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1、 / 供应商评价的指标体系Evaluation elementsTarget requirements = 100%1. pany1.1 pany profileEconomic aspectsThe pany is soundProduct range/process rangeThe range of products and processes covers the largest possible proportion of the customers total requirements so that as many products as possible can be obta

2、ined from a small number of supplierLocationThe suppliers location provide optimum transport logistics, munications and safetyMarket positionThe supplier is well established in the market (market share) and has a good reputationInnovation rate/innovation potentialThe supplier has the necessary poten

3、tial (resource) to fulfill the requirements in terms of innovations1.2 ManagementStabilityThe management shows permanence or, in the event of changes, the necessary opportunity so that the customer can depend on the suppliers long-term predictabilitypetenceThrough its conduct, the management shows t

4、hat it is petent to fulfill the customers requirementsCustomer orientationThrough continuous contact with the customer, the management demonstrates its customer-oriented thinking. The measures agreed during visits to and in meetings with the customer are implemented quickly and effectively1.3 QM sys

5、temCertificationThe supplier has a QM system certified in accordance with ISO9000 of a parable standardAudit resultsThe results of internal quality audits and the results of other customers reveal no serious discrepancies1.4 Cooperation and service(overall assessment)PartnershipThe supplier has a Qu

6、ality Policy aimed at partnership with his customersPartnership is practised in all respects at the interfaces between customer and supplierFlexibilityThe suppliers organization is geared to flexibility in terms of cooperation with the customer so that the customers wishes are responded to, examined

7、 in an appropriate manner and implemented accordingly. This is also demonstrated in the course of day-to-day cooperation with the customerReliabilityThe supplier shows through his conduct that he is a reliable partnerQuality assurance agreementThe supplier is prepared in principle to make quality as

8、surance agreements with the customerAccessibilityAt the interfaces, the supplier offers the necessary technical, organizational and human resources in order to permit optimum munication2 Technologies2.1 Product strategyOrientation towards standardsAs far as it is possible and necessary, the supplier

9、 is oriented towards existing standardsOrientation towards customers needsThe product strategy is geared to the needs of the customer with the facility for reponding swiftly to changing needsSystems/modulesThe supplier is prepared and has the caopabilities required also to supply modules/systems in

10、addition to products2.2 ProductionDeployment of technologyThe technology deployed corresponds to the state of the artTechnological petenceThe supplier is fully petent in the use of the technologies deployed2.3 DevelopmentDevelopment timeThe development time (time to market) is the shortest by pariso

11、n with the suppliers petitorsSamples/prototypesSamples/prototypes are always supplied by the agreed date. The first samples/prototypes ply with the specified requirementsQualification (procedures)The supplier is able to carry out all necessary tests so that there is no need for a plete qualification

12、 testing within the customers panyMarket maturityThe principal features of the first samples/prototypes (process capability etc.) already show that the series-manufactured products will fully ply with the customers requirements2.4 CooperationTechnical supportThe supplier can provide support for the

13、customers development staff in all aspects of development and thereby play a key role as a valuable partner of the customerInformation policyThe flow of information from the supplier is prehensive and allows the customers development staff to take into account all aspects of the new product as seen

14、from the suppliers viewpointInterfacesThe supplier offers sufficient direct contacts to ensure that the information flow is not distorted and/or obstructed by unnecessary detoursDocumentationThe jdocumentation on samples/prototypes is prehensive and does not five rise to subsequent queries3 Processe

15、d3.1 Process documentationProceduresAll key processed ( opearional and production processed) are documented in a suitable form(procedure)Test pointsAll processes feature suitable test points so that it can be verified that the supplier has a plete mand of the processes3.2 Process controlProcess conformanceThe process conformance of the key processes is proven and satisfies the requirementsProcess changes(frequency)The frequency of the changes is in accordance with the need to increase quality, to reduce costs and to assure supplies to the customer3.3 Environmental patibilityCon



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