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1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum第六课时 Section B (2a- selfcheck)学前反馈1. 做某事有困难 2. 或是或是 3. 终年 4. 在白天 5. 数以千计的 6. 四分之三 7. 兵马俑 8. 长城 9. 鸟巢 10. 故宫博物馆 11. 中国食物 _ 学习目标1、重点单词:thousand, safe, simply fear, whether, Indian, Japanese, fox, equator, whenever, spring.2、重点短语:thousands of , on the one hand on th

2、e other hand, all year round, be asleep, during the daytime, southeast Asia, Night Safari.3、重点句子:(1) Maybe you fear that you wont be able to find anything good to eat when you travel.(2) Singapore is also an excellent place to try new food.4、感情目标激发学生热爱旅游,热爱大自然的情趣。预习导学1、自学70-71页的新单词。2、快速阅读2b,小组合作完成2c

3、,2d, 2e。3、Finish 3a4、Finish Self Check.以小组形式核对自测题的答案。合作探究1、以小组形式校对2c,2d的答案。2、翻译2b(分任务)3、讲解课文中的重点短语及句型。4、Make notes about Singapore.5、带读,齐读文章。6、让学生用自己的话复述文章。导学测评一按要求进行句型转换。1、Mr, Smith isnt here .He vent to the library.(改为同义句)Mr. Smith to the library.2、She has already been to Singapore .(改为否定句) She to

4、 Singapore .3、Singapore has a Night Safari. (对画线部分提问) Singapore ?4、Jack came to Japan in 2020,(用since 2020改写句子) Jack Japan since 2020.5、 They have been to Disneyland.(对画线部分提问) Have they ?二根据汉语提示完成句子。1、The weather in England is always warm (一年到头)2、A lot of animals only (西星来) at night. So this is the

5、best time to watch them.3、 He (害怕)to tell his father what he had done at school.4、 You can ask for help (无论何时)you need it.5、 (不管)you go or not, well wait for you till twelve oclock.三单项填空( ) 1、The population of Shanghai is than Tianjin. A. larger; in B. larger; that of C. much more; D. bigger; it is

6、in ( )2、 the weather is like, he always goes surfing. A. However B. Whatever C. Whenever D. Wherever( )3、In our class of the students girls. A. two fifths; are B. two fifth; are C. two fifths; is D. two fifth; is( )4、 right wrong, he always wins the argument. A. Whether; or B. Between; and C. Neithe

7、r; nor D. two fifth; is( )5、You know I have too many difficulties English. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned( )6、They are sitting to the window. A. close B. next to C. near D. closed( )7、He doesnt have any finding his friends home. A. problem B. problems C. question D. questions四根据汉语提示完成句子。1、北京的人口是多少? of Beijing?2、我选择去海南度假。I to Hainan for a vacation.3、在我们班里,五分之三的学生是男孩。In our class the students boys.4、新加坡离赤道很近,它离中国不远。Singapore is the equator . It isnt China.5、不管你喜欢英语还是数学,你必须尽自己最大的努力。 you like English math, you must try your best.



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