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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟209专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟209专业八级分类模拟209LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each g

2、ap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. Now listen to the mini-lecture. When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes to check your work. St

3、atistics . Statistics in 1 A. Irregularities in the balloting: the third-party candidate Pat Buchanan got 2 of votes than he did elsewhere. B. The defendant is guilty or not - Expert: a. A DNA sample 3 . b. The possibility of odds is one in million. - Defense lawyer: if in a city of three million pe

4、ople, there are 4 matching each others DNA. . Statistics in cases against 5 A. Universities add additional points to minority group students. They unlawfully make a/an 6 for those students. B. Annie was kept from 7 . Her lawyer used statistics to show that workers with the same qualifications who we

5、re not in 8 were promoted. C. Tobacco companies started to lose cases because of 9 -Statistics should be 10 along with other evidence. . 11 A. 12 : - Bert could no longer work. - Statisticians predict how long he would have worked and how much he would have made. B. Multiple regression analysis: - S

6、tatisticians find 13 for all the sample data when 14 are at work. . Statistics on the witness stand A. experts know how to 15 B. cross examine and challenge the validity of statistics (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:the courtroom听力原文 Statistics Today, we are going to study on statistics. Firstly, lets see

7、 the effect of statistics in the courtroom. After the November 2000 election, Americans waited while court challenges debated who won Floridas electoral votes. In Palm Beach County, third-party candidate Pat Buchanan got a higher percentage of votes than he did elsewhere. Was that because the countr

8、ys butterfly ballot caused many Albert Gore supporters to punch the wrong hole? Lawyers also argued about other claimed irregularities in the balloting. The Supreme Court finally stopped all vote recounts in early December. But if Gores statistical arguments had convinced the judges, he would have b

9、ecome president instead of George W. Bush. More than ever, plaintiffs must often prove their case with numbers. Lets see how statistics is taking center stage in some other courtroom cases. Lets see the first case whether the defendant is guilty or not. Imagine youre on the jury in a murder case. An

10、 expert testifies about DNA evidence. She says that a sample from the crime scene matches a defendants. She also gives the odds that someone else would randomly match the tested fragments. If the odds are one in a million, that makes it sound very likely that the defendant is, in fact, guilty. The d

11、efense lawyer may try to counter that by saying that in a city of three million people, at least two others would also probably match. Of course, the defendant was not arrested at random. Almost always, police have some other evidence linking a person to a crime. But the statistics supporting DNA ev

12、idence may be just the proof needed to find someone guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Now, I would like you to look at the cases against unjust discrimination. In a US Supreme Court case earlier this year, lawyers argued over whether a state universitys admissions plan unlawfully added points for st

13、udents from certain minority groups. Statistically, that made it easier for those students to get in. Statistics factors into other discrimination cases, too. Suppose Annie claims that unlawful discrimination kept her from getting a promotion. Her lawyers may use statistics to show that workers with

14、 the same qualifications were significantly more likely to get promotions if they were male or not in a minority group. If the employer cant show that Annie didnt do her job well, she could then win her case. Age, family history, exercise habits, diet, weight, and other factors affect the likelihood

15、 of developing cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses. For years, tobacco companies said that smoking was not the cause of plaintiffs getting sick. They won most cases against them. Then, judges and juries listened to statistical evidence that even when other factors were equal, smokers had much higher disease risks. Finally, some cases started to hold tobacco compan


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