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1、VOA慢速英语Science in the News科学报道听力最近更新2、Economic Conditions Raising Stress Levels in Workers(10-10-12)2、In Study, B Vitamins Lessen Brain Shrinkage in Some Older Patients(10-10-5)7、Athletes Warned About Dangers of Head Injuries(10-9-28)12、Everglades National Park One of the Worlds Great Biological Won

2、ders(10-9-21)17、Vitamins are Important to Good Health(10-9-14)22. What People With Asthma Can Do to Keep It Under Control(10-9-7)27、Osteoporosis Increases Danger of Broken Bones(10-8-31)33、Severe Ocean Storms: The Science of Natures Power(10-8-24)38、Learning First Aid: What to Do Until Medical Help

3、Arrives(10-8-17)43、Human Activities Threaten Coral Reefs(10-8-10)48VOA慢速英语Science in the News科学报道听力最近更新、Economic Conditions Raising Stress Levels in Workers(10-10-12)By George Grow and June Simms2010-10-11Stress increases during difficult economic timesBOB DOUGHTY: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA

4、 Special English. Im Bob Doughty.BARBARA KLEIN: And, Im Barbara Klein. Today, we will tell about stress and its effects on human health. Stress is a condition resulting from mental or emotional tension. It is how your body reacts to physical, chemical and other influences.(MUSIC)BOB DOUGHTY: Stress

5、affects everybody, every day. There is no way to avoid it. One of the first people to study the condition was Hans Selye of Canada. He said the only way to escape stress is death.Professor Selye found there are two kinds of stress. He said one kind is good for us. He called this stress, eustress. Th

6、is type of stress is linked to fun, exploration or excitement. Eustress is the stress you experience from riding a roller coaster or meeting a goal. It can keep our bodies and minds strong. It gives us the push we need to deal with an urgent situation.BARBARA KLEIN: Negative or bad stress is often c

7、alled distress. Too much of it can be harmful. Some of the leading causes of stress include the death of a loved one, ending a marriage, sickness and financial problems.Many Americans say a leading cause of their stress is the current economy. High unemployment rates and job cuts have caused concern

8、s about the future. Last month, one study found that sixty-two percent of Americans believe economic conditions are getting worse. Forty-seven percent of those asked described current economic conditions as poor. A year earlier, forty-four percent gave economic conditions a poor rating. The Gallup O

9、rganization reported the information.A separate study found that seventy-five percent of American workers and retirees are very concerned about their financial future. One-third of those asked said stress levels about their financial situation are much higher now than a year ago. The Principal Finan

10、cial Group announced the results of the study.BOB DOUGHTY: Medical studies have shown that too much stress can weaken the bodys ability to fight disease. It may make an existing health problem worse. Or it can lead to sickness or serious health problems.For example, your body reacts to stressful sit

11、uations by raising your blood pressure and making your heart work harder. This is dangerous if you already have high blood pressure or heart disease.BARBARA KLEIN: Anything you see as a problem can cause stress. It can result from everyday situations or major problems. Stress results when something

12、causes your body to act as if it is under attack. Causes of stress can be physical, such as injury or disease. They can also be mental, like problems involving your family, job, health or finances.The tension of stress can interfere with sleep or cause anger or sadness. A person may become more forg

13、etful or find it harder to think clearly. Losing ones sense of humor is another sign of an unhealthy amount of stress.Many people who feel stressed may take on harmful behaviors in an attempt to deal with the stress. This includes eating too much, drinking too much, smoking more or using drugs. All

14、of these things can lead to other problems.(MUSIC)BOB DOUGHTY: Chronic stress happens often or lasts a long time. Chronic stress causes the body to produce too much of two hormones, cortisol and adrenalin. Cortisol is called the worry hormone.? It is produced when we are afraid. Adrenalin prepares t

15、he body to react physically to a threat.Persons with chronic stress produce too much of these hormones for too long. Too much cortisol and adrenalin can result in physical problems and changes that lead to stress-related disorders.Cortisol provides high levels of energy during important periods. How

16、ever, evidence shows that extended periods of cortisol in the body weakens bones, damages nerve cells in the brain and weakens the bodys defense against disease.BARBARA KLEIN: A recent study linked high levels of cortisol to a major increase in death from cardiovascular disease years later. Researchers examined eight hundred sixty-one adults aged sixty-five and older. They measured the l



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