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1、江苏省南京市六合区马鞍镇初级中学九年级英语上册 Unit 1Integrated skills 学案(无答案)牛津版一、学习目标1 .能在书面和口语形式中理解星象。2 .从阅读和听力材料中加深了解有关信息,弄清事实。3 .能结合已有知识和所提供范例,与同学交流推荐新主席人选。二、课前预习1 .预习课本P18-20能根据音标正确拼读 P18-20上的单词。2 .预习课本P19 Speak up ,听录音并能正确地模仿录音中的语音语调。3 .根据括号中的汉语写出英文。1) . In China, people( 庆祝)Spring Festival.2) . Everyone should be(

2、积极的)to express his opinions when we discuss the problem.3) . Can you tell me the (不同之处)between Scorpio and Capricorn.4) . Even a small child knows who is the(主席)in our country.5) . More det ails are( 可获得的)if you call me.5 .翻译下列词组(准备下一节课听写)。1). 有许多要庆祝的事2). 学业有成3). 在本月中旬 4). 在健康方面有问题5).拨打某人电话 6). 产生新的

3、想法 .7).推荐某人做主席 8).和我的叔叔一样聪明9). 要求,请求 10). 感到虚弱三、课堂活动1 .阅读获取所需信息。2.听材料得到相应信息3 .小组讨论 Amy s和Mr Zhang s prredictions. 4. 通过Speak up 小组交流新主 席人选四、知识点拨1. True, but he s imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.不错,但他想象力很丰富,能想出各种新想法。come up with sth 意思是“提出、想出、提供 ”,例如:1) Can you come up with a good idea t

4、o the problem? 译 ?2) He couldn t a reason for being late.他不能说出迟到的理由。练一练:翻译下列句子。3) .这个小男孩总有许多新想法。4) .他突然想出了这道数学题的解决办法。2. Who else would be suitable?还有别的合适人选吗?else意思是“其他的,别的,另外的”,常用在疑问代词或不定代词后面。例如:1) What else did he say? 译: ?2) Don t do sillry!别再干蠢事了!练一练:翻译下列句子。1)你还看见了谁?2)还有其他人想看这本书吗?3. I don t think

5、 he would be able to organize things well.我认为他不能把事情组织好。当主句主语是第一人称,谓语动词think, believe, imagine等引导的宾语从句要否定时,宾语从句中的否定词要前移到主句谓语动词前,但否定的对象仍然是宾语从句的谓语部分,这叫“否定前移”。例如:I don t believe he is a thief.我相信他不是小偷。练一练:翻译下列句子。1)我认为他不是个笨孩子。2)我想他们是不会骑自行车来的。五、课堂巩固A)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Bill Gates iRs one of the(success) busin

6、essmen in the world.2. Their school is 100 years old. The _ (celebrate)is coming.3. Is she (sut) for this jorb?4. I had problem with(plan) everything well.5. Tom spent his free time (play) computer games.6. He is a Gemini. This means he is probably(live) and outgoing.B)阅读短文,回答下列问题。In the west, peopl

7、e believe that the star sign can tell us something about a person s character. A person s star sign is decided by his or her birth date. For example, somethink that a person born under the star sign of Aries is energetic and active and likes to be a leader. A person born Capricorn is hard-working an

8、d often successful.In China, people believe the Chinese zodiac describes a person s character and can foretell ( 预测)future events. According to the Chinese zodiac, a person sanimal sign is connected to his or her birth year. There are t welve animals. Each animal has a different type of character. P

9、eople born in the year of the Rat are friendly and careful. Those born in the year of the Monkey smart and good at making money. Many believe that the Rat and the Monkey are a good match. In Japan, people believe that a person s blood type can also be used to describe ar person scharacter. People wi

10、th blood A are clean and serious, but they can be selfish, and those with blood type O are full of love and like to talk.You may not believe these ideas about understanding a person .s character, but you can still read them, just for fun.1. Is a person sstarsign connected to his or her birthdate?like?2. What is a person born under the sign of Aries3.Whatdecidesaperson sanimalsigninChina?4._Howare thepeoplebornintheyear oftheRat?5.WhatarethepeoplewithbloodtypeAlike?六,巡后作业L完成评价手册P13【理后巩固】部分Z背诵Speak用对话



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