号码给我打电话吗? Sure, no problem. 当然可以,没问题。7. It sounds like fun /a good idea. 听起来很有意思 /是个好主意。 It sounds like youre having a good time. 听起来你正玩得很开心。8. Can I ta

7、ke a message for him? 要我给他捎个话吗?9. Im talking on the phone with my friend now. 现在我正在电话中跟朋友聊天。I always talk on the phone with my friend in the evening. 我总是晚上在电话中跟朋友聊天。10. She is sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice right now. 此刻,她正坐在泳池旁边喝着橙汁呢。 She often sits by the pool and drinks orange juic

8、e in the afternoon. 她常常下午坐在泳池旁边喝橙汁。11. Look, they are climbing mountains. 看,他们正在爬山。 They usually climb mountains on weekends. 他们通常周末爬山。12. Su Lin is having a great time visiting her aunt in Canada. 苏琳在加拿大看望她的姑姑,过得很愉快。13. Im so happy to see my old friends again. 我很高兴再次看到我的老朋友们。14. Hows your summer va

9、cation going? = Hows it going with your summer vacation?你暑假过得怎样?15. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. = My family and I are taking a vacation in the mountains. 我和我的家人正在山里度假。16. My phone isnt working. = My phone doesnt work. 我的电话坏了。17. Jenny often writes to me, and Im writing to her

10、 now. 詹妮常给我写信,现在我正给她写信呢。18. Its hot in your country now, isnt it? 你们国家现在很热,不是吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 不,是很热。/ 是的,不热。19. They arent reading now, are they? 他们没在读书,是吗? Yes, they are. / No. they arent. 不,他们在读书。/是的,他们没在读书。20. The weather just right for walking. 这天气正适合走路。21. A man is taking a photo of a snowman. 一个人正在给雪人拍照。22. We are all at home. = We are all in. 我们都在家。



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