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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流中医药大学作业英语2-4正确答案.精品文档.1. Consumers should do _ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods. A*.far more B.far less C. some more D.much less 2. Many people still try every means possible to take_ of the free state medical care system. A.change B. action C.measure D*

2、.advantage 3. The house is furnished _; there is nothing showy or cheap in it. A*.in style B. out of style C. with style D.of style 4. Its _ that he will succeed. A. high likely B. high possibly C. highly probably D. * highly likely 5. It was _ that his faith in the Government was severely shaken. A

3、.definite B.distinct C*.evident D. decisive 6. _ he may be, he will be happy. A. Whoever B. *Whatever C.Whenever D.Whichever 7. The nurse _ his pain by giving him a cooling drink. A.avoided B. *relieved C. resisted D.bore 8. He acted both tragic and comic parts, but he was _ in comedy. A. at best B.

4、 for the best C. in his best D*. at his best 9. I remember _ for the job, but I forgot the exact amount. A.to be paid B*.being paid C. me to be paid D. to have got paid 10. Just give me five minutes to _; Im covered in oil. A*. clean myself up B. cleaning C. clean out D. clean myself through 11. Not

5、hing delighted the small boy more than to _ his mothers handbag. A.turn over B. turned up C. turn on D*.turn out 12. In history, past and present, those who start an aggressive war all come to a bad _. A. conclusion B*.end C.finish D. doom 13. _ is money to him when he is dying. A*.what good B.What

6、the use C.Whats the good of D.Whats the point of 14. The military life agreed _ Marcel. A. to B.on C. in D*. with 15. This will _ a good opportunity for them to exchange their experience. A. choose B. seize C.demand D*. provide 16. I am sure youd be the first to be sorry if anything was to _ him. A.

7、happen on B. *happen to C. happened to D.happen upon 17. In a _ of self-pity, he cried over his poor childhood. A. * burst B. thrust C. rush D.dash 18. He _ me with neglecting my duty. A. accused B. * charged C.criticized D. blamed 19. Joan was the only girl who wore a formal dress at the party, and

8、 she felt _. A. out of question B.out of sight C. out of style D*.out of place 20. The plan has _ various problems. A. rose B. raised C.paid rise to D. *given rise to 21. After failing four times, I _ passed my driving test. A. last B. gradually C*.eventually D. eventfully 22. He is very _ his child

9、ren and permits them few privileges. A. hard to B.hard with C*.hard on D. hard against 23. She was speaking to a crowd when she _ someone called her behind. A.hear B.would hear C*. heard D.had heard 24. His chief difficulty _ people ignorant of Jeans machinations A.lie in keeping B. * lies in keepin

10、g C. lay in keeping D. lay at keeping 25. I intended to have my daughters _ in England. A. educate B.to educate C. educating D. * educated 26. We are both looking forward _ next week. A. to be going on vacation B.to go on vacation C. * to going on vacation D.to have gone on vacation 27. What day doe

11、s that magazine _? A.come about B. come off C*.come out D.come across 28. During the inspection I said something that I now wish I could _. A. take B. * unsay C. talk D.say 29. The scientists _ the fossils closely to determine their age. A.handed B.drew C. handled D. * approached 30. She gave her se

12、ven-year-old son 20 dollars for the _ of his schoolbooks. A.arrangement B. publication C. * purchase D. renew 31. We can rely on him to carry out this mission, for his judgment is always _. A.unquestioned B*.sound C. subtle D. healthy 32. May I have the _ of dancing with you? A.delight B. * pleasure

13、 C.approval D.agreement 33. Please stay _. A.seating B*.seated C. being seated D.to seat 34. The students and graduates _ to raise money when the gym burned down. A.put in force B*.joined forces C. joined forces with D.come into force 35. The drowning of Maurience had _ last May. A. * occurred B.tak

14、en place C. happened to D.taken the place 36. He broke _ to clear his throat and then went on with his speech. A. up B. down C. * off D. away 37. He couldnt resist the _ to steal the jewel. A. intent B. indication C. * temptation D. desire 38. Of the French symbolists I have never had any _ or accur

15、ate knowledge. A. * detailed B.detail C. in detail D. in details 39. Do you _ taking these goods without paying for them? A.admit of B.acknowledge of C*. admit to D. acknowledge to 40. Joyce wondered if the fortune-teller was _. A. at some levels B*.on the level C. leveled down D. leveled 41. Can you give me _ was left? A*. all that B. that C.what that D.it that


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