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1、Chapter 2 Boiler第二章 锅炉Air heater 空预器Commissioning 试运行Anchor 支座,固定Compressor 压缩机、压气机Anhydrous ammonia 无水氨Condenser 凝汽器Anthracite 无烟煤Containment 反应堆安全壳Atomized 雾化Convection 对流Austenitic 奥氏体钢Coolant 制冷剂Auxialiary 辅助机械Coordinated 坐标,定位Axis 轴Corten低合金耐腐蚀钢Bagasse 甘蔗渣Counterflow 逆流(换热器)Bare tube 光管Creep st

2、rength 蠕变强度Bark 树皮Criterion 标准Beam 梁,横梁Critical pressure 临界压力Bituminous coal 烟煤Culm 煤屑Blade 叶片Cyclone furnace 旋风炉Blast 鼓风Debris 残骸、有机残留物Blowdown 排污Decane 癸烷Boiler 锅炉Decay 分解Bulk 大块的Deposited 沉积,沉淀的Burner zone 燃烧器区域Deterioration 恶化Butane 丁烷Diesel oil 柴油Calcination 煅烧Differential 差动,微分Capacity 出力Disti

3、llate 馏出物Carbon steel 碳钢Distortion 变形Cerium 铈Division wall 分隔墙,双面水冷壁Chromium 铬Drainage 疏水Circulating fluidized bed CFB 循环流化床锅炉Drum 汽包Coal char 煤焦Dwell time 保留时间Cogenerator 热点联产机组Economizer 省煤器Combustion 燃烧Embrittlement 脆性,脆化Equalization 均衡,平衡Ingress进口,入口Erosive 侵蚀的,腐蚀的In-line 顺列Ethane 乙烷Inorganic 无机

4、的Evaluate 评估,评价Ion 离子Evaporate 蒸发Jurisdiction 权限Excess air 过量空气Lignite 褐煤Extended surface 扩展受热面Lime 石灰Fatigue 疲劳Limestone 石灰石Feedwater 给谁Low alloy 低合金钢Ferrite 铁素体Low-volatile 低挥发分的Fin 鳍片,肋片Margin 裕量,安全系数Flange 法兰Matrix 矩阵Flue gas 烟气Membrane 膜Fouling 沾污Methane 甲烷Furnace 炉膛Mill 磨煤机Generator 发电机Molecul

5、e 分子Geological 地质的Molten 熔化Girth 环形Nitric oxide 氮氧化物Govern 控制、调节Nonpressure 非承压的Gravity 重力Nontoxic 无毒的Header 联箱,集箱Organisms 有机体Helical 螺旋状的Oxidation 氧化Helium 氦Peat 泥煤Heterogeneous 不均匀的Pendants superheat platen 悬吊式屏式过热器Hopper 斗,料斗Pentane 戊烷Husk 壳,外壳Petrochemical 石油化工制品Hydraulic 水力的,液压的Petroleum 石油制品I

6、gnite 点火Plasma spray coating 等离子喷涂Impurity 杂质Platen 屏Inert 惰性Polymer 聚合物Inferior 低级的,劣质的Pores 气孔,小孔Ingredients 成分Porosity多空的Potassium 钾Slurry 水煤浆Prandtl numbers 普朗特数Sodium 钠Prefabricated 预制的Solvents 溶剂Premium fuel 优质燃料Sootblower 吹灰器Pressure loss 压力损失Sour gas 含硫气体Primary air 一次风Specification 规格Propan

7、e 丙烷Stable ignition 稳定着火Proximate analysis 工业分析Stanton number 斯坦顿数Pulp 纸浆Saturated 饱和的Pyrites 黄铁矿Straw 稻草Radius 半径,范围Steam line blowing 蒸汽管路吹灰Rare earth element 稀土元素Steams 茎,杆Recuperator 间壁式换热器Stress corrosion 应力腐蚀Regenerator 回热器,蓄热器Structural formula 结构式Regulate 控制,调节Stud 双头螺栓Repercussions 反应Subbit

8、uminous 贫煤,次烟煤Reservoirs 储气罐Suction 真空,负压Residuale fuel oil 渣油Sulphur 硫Resonant 共振Superheater 过热器Retract缩回Swamp 沼泽Reynolds number 雷诺数Sweet gas 无硫气Rigid 刚性的,紧密地Switchgear 配电装置,开关装置Rollers 辊子Temperature-entropy 温熵图Scale 水垢,Tenacious 黏的Seal 密封Thermodynamics 热力学Sedimentary 沉积Tube bundles 管束Serpentine tu

9、be 蛇形管Tubular 管状的Shale 页岩Turbine 汽轮机Silica 二氧化硅Velocity 速度Silt 淤泥Vertical spidle mill 中速磨,立轴磨Single-phase 单相Vessel 容器Skin casing 外护板Viscosity 黏度Slag 结渣Volumetric expansion 体膨胀Vulnerable 易损的,薄弱的DEH 数字电液系统Wear磨损DNB 偏离核态沸腾Welded 焊接FDF 送风机Wingwall屏式凝渣管FGD 烟气脱硫Yttrim 釔FSSS 炉膛安全检测保护系统AbbreviationsHRB 回热锅炉

10、AFBC 常压流化床燃烧IDF 引风机AFCO 燃料自动切断IGCC 整体煤气化联合循环AFWC 给水自动切断LMTD 对数平均温差ASME 美国机械工程师协会MFT 主燃料切断ATM 标准大气压MUF 锅炉补给水BFP 锅炉给水泵NWL 正常水位BUT 按钮OFA 火上风,燃尽风BWC锅炉水浓度PFBC 增压流化床燃烧BYP 旁路SSC 刮板除渣机CFBB 循环流化床锅炉TGA 热重分析仪MCR 最大连续蒸发量UBC 未燃烧DAS 数据采集系统WFGD 湿法烟气脱硫2.1 IntroductionBoilers use heat to convert water into steam for

11、 a variety of applications. Primary among these are electric power generation and industrial process heating. Steam has become a key resource because of its wide availability, advantageous properties and non toxic nature. The steam flow rates and operating conditions can vary dramatically; from 1000

12、lb/h (0.1kg/s) in one process use to more than 10 million lb/h (1260kg/s) in large electric power plant; from about 14.7 psi (1 bar) and 212F in some heating applications to more than 4500 psi (310bar) and 1100 F (593) in advanced cycle power plant.2.1 简介SSC锅炉利用热量使水转变成蒸汽以进行各种利用。其中主要是发电和工业供热。由于蒸汽具有有利

13、的参数和无毒特性,因此蒸汽作为一种关键的工质(资源)被广泛地应用。蒸汽流量和运行参数的变化很大:从某一过程里1000磅/小时(0.126kg/s)到大型电厂超过10106磅/小时(1260kg/s),压力从一些加热应用的14.7磅/ in2(1.0135bar)212F(100)到先进循环电厂的4500磅/ in2(310bar)1100F(593)。Modern boilers can be classified by various criteria. These include end use, firing method, operating pressure, fuel and ci

14、rculation method.现代锅炉可根据不同的标准分类。这些包括最终用途、燃烧方式、运行压力、燃料和循环方式。Utility boilers are used primarily to generate electricity in large central power stations. They are designed to optimize overall thermodynamic efficiency at the highest possible availability. A key characteristic of newer units is the use o

15、f a reheater section to increase overall cycle efficiency.大型中心电站的电站锅炉主要用来发电。它们经过优化设计,可达到最高的热效率。新机组的关键特性是利用再热器提高整个循环效率。A variety of additional systems also produce steam for power and process applications. These systems usually take advantage of low cost or free fuels, a combination of power cycles and proces



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