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1、金华市质量技术监督检测院人才引进报名表I. Personal Information个人资料Chinese NamePosition姓名申请职务English NameGenderDate of Birth英文名性别出生年月PoliticsNative PlaceMarital Status政治面貌籍贯婚姻状况NationalityPermanent AddressContact No.民族户口所在地联系电话Correspondence Add P.C.目前通信地址及邮编Salary Expected (Pre-tax )Time Available期望薪金(税前)可到职日期II. Educa

2、tion & Training教育及相关培训Academic Qualification教育WhenName of InstituteMajorDegreeType何时至何时学校(高中、大学)专业学位正规 / 夜大 / 自考 / 电大 / 函授Professional Training 专业培训Please outline When / Name of Institute / Contents of Training / Types of Training(Own Expense / Subsidized / Other)请列出时间 / 培训机构 / 培训内容 / 以及培训方式(自费/ 单位资

3、助 / 其他)等III. Work Experiences(From the Latest Experience)工作经历(从最近的工作经历开始)WhenEmployerPositionSalaryReason for LeavingReference & Tel.时间公司名称职位薪金离职原因证明人及联系电话IV.Family and Main Social Relatives家庭状况及主要社会关系Family AddressP.C.Tel.家庭住址邮政编码联系电话NameRelationshipAgeEducationOccupationName of Business姓名关系年龄文化程度职

4、业工作单位V.Other Knowledge and Skills技能Page 1 of 2English CET4四级 CET6 六级 TEM 8 专业八级英语程度Other, please specify其它 :Other Languages, please indicate your skill level请列举其他语言以及程度:普通话证书PC Skills电脑技能Hobbies & Skills爱好及特长Strengths & Weaknesses优点与弱点1.State the name of any Clubs, Organization or Voluntary Services

5、 you have joined in:加入过哪些党派、社团、或其他自愿参加的组织:2.Do you have acquaintances working in this Company?公司内部是否有熟人? No 否 Yes 是If yes, please specify:如果是,请说明:3.Have you ever been convicted of a crime?是否有过犯罪记录? No 否 Yes 是If yes, please specify:如果是,请说明:4.Where did you learn of this position?您是从哪里获得此职位的信息?5.Have y

6、ou ever worked atTV AUSTRIA before?您之前曾在 TV AUSTRIA (奥煌)工作过吗? No 否 Yes 是If yes, please specify:如果是,请说明:6.Are you willing to relocate or be replaced another job?您是否愿意在其他地点工作或被安排其他职位? No 否 Yes 是If yes, please specify:如果是,请说明:7.Have you signed or accepted any agreement or are you otherwise subject to a

7、ny restrictions that restrict or prohibit you fromworking in T V AUSTRIA? 您是否曾签署或承诺或受限于任何阻止您在TV AUSTRIA (奥煌)任职的工作的协议? No 否 Yes 是If yes, please specify:如果是,请说明:8. Have you ever had following disease? 您是否曾经或现在患有以下病症?DiseaseNoYes, please specify病症名否是,请说明Hepatitis B or other contagious diseases乙肝或其他传染病S

8、erious or chronic diseases, such as heart disease严重、慢性、周期性疾病、例如心脏病Seriously injured严重意外损伤Achromatopsia色盲或色弱I hereby declare that the information given above is true, correct and completed to the best of my knowledge and I also understand that if I willfully give false information, I will be accounta

9、ble to all legal consequences.我秉承诚信原则,填写了上述资料,同意接受公司的查证。如有虚假,愿无条件接受公司任何决定直至辞退处理。Signature:Date:签名:日期:Remarks: The personal data collected in this application form will be considered as confidential and will not be revealed to your present employerbefore you are recruited to TV AUSTRIA.注:以上资料为本公司内部保密资料,在未决定录用应聘者前,上述资料对其现任雇主保密。Page 2 of 2



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