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1、初三英语寒假练习二二、单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)从A,B,D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21.My motheis taler than _ teaher.A.h B.himC.himsf D.s( )22.Ma is_ te et Hon Kog and _ the southof Chiand B.ot olynor()33.he are qitea _ tam.hy hvewon ots meals.ekB.trong CsadD.r( )34.y ay hlits to the radiofr _.oe anda halfhours .aouranhalf.o

2、nan h our Done andahl hou( )35is rdmohr _ for more ta tn years.A.ied B.has beendead .diesD.has ()36.Lt mntitas _ to iithe fctry.Aw turn B.us urn C.our urn Dore tr( )37fyouhav_todo, yo ndntce his aternoon.Amportan anyhing B.sehingimprtantC.everythigimortant D.importat notng( )3.Evryone hre,_A.arentey

3、 B.aeyou Cint i D.isnt one()39.I ontknw if he _ tomorrow.If he_, wil met m.A.will cme;coe B.mes;coeswi come; wi me .oes; illcome()40.Coud Iborro ou bike,pleaseinasjust brkn._.A.ts kidof yo. .You ar wecome.CIt oesnt mtr.D.O cors. Wih paure三、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容从各题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳答案。A Eily Masoad

4、eorge Petew ood iend, hogh hy smetime foght ov toys qald (吵架) abotwhatam heywuldpay A theygewoder, the playd togethe less The amst stopped speakintoech other, becausethea sared with each the bout aythin,but stecase thebelnge to ierentgroups.F one thing, Emilyws dvelopig int avery god suet, whil eorg

5、e as mritsted nsports.Emily ad begu to studyFrenc,d she iked renh muh tha e en t rie srt paysinFrnch. Shelso likeevionpogrammes, and for somreason, she enoed atching fooball games ve mu Her mthr ued tsay, Emily,Ie never heard ofagir like footballs uchas you doMs. Mson smply didnt approve (赞同)hr dugh

6、ers itees.Wile Emiy waswokng on e Fre lesonowatng ootall aes n TV, Geoge was oring for hifather n hi oreftrscoolHeikd eingthins to pepleMr.Petes fundGeorgeso hlpful athethugt bout ofrghi a hiher pay. I ct, ias otbaltht broght Emil and ergbak togther. WhnGeorgeasng hoe oe afternoon,e loked in te wido

7、 of Emils lvingroomn e saw that he as watin a bll ae TV. He alked up nd knced he oor.milywas urid o ee him, ut sh aked m to cm in, ahey atched he res o h me togeter. mlyndGege are ood rnsagan. heystllhavediffret ides aboutthngs sometims, ut they agreith ah other th fotbal is te wrlds bet me. Mrsson

8、doe seodsappove of h dughers intrestn football asmuchs she ed t( )41.Wen they grew ler, _.AEilywrd in a storB.Emily beamea oo studentC.Gerebegan to lern French D.Gerge rote shor plays nch( )42.Whl Emilyws watingfootalgaes o TV, oge s _A.wrking nhisFnch ssons .rnninga storeB.wrkig pat-time for fthe D

9、.arge of por team()3.Which tfoingis NO RUEA.Footal de Emiland Geogegdfiendagain.BEmilandeo ot agre ootbal s the wrl bs me.CGergewas a gooeler to hi fathe.DMrs. Mson aproves f er augtes interen footbalnow B ne aftrnon, Kate and e rote Bob etout opay.Katwseit,nd Bob wa en. Letg to he rig and wean se f

10、ihin th er,saidK. I don kno, Bb sai Mm tol u,tsdagerou. ate said, I am o afrai Ar youTheywlked nt h ide andb looking is in rver. The brdgewas train bri.Trains ent over he bride thre times a yTchlre werstanding n themide o the bi when they heard aloudis.A ran i comg! o shoted. u! He ran to te endof t

11、he ride.He was safe.Kate an, too,t heell. The raiwascoingast. Kate ran twads Bb. She fe agan rihtn thtrain track (铁轨). Thre wasno tme to lave h ha to idow etween the trcks. feseconds aer, thetrain n or thir, tshewa ot hurt at al.Sh ood upa said Bo, on tel Mum! Dont ellMm! las thei moteroud ot about the sorySwasagry becaus tey went n heige. Bu se was happ thtKate wa al right.()4.Whe the ri am,thilr wer _.A.i the middleof the brg Bt the ed o th brgeC.on th wa to te reDawyo the brge( )4


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