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1、Unit 9: What does he look like?一、词性转换l.curly 反义词:straight2.tall 反义词:short3.high 名词:height4.thin 反义词:fat5.glass复数:glasses6.act 名词:actor actress7.sing 名词:singer8.describe名词:description9.different 副词:differently 名词:difference 10.real 副词:really11.big 反义词:smallExercise 1:1 .My hair isn straight, it cs.2

2、.My English teacher is thin and she is of medium h.3 .Look,she is about 160cm and she is of medium b.4 .Peterisn short, he is t.5 . I have a(金黄色的)car.二、重点词汇1. a little bit & a little & a bit1)修饰形容词或副词时,三者可通用,但 a little bit比后两者所表示的程度稍 弱点OToday is a little bit / a little / a bit cold.今天有点冷。2)修饰不可数名词时,

3、a little直接跟不可数名词,a bit需加of再跟不可数名 词。There is a little / a bit of water in the glass.杯子里有点水。3)a little和a bit在否定句中意思恰恰相反。not a little相当于very很,非常”, not a bit 相当于not.at all一点也不 He is not a little hungry. = He is very hungry.他彳艮饿。 He is not a bit hungry. = He isn t hrutagryat OHM 02. stop to do sth.停下来去做某

4、事指停止原来做的事情,去做另一件事情。stop doing sth.停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,即不做某事了。E.g. He stops to do his homework.He stops doing his homework.Class begins, please stop talking.We are all tired, stop to have a rest.3. remember/forget doing sth.记得/忘记做过某事(事情已做)remember/forget to do sth.记得/忘记要去做某事(事情还没做)E.g. Please remember t

5、o eat lunch.1 am sorry,I forget to my homework.I remember playing computer with my sister yesterday.I forget calling you.4. no more& not .any mor&no longer& not .any longer1) no more = not .any m旗示数量和程度的 不再(增加)”,常修饰终止性动词。We won t go there any mo豉们不再去那里了。The baby watched and listened, and she cried n

6、o morSB个婴儿看着、听着, 不再哭了。2) no longer = not .any lo的区时间上 不再(延长)”,常修饰延续性动词。He no longer lives here.他不再住在这儿了。You can t stay here any longjerf 能再留在这儿了。5. wear& put on& have on& dress1) wear是 穿着“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般现在时表示经常状态,用 进行时态表小暂时状态。wear还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的佩”或 戴”以及留头发,胡须的留”。2) put on是 穿上“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性动词短语

7、,不能跟表示一段时 问的状语连用。3) have on意为穿着戴着,与wear同义,指穿的状态,其后可以接表示衣 服、帽子、鞋子的名词。have on不用于进行时态。4) dress 使:.穿着,装扮,打扮 dress sb/ dress sb in+服。dress后面不能 直接跟衣服。Exercise 2:1. He always black trousers and he always his son in black.A. dress; dress B. wears; puts onC. wears; dresses D. puts on; wears2. He likes the re

8、d coat.A. wearing B. wears C. putting on D. dressing三、短语归纳1. look like2. short hair3. curly hair4. medium height5. medium build6. a little7. a big nose8. a small mouth9. a round face10. a police artist11. a picture of the criminal12. in the end13. be good at14. go to the movie15. black hair16.a long

9、 face17.long hair18.straight hair19.big eyes20.the same way21. blonde hairExercise 3:中等身材警察画家擅长最后同样的方式中等个子看起来像去看电影四、基础句型1.询问及描述某人的外貌特征问:What do/does +主语+ look like? 看上去什么样? ” / “长什 么样?”答:主语+ be +形容词。(强调某人是样子的外形,常用于描述大概的 体形、身高等。)主语+ have/has+形容词+名词(强调某人的相貌特征,常用于描述五 官、相貌等)。主语+ be of +名词(指描述某人的体形、身材等)E

10、.g. What does your friend look like?He is short and thin.He has short, black hair.She is of medium build.【拓展】be like像一样,指品德、相貌等像(指人的个性特征)如果询问人的性格、人品时,多用 What be(am/is/are) - like?E.g. What s he like她是个什么样的人呢?He s friendly and kind 他友好善良。Exercise 4:1. What do you look like?I i.A. tired B. tallC. kind

11、D. happy2.用be与have的适当形式填空1) She tall and thin.2) Jim small nose and big eyes.3)He of medium height.4) She a little bit short and big eyes.5) Does she long hair?2.She is of medium build, and she has long straight hair她身材适中, 留着长发。 【解析11 medium build中等身材1) build作名词意为 体格,体型”。有两种表达方法:E.g. He is of medium

12、 build. = He has a medium build.2) build作动词意为建造,建设,建立工E.g. We are building a house.【解析2】表示某人长着或留着发”时,则只能用has/have其构成为:主语 + have/has + hair:E.g. He has short hair.五、语法总结1 .形容词的顺序一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,可参照下表:限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+描绘性状形容词+大小、长短、高低 等形体+名词规则:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄和新老;颜色国籍跟材料,作用类别往后 靠。

13、如:those + three + beautiful + large + square新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词(口诀:新颜国木)如:old + brown + wood + tableShe has short curly blonde hair.Exercise 5:They have got such a table.A. round wooden brownB. round brown woodenC. brown round wooden2 .现在进行时表将来表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作,常跟 tomorrow, soon 等表示将来的时间状语。能用这种结构表示将来的动词往往是表示位移动词, 如: go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin, move, fl冷E.g. They are going to the village tomorrow.My brother are coming to my home soon.Exercise 6:We at seven tonight. (meet)He for Beijing tomorrow. (leave)


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