Unit 1 He’s cool教案 说课

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《Unit 1 He’s cool教案 说课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 He’s cool教案 说课(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Hes cool.教案 说课Module 1 FriendsUnit1 Hes cool.说课材料 一、说教材本节我讲得是外研室三年级起点第四册教材第一模块二单元Hes cool。本模块是运用形容词来描述人的性格。本节是介绍家人,重点是学习nice shy clever cute naughty a bit little这些形容词,Hes Shes.这个句型和这些灭亡来描述学生的性格,通过语言知识的习,教会学生喜欢和爱别人。二、说教法本节课主要采用说诗、TPR教学法、连锁操练、听录音、介绍家人、表演介绍家人。1Say the poem:首先教师领着学生边说边做,然后学生自己说自己


3、过程1Warming up:通过边唱歌边做动作,提高了学生学习英语的热情,激活了课堂,趣化的进入课堂。2Leading in:通过学生表情、动作的变化来猜测单词,既引出、复习了单词,又使学生兴趣浓厚,注意力集中,通过教师的介绍,让学生操练了,也引入了本课内容。3Practice:通过听力的工,跟读课文对课文的各种操练,达到学生熟练掌握本课教学内容,为后面活用奠定了坚实的基础。4Production:这个环节我设置了两步。第一通过自己介绍家庭,引出学生运用照片互相介绍家人;第二步,我让学生扮演我的家人,这既起到训练学生口语表达能力,也实现了语言知识的实际运用。四、教学效果从单词到句子,学生都能熟

4、练流利的运用和朗读,最后学生用照片介绍家人及表演,英语语言运用流畅,学生在真实的情境中自由运用英语,达到了语言的活用,实现了语言的交际功能。整节课气氛活跃,学生自信又积极上进。Unit 1 Hes cool.教案Module 1 FriendsUnit 1 Hes cool.1.Teaching aims(1)Words:Students master all words.(2)Sentences:Students master this is.Hes /Hes .(3)Ability:Students can introduce their family.(4)Emotion:Learn t

5、o love other people.2.Difficult poits: Lily is a very clever girl. Xiaoyong is a very nice boy.3.Important points: Words: nice a bit naughty shy clever cute little Sentences: This is . Hes Shes .4.Teaching tools: recorder hat scarf sticker5.Teaching methods:(1)Say the poem and do the actions.(2)Act

6、and guess.(3)Ask and answer in chain.(4)Listen and answer the questions.(5)Recite.(6)Introduce your family.(7)Act out.(8)Educate students with emotion.5. Teaching procedure:Step1. Warming up1.Say the poem and do the actions.2.Get a student to do actions , other students guess what words: nice shy cl

7、ever naughty cool cute3.Teacher say :Im naughty(teacher makes faces) and ask: areyou naughty? Students answer: yes, I am or no , Im not . Ask and answer in chain.Step2: Presentation Teacher points at a student and say this is . Hes/shes . Let pupil introduce their partners.Step3. Text 1.Listen to th

8、e tape and get general idea about Panpan how to introduce their family.2.Listen again and answer who he she is.3.Listen and repeat.4.Listen and repeat about each picture . Read together. Read individual . Read in pairs . Then check.5.Explain:(1)Get a student to change faces. Teacher says somebody ca

9、n change faces:Hes nice.Hes a bit nice.Hes very nice.Hes a very nice pupil. Teacher says a word , students say different sentences like above.Then pupils say.6.Introduce my family (1)Teacher shows a photo of my family and introduce my family. Niece nephew pupils guess two wordsmeaning. (2)Pupils int

10、roduce in pairs with photos or pictures. (3)Get pupils to introduce before the class.7.Act out (1)Teacher gives an example. (2)Get two teams to act a pupil introduces herhis family . Have a match and choose a better team to prize. Teacher says: I love my family. You love your family. We should learn to love all people.Step4. Homework (1)Today you do a thing for your family to express your love. (2)Write your family your friends your classmates.



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