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1、2022年考博英语-西安交通大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题1.根据牛顿的发现, 白光是所有可见光叠加而成的。这就是加色概念的典型例子。例如去掉蓝色色调, 白光就会变为黄色, 还有其他例子等等。然而当把颜料的所有颜色混合, 我们会得到黑色, 这就是典型的减色理论, 黑色代表所有颜色都存在。加色是透射光的领域的概念, 减色是色素、染料和化学品的领域的概念。2.但是我们对创新的追求究竟是为了实现什么呢?创新就是一种重要的新产品或者新程序, 或者是一项制度, 能够在实际生活中大范围的应用, 对经济和社会有着革命性的意义, 就是以更低成本实现更高的工作效益。遗憾的是我们现在几乎把一

2、切事情都用创新来形容, 因为不是所有创新都能给社会财富的増长和生活的改善提供一个长久的平台。3.睡眠问题研究者发现, 总的来说, 大多数人都是随着年龄的增加, 睡眠问题却越来越少, 上了年纪的人反而对失眠有更好的承受力。睡眠模式的大多改变都发生在20岁到60岁之间。那些经历着睡眠问题的人, 应该去看医生才好。因为他们经历的问题也许是某种生病的迹象, 也许是一些药物的副作用。Choose ONLY ONE text form the following and translate it into English. Write your translation on the Answer Shee

3、t provided if more than ONE translation appears on the Answer Sheet, only the first or the indicated one would be scored【答案】1.According to Newton, white light is superimposed by all the parts of the visible spectrum. This is a typical example of additive color concept. For example, take away the blu

4、e hues, and a white light will become yellow, and so on. However, when we combine every color of paints, we will get black. That is subtractive color theory, in which black represents the presence of all colors. Addictive color is the realm of transmitted light, while subtractive color is the realm

5、of pigments, dyes and chemicals.2.But what should our pursuit of innovation actually accomplish? Innovation is an important new product, new process, or perhaps a regulation. It can be applied on a large scale in real life, which has a significant impact on economy and society, and that means lower

6、cost for higher benefit. Regrettably, we now use“innovation”to describe almost anything, because not all innovations can create a long-lasting platform for the rising of social wealth and the improving of life.3.Sleeping problem researchers found that, to sum up, most people had fewer sleeping probl

7、ems as they grew older, and older people had a better tolerance for sleep deprivation. Most changes in sleep patterns occurred between the ages of 20 and 60. Those people who experience sleeping problems that may be signs of illness or side effects of medication should see a doctor.2. 单选题Diseases of

8、 the twenty-first century are inevitably be different from those of the twentieth century; just as our present illnesses have been quite different from those of the nineteenth century. Although our health is improving in many ways and we are living longer than in previous decades, new diseases and c

9、onditions threaten the quality of our lives. We have already observed some significant changes in the 1980s that foretold what health problems lie ahead in the twenty-first century:Diseases of the immune system, not just AIDS but various conditions of a deficient or overactive immune system, have re

10、ached epidemic proportions.The number of people suffering from viral conditions that are incurable with conventional therapies is increasing, and the number of newly defined viral conditions, such as the Epstein-Barr Virus and cytomegalovirus, is also increasing significantly.More and more bacterial

11、 infections are becoming resistant to commonly used antibiotics and are requiring stronger antibiotics, which also are net always successful in curing the infections.Allergies to foods, to common substances such as animal hairs and house dust, and to new chemicals are becoming more prevalent. One in

12、 seven Americans had an allergy in 1950, as many as one in five had an allergy in 1970, and approximately 75 million Americans, or nearly one in three, had an allergy in 1985.Chronic disability is affecting people more frequently at younger and younger ages. According to the National Center for Heal

13、th Statistics, the percentage of children under 17 years of age who are limited in activity due to chronic conditions increased by 86% from 1967 to 1979.Mental disease is affecting more and more people. The National Institute of Mental Health estimated in 1984 that one in every five Americans had a

14、mental disorder. This same study revealed that, during a six-month period, 8.3% of Americans suffered from an anxiety disorder, 6.4% had an alcohol or drug problem, and 6% had a mood disorder.In addition to these various trends, one of the more significant facts that will affect the future of health

15、 care is that larger percentage of the population will be over 65 years old. According to projections by the US Bureau of the Census, the size of the American population Over 65 in 1985 will have doubled by 2030.Futurists generally assume that twenty-first century medicine will include new and more-

16、powerful drugs and various innovative technological interventions. However, futurists tend to ignore the serious problems presently arising from conventional medications. According to 1986 statistics, the average American receives 7.5 prescriptions a yeah This is a particularly frightening number because we all know there are people who have not been prescribed any medications in the past year, which means that someone else is getting their 7



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