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1、描写月亮的英文诗句欣赏|描写月亮的诗句 古诗 圆圆的月亮皎洁明亮,如一盏夜灯挂在天上,给黑漆漆的夜晚带来了一丝光亮一丝温暖。月儿缓缓上升,银河隐退了,星星疏落了,夜空像水洗过似的洁净无暇。xx精心搜集了描写月亮的英文诗句,供大家欣赏学习!描写月亮的英文诗句篇1The MoonThy beauty haunts me heart and soul,o thou fair moon,so close and bright;Thy beauty makes me like the childthat cries aloud to own thy light:The little child that

2、 lifts each armto press thee to her bosom warm.Though there are birds that sing this nightwith thy white beams across their throats,Let my deep silence speak for memore than for them their sweetest notes:Who worships thee till music failsis greater than nightingales.月亮你的漂亮缠绕了我的心和魂。你美好的月哦,那样近,那样明;你的漂

3、亮使我像个小孩儿要捉着你的光,发出更大的声音;小孩举起每一只胳膊。要把你捉来抱的紧紧。即使有些鸟儿在夜里吟唱。因为你的银光照着它们的颈。让我深深的缄默谈出我的心比她们的最美的歌声更有风韵;对你的崇敬到了缄默无声。那崇敬是超出了你的夜鸣莺。描写月亮的英文诗句篇2Moon月亮O, look at the moon!啊,看看那月亮!She is shining up there,她在天边闪银光。O, Mother, she looks妈呀,看她那模样,Like a lamp in the air.好象明灯挂天上。Last week she was smaller上周她比这周小,And shaped

4、like a bow,好象弓儿弯又弯,But now shes grown bigger现在她已变大了。And round like an 0.像个饼儿圆又圆。描写月亮的英文诗句篇3With How Sad Steps, O MoonWith how sad steps, O moon, thou climbst the skies!How silently, and with how wan a face!What! may it be that even in heavenly placeThat busy archer his sharp arrows tries?Sure, if th

5、at long-with-love-acquainted eyesCan judge of love, thou feelst a lovers case:I read it in thy looks, -thy languished graceTo me, that feel the like, thy state descries.Then, even of fellowship, O moon, tell me,Is constant love deemed there but want of wit?Are beauties there as proud as here they be

6、?Do they above love to be loved, and yetThose lovers scorn whom that love doth possess?Do they call virtue there ungratefulness?啊, 月亮吕志鲁译啊, 月亮, 你爬上天空,步履多么悲伤!你面色如此苍白,你哑口无言一声不响!怎么, 即使在高高的天上,忙碌的丘比特还在让她的箭派上用场?真的, 假如那双慧眼明辨爱情,那你就有了爱的迹象:我已经看出端倪,从你那伤感的模样。即使是出于友情,请你告诉我, 月亮,那里是不是充满恒久的情爱,只是缺乏智慧赖以滋长?那里的美人是不是孤芳自赏,和我们人间没有两样?她们是不是想要得到爱恋,爱恋者却嘲笑他人堕入情网?她们怎样看待情爱,是不是把无情无义称作品德高尚?看了“描写月亮的英文诗句”的人还看了:1.描写月亮的英语诗歌欣赏2.有关月亮的英语诗句欣赏3.相关月亮的英文诗歌欣赏4.描写月亮的英文诗歌欣赏5.有关月亮的英语美文欣赏


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