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1、Mdue6 unit4 Gramma-虚拟语气的其他用法Learnigims: . To rognize he kid oft subecti . 2. o gasp usage ofthother fosofhesubjetve. 3. T finish some exrciss out fs of th subjetveImortan pont:nowng how to us tesujectiveofthother foms Dificult point: ow o recogniein whichcnits to ue thesjectiv Leaning uide: Read, em

2、emberandaly复习回顾:时间I条件句(谓语动词形式)主句(谓语动词形式)省略i 1. 复习含有条件句的虚拟语气的几种形式: 2. 单项选择:1. IfI hadstuded English lat y, I ale t eak it no. A. wou hav e B. shou be C.habeen . could be2.II _ whre e lived, I_ antto him. kn, would B.dnown,ould havesentC. no,would send D. kew, oud hav sent3. If they _ earlier thanexpc

3、ted, they _ hee o. . a trt, wold e sare, mght eC. had sted,wold hve en D.il tart,mgh haveeen4. May isill ta. fe _ _ , she _ nfromscl. A. re nt il; woult B.had ben l; wunthvebee C.hadben il; shou v enD. hadneen i; coudbe5.Were I o o i, I _ _ tsom other way. A will do B would do C. woudhav dn D weet o

4、 自主学习:一混合条件句 有时,主句与从句的动作发生在不同的时间,主句从句谓语动词的虚拟语气形式因时间不同而不同,这种条件句叫做混合条件句。 .If yo aaedhim serday, you wold knowhato do nw 如果你昨天问过他,今天就知道做什么了。(从句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。)2.f ihadraindat night, wulbe veycoldtday.如果昨晚下过雨,今天就会很冷了。分析:_.【习题链接】:1. f hey _ eie than xpecte, thy _ h n.A. had started, wul b B starte, ih

5、t eC. had sarted,wud ha ben. wi sa, might v be2. II hdtie Egish lst yer,I ableo spe it ow. . wuld have en B. soul be Chadb D. ould b二、虚拟语气在一些从句中的用法:在宾语从句中的应用1Isuggs tha (hol) hl ameetig nex we. 我建议下周召开个会议。2.H isted that h (soul) be se there.他要求被派到那儿去。要点归纳:_.判断改错:1 Ylfae sugest ha ou(shold)b ill.I is

6、ted tat yu(should)be wrong.【习题链接】:H mother insistdt e _th co when oin out.A.puton .pts on . topt D ptig o2.The doctor advsed hatMr. Maan _ an ration rigt way s s to save h lif. had B ulhaveC. ave. a gongtoave3Th eahe demndeht thrk_efore 4 olok. A. finshe B. e fnished C shoud finish . fiih4.- What di

7、dt dcor yabot yor motrsilnes -e sugsted that s _ an opeiona once. A. mushave. hdC. haveD. hd ha翻译:我要求他立刻答复我 在主语从句中的应用1. I is necesay(importan, natrl, sane, e.)ta weshold clean terom evey day It was a iy (a sha, n wnder, etc.)tha yu shold be so reles. It will be desired(uggetd,dcided, ordered, reuese

8、d, popsed, etc.)h shshou fih her homeorkhs afrnn要点归纳:_【习题链接】:1.ti importantthat enoh mone _ colleted toget th projet tared. A.is B.be ustb D canbeItsnecessry a meeing _befor he fial decsion is madeA. will e arrange . must berran C. be arrnged D. wold be arrange2 It i trangtha he_you hs. A. woud tel

9、B. ould tell C. had tld D.has od在表语从句,同位语从句中的应用. My dea ithate(hl)g mre pl to atted theconference我的想法是让更多的人来参加会议。. I make a roosa that we(soul)ho ameeting et eek.我提了个建议,下周我们开个会。要点归纳:_.【习题链接】单选:1.Is hsugesto made yestrdytatwe the potsmetng.A.elyi B. delaed C ust eay D. elayI ke proposa thatw (should) hold a meetingnext wee.A.would ol B hld C held D. adel2. suggstion tat you _ nemoresound rasnable. A. ty Btries .must try D. a ry翻译:我的建议是你尽可能经常地练习说英语。_.虚拟语气在状语从句中的用法(



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