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1、英语演讲稿 英语演讲稿,用英语怎么写演讲稿呢?下面是我带来的英语演讲稿范文,欢迎阅读! 英语演讲稿 Is ailre a Th Failure s a cmn hing in r al le. Astets,w ometimes f to gt highors in our exms. When ame, wmiht be batn by ohs ndtere are imes we we faltooork l.Alte falurspennaualy ndamst eery oneo us as suhxpriences. Howeve, hre aedifferet attude owa

2、rd falurSomeel lose heart when they al;thy hinkheword is aits nd. Some peopledon&lo;t takflure sos ut just t i e, wilsome ohers learnmuh falue, andtherfore see t liht hope rug failu In m opiion,watis ealy morantis not faiure itel, but what ethin faire anw w do aft failre. Asog as e dn&lsuo; gie up,

3、keeinbelievi in ourelvs, and at the same ilean somthing rom falre, e&lquo;ll cetanly ak rark itheen SoIm neve ra of file, for elievetha falur i o a bad thin. ather, ;Falur ise merof succs.英语演讲稿One ossible erio Good moni,eeryoe! oaIrsquo;moin to telyou about ungpeople’ drems. People lie ou tewo

4、rd ;ream; to epress their ston dsiresorthr future Some young people deam of becomincietiss wilesome wish tobe asronaut. Othr at tbe ihn y pion, omater wt we aeithefutue, what&rsu;smportans thatareespniblefrour socityan the peple. In orer to realize or dem, e hold ft learntoe helpfuhat’ more, a

5、s students,eshould tror tn ourtudie. I know hat t dream have rqires hard wokto make i come true. That&rsqu;ll. Takou! 英语演讲稿 his y3;sfurhndredth nniveay of the death of Wilia akespeare not jus oportunit tocommemorate ne f thegrest playwight o alltie.t is amomto celebrate the etraordinarynoiginflence

6、o m ho -to borrow frmi own descipton f Ju Cesar - ";dohbestride t arowrld like a Cooss.";Sakeere lgay is witt arallel: his wrstanslate it over10 lanuages a udi by haf theworld s schoohildres one of hiscnporrie, Bn nson, said: &quo;Shakear so f an age, bt for alltme." He liestoa in

7、our lnua, ur ctre and scity athoughi edrng inflence on eduato. Shakeseare played aritical role in hn mdern nlih and heing to mak it the world';s lanuage. The firs maor icionry comiled by Saulohson drew akespear oe tha anyohrwrite. Three housandnew wosand phrases allfr peared n rint inShkepare'

8、;ply. I rememer fom my own chidhod homny ofthm a n or theirst timinHenyV. Wrds like dhearten,divest, addcton, moiones, leapfog - ad phraeslike &qot;emoruto he breachquot;,";and ofbrohers&quo;and "heof gold&ot; - hav all paed ito ou lgageoa wh no nee toeerc hioiinalcontext. kespeare alo pinr

9、 inovtiveeof gramaical formand stucture - inud vere wihut rhms,rlatvs an tconnecin of xsing wods to meew word,lkeblootained - whle t peemine f is plys aso did much o standarise seling an grama. u Shakeeare'sinluencis felt fr beyon ur langae His wrds,hisplotsnd hi haracters tiue tonpr mchof ourcu

10、ltr nd wider society. elo Maela,whle a prsoner n Rbbn Islad, cheisheda quoe om lius esar wich sad &uo;owards die anytim eretheir dth,thevliant neve tste ofdethutonce.&quo;Wie ate Tmpes&39;s poem quot;My haespear&qot; aptres e etena resnc hakeseare hnshewrote thaakesper &qu;&hei;s in everyler who eer

11、stod aloe beneat wiohll;very jeoswhispre ordaneery ghot hat will no resquot; Shakepeare&#;sinfluence eeryhe,fromkns andGoetetochikosy, Verdi an Bhms; frm West idStor to th Hmlet-insredtite of Agatha Cistie' qot;The Moutrap" - the es-ngtheatr prduction inndon's estEn oay. Whe his origina

12、l paysontinue o entetin milions fr school has acossth old t teoernigt queueas hundreds scrmled or ls mnue ticet tose enedic umbrbtch payg Hamlet aLodon' arbican lasyer But perhasne oe mot eciting laies o Shakesperehcpaity to edute.Ase eromte utrech work of the Roya Saper Compay ad Saesper#3;s loe d the pa of ionerng Briih chariies ikethe ShakespeaeSchls Fstival, sudinad peforin Shaespren help iprove literac, cofidence an


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