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1、2022年考博英语-湖北省联考考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题Mary thought she would never meet Tom again, but by a curious ( )they finally met.问题1选项A.coincidenceB.incidenceC.incidentD.accident【答案】A【解析】coincidence一致, 巧合;incidence发生率;incident事件, 事变;accident事故, 意外。句意:玛丽以为她再也见不到汤姆了, 但由于一个奇怪的巧合, 他们最终见面了。选项A符合句意。2. 单选题The co

2、lors of that coat and hat dont( ). 问题1选项A.suitB.mixC.matchD.compare【答案】C【解析】句意:那件外套的颜色和帽子不相配。选项C符合句意。suit表示适合的意思后面需要加介词for,所以本题选C最为恰当。3. 写作题Directions: In this part, you are required to write an essay of no less than 200 words on “Is it worthwhile for you to make efforts in order to achieve your fut

3、ure success?” The essay should be based on the outlines below:Outline:1) Some people believe that making efforts is useless if you dont have a parent with power or money to help you with your future success.2) Others maintain that such practice would be harmful, especially for young people and makin

4、g efforts is crucial and should be encouraged.3) Your opinions.【答案】【参考范文】Is it worthwhile for you to make efforts in order to achieve your future success?4. 单选题The tiger continued to( )us by walking round and round our tent.问题1选项A.trapB.transplantC.menaceD.provoke【答案】C【解析】trap诱骗, 设陷阱;transplant移植;me

5、nace威胁, 恐吓;provoke激怒, 煽动。句意:老虎围绕着帐篷转来转去, 继续威胁着我们。选项C符合句意。5. 填空题One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. They are vast buildings, many stories (1) ; in them one may buy almost anything one wants, (2) a box of matches to a suite

6、of furniture. Most of (3) are very modern and are equipped with speedy lifts and escalators, and have well-planned lighting, (4) and heating. You can spend hours wandering (5) one of these stores, and you will probably lose your (6) while you are doing so, in spite of the public notices pointing the

7、 way (7) the lifts and entrances. (8) you have been in the store so long (9) you feel hungry, you will (10) need to leave the building, for nearly all the big stores have cafes, snack (11) or restaurants. You can ring up a friend from a telephone-box and you may (12) at the theater agency to book a

8、seat(13) an evening show; or you may drop (14) a travel department and arrange for a (15) in Wales or Western Australia. If you (16) homesick, you will be able to get a newspaper or magazine (17) your own country at the newspaper counter; and in book department you will (18) able to buy the complete

9、 (19) of William Shakespeare and the latest thriller. You can inspect the goods on sale (20) your leisure, and you will not be pestered to buy, though occasionally an assistant may ask whether he can be of help to you.A. bear uponB. stand up toC. insist onD. persist in【答案】1、high 2、from 3、them 4、vent

10、ilation 5、around6、way/direction 7、to 8、If 9、that 10、not11、bars 12、call 13、for 14、into/by 15、holiday/vacation/trip16、feel/get 17、of/from 18、be 19、works 20、at【解析】1、根据句意以及句子结构可知, 填空处应填入形容词修饰stories(楼层), 根据前面的vast可推测, 这里填入high符合原文语境。2、from.to.从.到., 原文指从一盒火柴到一套家具, 这里应有尽有。3、根据下文的描述, 大多数都非常现代化并且配备有电梯和扶梯, 可

11、以推断出这是对大商店的描写, 所以这里用them来指代。4、根据关键词“well-planned”以及“heating”可以推测, 既然计划周密, 有暖气设备, 当然也得有通风设备, 所以这里填入ventilation。5、wander around为固定搭配, 意为“徘徊”。6、句意:徘徊于这些商店你可能会迷路。lose ones way/direction指迷路, 迷失方向。7、根据句意:尽管有公共告示指明通往电梯和入口的路。the way to为固定搭配, 指“通往.的路”。8、根据句意以及上下文可知, 这里是一种假设的情况, 所以填入if。9、考查so that的句型。句意:在商店待得

12、太久以至于饿了。10、根据下文, 几乎所有的大商店都有咖啡馆, 小吃店以及餐厅。由此可以推断, 当你饿了不需要离开这里, 所以填入not。11、snack bars为常用短语, 指“小吃店, 快餐店”。12、call at为固定搭配, 指“拜访, 访问”。句意:你可以去剧院代理处预定晚上节目的座位。13、book for为固定搭配, 表示“预定”。14、根据原文句意:你可以顺便去旅游部门。drop by/into都表示顺便拜访, 顺便进入。15、结合上下文语境:安排一个到威尔士或者西澳大利亚的假期或者旅行。所以填入holiday/vacation/trip都可以。16、句意:如果你想家了.。f

13、eel/get表示有.的感觉或者倾向。17、根据句意:你可以在报馆买到自己国家的报纸或杂志。from和of均符合原文句意。18、be able to为固定搭配, 表示“可以, 能够”。19、根据原文句意可知, 这里指可以买到全部的莎士比亚作品。20、at leisure为固定搭配, 表示“从容地, 休闲地”。这里指在你闲暇的时候可以看看减价的商品。6. 单选题Amy was elected chairman of the committee by a( )vote.问题1选项A.ambiguousB.synonymousC.simultaneousD.unanimous【答案】D【解析】amb

14、iguous模糊不清的;synonymous同义的; simultaneous同时发生的;unanimous全体一致的。句意:艾米经全体一致投票当选为委员会主席。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题The key to success is remembering that every hurdle crossed is one less hurdle in the( )of your personal ambition.问题1选项A.pursuitB.proportionC.promotionD.propulsion【答案】A【解析】pursuit追求;proportion比例;promotion促进, 推销;propulsion推进, 推进力。根据句意可知选项中能和目标搭配的只有选项A。8. 单选题They( ) their hunting skills for the life of settled farmers.问题1选项A.forsookB.forgedC.sacrificedD.reserved【答案】A【解析】句意:为了过着稳定的农民生活, 他们



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