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1、通过纠正确英语写作中的错误,提高写作水平的方法Improve staffs e-mail writing through error correction论文摘要随着网络电子通讯技术日新月异的飞速发展,电子邮件以其价廉、快捷的通讯方式被人类所认识并广泛使用于商业活动中。作为一种现代通讯方式,电子邮件以另人难以置信的传输速度及其跨地域性,将世界变得越来越小。据不完全统计,目前将近半数美国人会花1/3的工作时间在阅读及回复电子邮件中渡过。其中将近75%的受访者称这1/3的时间的使用效率还有待于提高。在当今全球经济高速发展的大环境下,工作时间使用效率低下直接影响到企业生产率。另外,还有88%的受访者

2、认为,一份糟糕的电子邮件不仅影响作者本人形象同时也严重影响了企业的公众形象。不仅如此,一份措词不当、隐含企业商业信息的电子邮件还将会引来不必要的法律牵连。同样,对于处在经济高速发展环境下的中国员工来说,尤其, 对于那些在外商投资企业工作的员工来讲,电子邮件在工作中的使用已逐渐与西方发达国家持平。因此,英语邮件书写形式和内容的规范性及有效性也逐渐被企业管理者所重视。我就职于一家外商独资企业,从事于人力资源管理工作。作为一名企业人力资源管理工作者,我想通过在英语教学法中所学到的教学理论开发一项员工英语邮件书写培训项目。并将此项目逐渐引入新员工入职培训教育内容中去。我将使用3周的时间,应用英语教学法

3、中“通过纠正确英语写作中的错误,提高写作水平的方法 ”研究这一项目的可行性。我的项目对象为没有外企业工作经验的员工及刚从学校毕业的新进员工。这一项目的实施旨在通过提高员工英语邮件写作水平,提高员工英语沟通的有效性,提高企业生产率,整体提升企业员工及企业形象。关键词:电子邮件,英语写作AbstractWith the rapid development of electronic communication technology, Email has been acknowledged widely by people and used in daily business communicati

4、on depends its low cost and high speed. Email writing has become a large part of modern communication, particularly in business. The world has become much smaller now that we have the ability to send and receive email messages over great distances at an incredible speed.Poorly written e-mail can sab

5、otage careers, threaten productivity, and negatively affect a companys image, while effective e-mail increases productivity and improves the workplace environment. In addition, poorly written e-mail can have serious legal implications as well due to sending sensitive information to wrong person or u

6、sing improper words.Therefore, more and more enterpriser is paying much closer attention on training their employees Email writing be professional and in an effective and efficient way.I work in a Foreign Invested Company and engage in Human Resource Management.I am going to use English teaching met

7、hod of error correction I learned to develop a training program that can help our employees to improve their Email writing skill in 3 weeks.The objective scope would be those employees who have not former work experience in foreign invested company and fresh graduates.This project aims to improve co

8、mpanys overall productivity, public image, reducing misunderstanding through improving employees Email writing skill.Key words: Email, Writing Table of ContentI. Introduction6II. Preliminary Research72.1 Project Objective72.2 Project hypothesis72.3 Project rationale72.3.1 Self-correction72.3.2 Peer-

9、correction72.3.3 Teacher-correction8III. Problem Analysis83.1 Writing purpose83.2 A meaningful subject line93.3 Keep the message readable.93.4 Distinguish between formal and informal situations.10IV. Project Design104.1 Introduction104.1.1 Presentation of project planning114.1.2 Getting to know emai

10、l writing124.3 Error Correction154.4 Problem Analyzing15V. Project Implementation and Monitoring15VI. Project Findings and Discussion15VII. Conclusion15Bibliography16Appendix I:16Appendix II:16Appendix III:16Appendix IV:16Appendix V:16Improve Staffs Email Writing Through Error CorrectionI. Introduct

11、ionE-mail usually is a less spontaneous form of communicating than speech. Unlike verbal conversation - where words issue forth and immediately evaporate - writing places ones thoughts in a more visible, permanent, concrete, and objective format. A persons ability to communicate effectively and the

12、quality of the relationship between e-mail correspondents rest on his or her writing skills. The better people can express themselves through writing, the more the relationship can develop and deepen. Poor writing can result in misunderstandings and possibly conflicts. I work in a Foreign Invested C

13、ompany and engage in Human Resource Management. I am going to use English teaching method of error correction I learned to develop a training program that can help our employees to improve their Email writing skill. It is hypothesized that trainees errors in writing can be reduced by varied error-co

14、rrection techniques. This hypothesis is verified by a 3 week composed by classroom teaching and online-coaching.The objective scope would be those employees who have not former work experience in foreign invested company and fresh graduates.This project aims to improve companys overall productivity,

15、 public image, reducing misunderstanding through improving employees Email writing skill. The project research is encouraged by HR manager and going to be developed as a fixed part in our new employee orientation program.I hope I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice, which I learned from Beijing Foreign Language University.II. Preliminary Research2.1 Project ObjectiveTo reduce staffs error in E-mail writing.2.2 Project hypothesisIt is hypothesized the staffs errors in writing can be reduced by error-correction techniques.2.3 Project rationale2.3.1 Self-correctionSt


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