二年级英语下册 Unit 11(1)教案 新世纪版

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1、二年级英语下册 Unit 11(1)教案 新世纪版一、教学目标:基本目标:、能听说认读本课四个单词:ant spider butterfly dragonfly发展目标使学生把新单词放在适当的短语和句型中运用,并拓展词汇:crawl,weave a web,meadow garden fly high等发展性目标:情感目标:认识益虫是人们的朋友,培养学生热爱美,热爱生活的情感,引导学生热爱益虫,保护益虫。二、学情分析:二年级学生已有一定的词汇,也能用英语进行简单的交流,相信大部分的学生通过学习能达到本课词汇教学的目标。三、教学过程Step 1:warning up1. Say a rhyme2

2、. Its a sunny day. Lets go to the park. OK? Sing a song. (The wheels of the bus go round and round.) Step 2:Teach ant (Present a picture of a beautiful park)1.Talk about the picture.What can you see? Elicit: an ant, antsRead and spell.2.Answer the questions:a. Whats this?b. What are these?c. How man

3、y ants?d. What do you think of ants?e. What can ants do? (crawl carry things)3.Chant: Ant, ant, ant all so small Ant, ant, ant can carry things.Step 3: Teach “spider”Talk about the pictureIs it ant? Whats this?Elicit: spider spidersWhat are these? How many spiders?What can spider do? (Weave a web)Wh

4、ich do you like, ants or spiders?Chant: spider, spider, spider can weave a web.Step 4.Teach”butterfly” 1. Talk about the picture. What can you see?Elicit: butterfly butterfliesa. Read it b. Spell it.c. Say sth. about the butterfly.d. Act it and say: butterfly, butterfly, I love you. (Act a butterfly

5、 and fly around the classroom, then back to the seat.) Chant: Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly can fly. Fly high in the meadow .Fly low in the garden. Step 5 Teach” dragonfly” T: Rosa likes butterfly, too. It is beautiful. It can fly. (Look at the screen) Whos flying?S: Butterfly. Present a dragonfly

6、 from small to big.T: A butterfly? S: No, its not a butterfly.T: Yes. This is a dragonfly. What are these? How many dragonflies?( elicit: dragonfly dragonflies)a. Read after the teacher.b. Talk about the dragonfly.c. Rhyme: dragonfly, dragonfly, dragonfly is long and thin.Dragonfly, dragonfly, drago

7、nfly can fly high.Step 6 Post-task activitiessay a rhyme:Ant, ant, ant can carry things.Spider, spider, spider can weave a web.Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly can fly.Dragonfly, dragonfly, dragonfly can fly highPair works:What are these/those? Theyre.Which do you like, _ or_? I like.附送:2019-2020年二年级

8、英语下册 Unit 11(2)教案 新世纪版一、教育目标:学生认识各种昆虫并懂得要保护益虫二、知识目标基础目标:1认识Wonderland中关于昆虫名称的单词,会读,会认。2能理解和使用句型;There be3理解Grand Theatre中的故事,并能熟练表演对话。4听懂并会说Make a circle.和 Draw a triangle.并能根据指令作出正确的动作。5. 初步认识There be的句型发展目标:1学习另外一些昆虫的名称如: moth /fly /mantis2运用所学There be的句型,描述在书包里或铅笔盒内的学习物品,提高学生的会话能力。能力目标:1通过学习昆虫类的单

9、词,要求学生通过观察区分图片,准确地说出关于昆虫的单词。2能简单地描述某一种昆虫。3能根据教师所示物体的位置,用There be的句型准确地描述。4培养学生自然大方地用英语表演对话的能力。三、情感、策略和文化目标:情感目标:教育学生遇到事情切忌大呼小叫,要胆大心细,以免影响别人。学习策略:根据教学内容及学生的学习能力对他们进行优化组合,使每个学生都有机会发展自己的英语会话能力。文化目标:爱护益虫,并把它们当成人类的朋友。四、教学资源:Students book 2B P7984Cassette 2B Unit 11Students workbook 2B P8689Word and pictu

10、re cards 2B Unit 11Teaching Transparencies 2B Unit 11五、教学过程(三课时) 第一课时 ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-upDaily talk.Sports Club:Make a circle.Draw a triangle. Teacher and the students ask and answer each other.2. Listen to the tape. Read it after the tape. Teacher speaks E

11、nglish and the students do the actions.1日常会话,为学习英语提供良好的英语学习氛围。2让学生听懂Sports Club中的英语口令,并能作出与口令相适应的动作While-task presentationTask 1.Lead in:Show the pictures of an ant and a spider.Task 2. Show another two new pictures.Task 3. Introduce the four kinds of insects.1. Teacher says: Look at the pictures. T

12、his is an ant and that is a spider. Students say it together.2. Teach and let the students read them together.3. Let the students say sth about them. e.g. An ant has six feet.1通过图片,让学生明白ant和spider的意思2通过不同的朗读方式来帮助学生记忆单词,纠正发音,积累词汇。3.在教师的帮助下,介绍昆虫的特征,以此来发展学生语言描述能力。Post-task activitiesTeam work:Read the

13、new words in pairs.Read and point.3Play a game: I am a little artist.1. Read the four new words: ant, spider, butterfly, dragonfly2. Ask one student reads the new words and the rest of them point it. 3.Teacher gives an example:In group, one student describe an insect, the others draw.1通过同桌互相检测的活动,培养

14、学生的责任心2训练学生的听力,同时也养成学生倾听别人的好习惯。3新旧知识有机结合,增加语言的丰富性。第二课时ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task PreparationWarming-up1. Rhyme: Every body, Watch out2. Make a circle. Count off.3. Revision:Match pictures and phrases.1. Listen to an English rhyme. Then read this rhyme after the tape.2. Teacher speaks and the students do the actions.3. To review the words with in, on, under,near1念一首儿歌可以营造浓郁的英语学习氛围。2整合Sports Club中的语言材料可以训练学生的听力及反应能力。3通过图片与词组连线来达到复习介词in, on, under, nearWhile-task presentationTask 1. Lead in:Teacher shows some pictures. There is a dog near the tree.There are some



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