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1、完形填空(A)Martin Henfield talks about some of his experiences ( 经历 ) as a twin:When we were small my mother dressed us 1_the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn t like it. But when we went on our firsicam)3trig With the scouts(童子军 ), it was even 2. We were only ten years old, and while _3_ we

2、nt into their sleeping bags for the night, wewere not happy to snuggle ( 紧偎 ) inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us.At school our classmates 4 us Henfield One and Henfield Two, so people couldn teven see our differenceaccording to ( 根据 ) our initials ( 姓名的开头字母) because 5_ of us were M.

3、O. It was only when I went to college andbegan to have my own friends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity ( 身份 ).Before I went to college ( 大学 ), during my last secondary school 6, I got a job on a building site ( 地点 ). My twinbrother, Mike Henfield, didn t work. He was resting. One da

4、y I said to the foreman (Can I have a week off? Che said, “ but you won t have the job when you 7back.” I didn t want to _8_ the job. So on Monwent down in my jeans ( 牛仔裤 ), jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week. 9of them knew the difference.Now I am growing old and I feel very different

5、_10_ my twin brother. And he ll tell you the same. We have reallytowards that for forty years.1.a. inb. forc. ond. with2.a. badb. worsec. goodd. best3.a. all boysb. another boyc. all the other boysd. all the boys4.a. calledb. askedc. tod. knew5.a. everyb. eachc. bothd. all6.a. holidaysb. holidayc. w

6、eekd. weekend7.a. getb. will getc. gotd. are getting8.a. looseb. lostc. missingd. lose9.a. Allb. Nonec. Eachd. Both10.a. inb. fromc. withd. as(B)When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon, an old Irishman ( 爱尔兰人 ) was watching themon the television in the bar of a hote

7、l. There was an Englishman in the ba r, too, and he _11the Irishman,“ The _are very clever, aren t they? They are going _13some men to the moon. It is a long 14_ from the world.“Oh, that s 15_, ” the Irishman answered quickly. “The Irish are goisnogmteosmeennd to the sun in a few months.That s 16_ a

8、way from the moon, you know.”“ Yes, it is. ” The English man said, “ _17_ it is too _18_ for the people to go to.”The Irishman laughed and said, “Well, the Irish aren sttupid, you know, we 19_ go to the sun during the day, ofcourse, we will go there _11.a. said to_20_.b. toldc. talk tod. spoke to12.

9、a. Englishmenb. Americansc. Irishd. Frenchmen13.a. to reachb. to sendc. to gived. to rest14.a. timeb. streetc. roadd. way15.a. Goodb. Nicec. trued. nothing16.a. longb. farc. fartherd. much farther17.a. andb. butc. ord. because18.a. hotb. warmc. coldd. cool19.a. don tb. can tc. won td. mustn t20.a. i

10、n the morningb. in the afternoonc. in the eveningd. during the night参考答案I .A2.b3.c4.a5.c6.b7.a8.d9.b10.bII .a12.b13.b14.d15.d16.d 17.b18.a19.c20.d(C)Mr and Mrs Moore were invited to a Christmas party at a hotel one year. They 1 their car outside and went in. Mr Moore had never got drunk ( 醉) before,

11、 so he was 2 not to drink too much, 3 his friends asked him to drink more 4 .During the party,Mrs Moore found that she had 5 to bring her bag, so she asked her husband to go out to the car and6it for her. He 7 so,but on his way back to the hotel gate,he heard a car horn( 喇叭 ) blowing near his own ca

12、r. He thought 8 might be in need of help and went over to the car with the 9. He found a small black bear sitting in the driving-seat andblowing the horn.When Mr Moore 10 the party, he told several people about the bear, but of course they did not believe him and thought he was drunk. When he took t

13、hem out of the hotel to 11 that his story was 12 , he found that the car with the 13 in it had gone. There were so many 14 about Mr Moores black bear during the next week that he at last put an advertisement( 广 告 )in the newspaper; “If anyone saw a black bear blowing the horn in a car outside the Ce

14、ntury Hotel 15 the evening of Chri stmas Day, please tell ”Tow days later 16 Mrs Richards called him and said that she and her husband had left their pet ( 宠物 ) bear in their car outside the Century Hotel for a few minutes that evening, and that 17 he had blown the horn.Mrs Richards did not 18 to th

15、ink there was anything 19 about that. “ Oubrear likes blowing car horns, ” she said, “ and we don2t 0when we are not driving the car.”1.2.A. pulledA. politeB. stayedB. carefulC. leftC. gladD. hidD. afraid3.A. whetherB. untilC. orD. though4.A. all alongB. once againC. just thenD. for ever5.A. learnedB. knownC. rememberedD. forgotten6.A. buyB. getC. sendD. return7.A. saidB. wentC. didD. thought8.A. oneB.



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