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1、广东高考英语卷写作指引第一讲 记叙文:如何写人一、写作指引高考英语基本写作中的写人侧重人物的简介,可以用第一人称(如写求职信),也可以用第三人称,时态常常用一般目前时和一般过去时,具体的人称和时态要根据写作的规定来拟定。写作过程中要注意如下几种方面的问题:1人物写作一般需要简介人物的姓名、年龄、外貌、学历、经历、专业、爱好、特长、事迹、性格等多种方面,但英语基本写作需要严格按照写作规定来写,涉及所给的所有信息点,既不能漏掉,也不能随意添加。2.对题目所给的信息要进行合适重组,安排好写作顺序,突出重点信息。重点信息一般是写作的目的所在,例如求职要重点突出学历、经历,新闻报道要重点突出事迹,简介自

2、己的教师、朋友要突出她们的特点,等等。3.对的运用描写人物的词汇和句型。4注意运用对的的时态。描写人物的外貌、性格、爱好等常用一般目前时,而描写人物的出生、教育背景、经历、事迹常用一般过去时。二、常用词语外貌特性:beautifl,bg ose, ak eye,ft, odooing,hadso, heathy, ne-sighte,ordinr-ooig, pett,sht,strg,tal, thin, with big nse, with abi sile, whe-hared,1.80 mersta,etc. 性格特点:asent-minded, atttiv,ba-eered,b r

3、eady t helpothers, brig,chrmn,confident, dilnt,friendly, geeus, hvgood tmper, horus,ineenden,kind, knd-hare,lay,nr-minded, nauht,patient,thik ooths, art,talive,wrmhearte,ws,etc. 出生年龄:a wentyfieyea-ld young man, a boyo 15, t he agf 2, b born on Fary12h, 187 ,ring his hlhood,in onesfties, lve a happy/

4、 a life, spnd s childhood e country, the son o a poorfmiy, wen e wa asmall y, e. 爱好爱好:be angry with s fosh,e angr out, beeigtin ong,be goodat sigig,b inereed in English,b fond music, e crybt, bepleasdwth,b sick for, e sor , be stric n ones wor, e worid abo, dowl i hs resea wok, ,enjoy doing, xpectto

5、 do, feelurprisedat, have ton dei o do, lok forard to doi sh., ln fo(longto o),mak rid rgesin,put oes heartint,ae aplesuren ng;wisto do,work hard atis studies, et.教育背景:b dmited to Beinnveity, e noled in,fail in t te, a maters degre, ge on wellwine lessons, ie sb. passin grad, ,g abrad to furthr ones

6、 tdy, gauate fm Physc Deartmet ofighuniversy, hisfather was vry stct wth him, lay god foundatio in Egih, majr hito, receive a dotos degre,pas thexainaio, sud ard at, tkeevelourses atsco, tk an acivept inlassn a oleg, e. 经历事迹: eome a mme f the tea,conctrate oeelf to oing sh., otoesel to one buss, d s

7、twih ge detmain and persevernc, orrch nto thi field,encourage to do sh, igt for ourevoutonay coure, giveup o le for sth,have agoo y of ding t, hae a talent fo anuag,mkp onend to sth., overcom an difiuies, e the Nbe Prize fopysics,serveas nus, set a world recrd of 10 mre hurdling, ry ones e do sth.,

8、ithefirst prizin thecmpetii, win gold /silr/ bronze mel, etc. 她人评价:an ipiring lad, a mdel wokr,a advancd tech, be respected y allhis studen,e hnoe s, econided s, be fmos/known as, b regardd as,hi ardwork brgt him reat succes,ke great contrbutions oourcount, ne o the mosiporan ro ithe pas tnyars,ider

9、 sb as gens, conider sb. as t testleaer, seta oo emple llof ,speak hgly f i,etc.参照范文:ear Manager,Imwritin you a lter in orer toapplyfor positinin yourcopny My name is Li ad I was orn i oshanCiy Gagdong rovic i ugust 181. I studid n oha . 1 MileSchol from 194 - , and he I m ostuyi the ComputerDepatmn

10、t f Guaounivesity fofour ars.studdcomute siece, Cinee,mats, Enlish, P.E,nd o I am rking oraomurcmpny. lip muicandswimmng ver muh, and I nce wn theist prize for simmng in the chocompeiin. m waitng fo yur eply.hank uYrs Truel Li u参照例文:i,eernI wouldlie to itouce to faous sportsars, Yo Mg nd Liu Xan. ao

11、 Mn,born in Saghi in 90, i wrld fas asketballplay. He isnw ne o thebest layrsineaRke in NB, ad he has been in ll-Str Team fo sever tims.Liu Xang, who was brn Shanha bu hreyearyong tn Yao Ming,s a ord champon in te110ee urls.e wohe first priein the Atens Olymic amsndboe teorlrco son aertat B f hemloe

12、 music, bt Yao in lkes lsteing toop music whil Li Xing lies siging参照范文1. Li Ming, the onitorof Class1Grade 2,is hlthy an lvely. She os well all h et,an heis odofsrt, singiand dain. Whesecam to schoo, sh had te a lt fiffculis ith the language, but withgrat efforts sh de alo o progress nhe Eglis langae tudy. n he too prtn the Natinal Phsics Oympic ompetition d won th firstrze. Lingis verysritthheself ir wkand dailylife,ndi lwaysready oelpter peopl.2请根据下面的英文短诗,


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