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1、六年级Book8教案设计六年级Book8教案设计一.教学内容分析p :1.本课的主要内容是由I am going to转换为I will ,通过Jenny, Danny ,Li Ming三人明天的打算,让学生学习运用一般将来的另一种表达方式,并拓展Will you? Yes, I will .No, I wont. I will not.2.通过本课学习,学生能用I will 议论将来的方案安排。二.教学目的:知识目的1.学习描绘自然以及夏季活动的词汇。2.掌握句子表达方式:I will drive my car to school.We will skip/ fly our kites.才能

2、目的1.能将be going to句型与will句型进展自由转换。2.理解并运用Will you Yes, I will / No, I wont .互作调查,进展沟通交流。3.运用I will ./ I will not根据实际情况表达将来的方案.打算。情感目的1.激发并保护学生学习英语的兴趣。2.教育学生注重合作交流.分析p 比照.擅长总结和学以致用。3.鼓励学生从自身做起.小事做起,养成良好习惯,为周围的人和社会做出自己的奉献。三.重点.难点:1.能读.写.说出并且听懂:单词:skip, fly语法:will构成的将来时态。2.能运用所学语言,表达方案安排等。四.教学过程设计:Step1

3、. Warming-upSs: Yes !设计意图:出示福娃图片,用福娃和大家一起学英语激发学生兴趣,并为后面福娃讨论一般将来时态作铺垫。老师号召性的语言一下子吸引了学生的注意力,得到热烈的响应,Step2. Presentation and practice.1.新知呈现,初步感知。Beibei: I am going to swim. I will swim.Huanhuan: I am going to play football. I will play football.Yingying: I am going to play ping-pong. I will play ping-

4、pong.Nini : I am going to play badminton. I will play badminton.T: Do you know what they are talking ?Ss try to explain the sentence . They may know the meaning设计意图:集中学生注意力,减轻焦虑,启迪考虑。Read the sentences above.T: I am going to fly a kite with my son. I will fly a kite.What about you ? What will you do

5、 ?Ss say 3-5sentences. They try to use “I will” If he says “ I am going to” Encourage him to use “I will”设计意图:观察比拟两种表达方式的区别和联络,小试身手2.利用教材,熟悉句式,比照表达。T: Lets look at Part 1 and pare the sentences.Ss: 1) Listen and repeat.2) Say the sentences in pairs.设计意图:通过学生两人一组一对一说句子,即遮住左边句子说出右边句子和遮住右边句子说出左边句子来机械操练

6、,进一步内化句型,3.快速交换,意义操练。(设计意图:通过交换福娃的语言进一步开展竞赛活动,将奖励评价进展下去,播放声音文件,学生听一句快速交换)I am going to play football.I will swim. I will skip. I will fly a kite.Huanhuan is going to ride a bicycle.Yingying is going to run. Etc.4.结合实际,变换句子,适当拓展。T: Summer holiday is ing. What will you do for the summer holiday?(to a

7、boy) Will you swim in the swimming pool ?Boy: Yes.T: (Help him to say ) Yes, I will.Then asks a girl, will you go to Canada? And helps her to say :No, I wont.让学生理解语言的灵敏性,针对实际情况使用Will you ?Yes, I will. /No, I wont.5.两人一组,互做调查.,展示交流。( Yes标对号No画差号)Name:_Willyouplay sportsread a bookhelp your motherlist

8、en to the radioskipfly a kite?设计意图:突出Learning by using,利用调查表,让学生实际交流,学习使用语言。Step3. Text. ( Learn the two parts together)1.Listen and read.2.Fill in the blanks.We will_ to the _.We will _.We will _ our _.3.Read the text in groups and discuss the questions:(1)What will they do?(2)Will Danny fly a kite

9、?(3) What will Danny do?(4)Is picking flowers in the park right?设计意图:通过听音做事表达在任务中学习,考虑题的布置引发学生的深化考虑,理解课文。并且学生在答复下列问题时需要转换人称,这是自然的需要,学生会主动用They willHe will来解决问题。浸透will not 。对于第四个问题,老师可以抓住契机进展保护环境.标准行为方面的教育,为下一环节分层次练习埋下伏笔。Step 4. Consolidation and Extention.T: 2023 Olympic Games is ing . We must do so

10、me real things for it .What will you do? ( Get some answers from the Ss)We can save pocket money and give it to the Olympics, plant trees ,pick up the rubbish to keep the envionro_ont clean and tidy.But please dont waste water, dont pick flowers in the park, dont litter, etc.Summer holiday is ing so

11、on. What is your plan?Tomorrow is Saturday. What will you do?There are three levels marked A BC in the chart, choose any level you like,tick the answers and try to talk about it.WhatWillYouDo?A. TomorrowB. Summer Holiday C.2023 Olympic Gamesskipgo on a tripplant treesfly a kiteplay the puter pick up

12、 the rubbishswimLearn Englishsave pocket moneygo to the storeeat ice cream waste waterread a bookgo fishingpick flowersplay sportsgo to the parkplay sportsWatch TVvisit teacherslearn English well设计意图:让学生根据自己的程度和实际需要,自主选择任务套餐,关注了个体差异,表达分层次教学,保护学生的自尊心和积极性。选择三个层次的学生来议论,对于表现积极的学生继续给予奖励。Step5. Sum up1.Wh

13、at do you learn today? Ss talk freely.设计意图:自主探究,开展,培养学习才能。设计意图:通过福娃们活泼的形象和声音,采用问答讨论的形式总体介绍一般将来时态,防止枯燥,表达兴趣性,简单而不失深度。照应开头福娃学英语的情境。妮妮:欢欢大哥哥,今天我们学习的英语表达叫什么呀?欢欢:一般将来时呀。晶晶:什么叫一般将来时呀?欢欢:大家都有很多美妙的梦想,有很多美丽的憧憬,可是在英语中怎样表达它们呢?那就是我们今天学习的一种时态:一般将来时。迎迎:我知道,我知道,一般将来时是表示将来某个特定时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:I am going to / will

14、 watch a football match on TV this evening.今天晚上我将看一场足球比赛。贝贝:今天咱们学习了两种表达方式:1.will +动词(表示动作的词)。如:I will swim. 2. be going to +动词。 Everyone is going to learn English.欢欢:说的对。说的对。大家可要记住呀。妮妮:欢欢大哥哥,在这样的句子里,要用到哪些表示时间的词语呀?欢欢:这个问题问得好!妮妮真好学!这一时态常用的时间词语都是表示将来的,常见的有:tomorrow, next time, next year, in a month, fr

15、om now on, later (on) , soon等。例如:We will go to the zoo tomorrow. Nini is going to skip next time.好了,今天咱们学的主要是与will有关的句子,大家还有什么问题吗?晶晶:我发现了在答复Will you提问时,假如肯定就说,Yes, I will.否认就说No, I wont.例如:Will you play sports tomorrow? Yes, I will. / No, I wont.迎迎:假如想表达打算不做什么,就在后面加一个not.。如,I will not fly a kite.欢欢:小弟弟,小妹妹们,大家都很聪明,都有擅长发现的眼睛,大家都是学习英语的天才。2023年奥运会即将在北京举行,我们一定要继续努力,到时候让全世界的人们都看一看我们中国人的英语风采!众福娃:对!我们一定行!3.Who is the best? Boys or the girls? (不无视评价结果,统计男女两组所得福娃图片数,获胜者奖励一幅大的福娃



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