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1、长篇励志英文演讲稿长篇励志英文演讲稿 英语演讲不但考验的是演讲者的演讲技巧,还考验演讲者的英语口语实力,那么有关长篇励志英文演讲稿的有哪些?下面是我为大家整理的长篇励志英文演讲稿,一起来看看吧! 长篇励志英文演讲稿篇一 Asyouslolyope yr yes, lokaroud,oti heeth light cmes ntoyouroo; istencarefll,seef thre are nw sdsyu c rcognze; el with your od and sprit, and see if you a snsethefrehns in thai Yes, yes,ys, i

2、t&quo;sa neday, it’s a diferet ay,adit’s a bright day!And most iporantly, it&squo;a new bgnin o yur lie, aennng whereyuare gon t mke new deisn, ake nw acion, me new friends, and takeyour li to aotly upreedeted(空前的)leel. nyour mn&rquo; eye, yo can see learlyhe thng yu wat o have, pace y i

3、nend togo, ereltonshsou deir deelo, n th ositios you aspir(励志) to rah Yo cn her yr aghtrsof jo and happiness on theday whn eryhin happns aou dream. Yucan ee the smesn the ople aroudy wn he magic momn rikes. ocan feeyur fae is getting rd,or heart isbeatin fst, and ou blodis ushin al over you bdy, to

4、evry snglorn fyor being! You ow ll this is real s lo syu ae confident,asionate an committd!(效忠的) n yu re cnfdent, o are psonate, ou ar comittd! Youill nologr fa mking new souns, showin nw facal expresns,ung yourbodyn ewas, aproachng new people, ad asing nw qsons ouill lve er singleay f yo lifewith a

5、bsolutpassin, nd you wil show opasion troughe wod ouspek nd the atos you take. Yu will fcus a your im anffort on h mos imporantgoals f yorlfe Yo wil nveruccumb(屈服,屈从) to challenges of hip You wil ner aver(动摇) n you pursuit of excllene. Ater ll, yo are the best, and you deere s!A you cc andfrin, Ican

6、 asseyou e o t l te bstthgs i th orl wil open to you, bu he ky to ha dooris inyour had Yu must o yr par.Yo must fihully folth ns you mak and tethctinso lan;youusteer uitndyou m evr fear. I o you us do ,you ca oi, ou lo t, nd yuilsucceed! Nostand firm andtall, mke a f, get excied,d yel itu: udo it! I

7、 can t! wi o it!wllsuced! I must d i!I can doi! Iwil do it! will scceed!Iustdo t! Icn it! ild i!I ill scced! 长篇励志英文演讲稿篇二five thousandyars oglorios civlization,the cinee, the foumaj nventions n teorld brg wih china. dscantsaall proud of our atio,proud. w aepoud, bcause chinas a lonhistoynd splendidcu

8、lture. five thosaners ofglriouhisry ote cies ion, settlin theessence of eastern ad sten cvlizations,rvalingh aw ofascine, e hitor of civilizato nhe oldwth the endig car. our great inventins chage the fac o haiy as a whole, ";ook fogs&qut; o cretea reastic ord itraue predent, te rmanti potry f qu

9、 yuan o brng theextraodnay iginatin ofakin, e pros of in adan, tang, sog, yuan,min and qin iction, cfuciuandmencs crie a l as&qut;th art of waquot;, tc, all dmonsrt the aetors o t cines naion rich emon and wisdom we ae proud tht vat land fchina.naturmlions fyears,sculpture, cotiue lflpcue, entium nt

10、red gnetios of descndans of te llw rvr,the yangte ive eachn yar sng urig waveof wiom, stag proul on to of everes in th wol pek o he cnse ation the ymbol f unlng character,d mancountervrsand lks, motan, oa,cltua landscap,thisisnot th prie of al inse eole a prou?hever, hstor does not glw bit suevey dy

11、,chinahad bebrilant, a a ctophe rdeal. ao crated the chieaton, we are pou of he rt idomtae haacter, casting a strogacknf hina.or te at50yeas, nmro mrcls again i this wondrful ln o bh. rapid ecmicdevlopmnt, scince antcology fruts bobs and ne atlit ahv, asa lkea rainbow rdcothe ygtze rivr thee grges p

12、roject, thengitietrilway, hongon and mao's urn, ca's accsotowto;test nw arietieso hybrdre uefthorld sarcutural scien and tecnology esearc to fil gaps in th fed,ll thee al eflect thereat vtalty andcohesion of hin, fully demontatits retand biliant chievmets,hould enotbeprou of heschievements, nd rou it? decades ofgood governac, op tobottom seac sever years, urcnt hs tod in the ast, self-relianeamong the naionsin te word! we arete moynamicoung eple,


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