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1、考研英语高频词汇drive back1. 驱车返回, 把(汽车)开回 例: He drove back in a car.他开车回去。2.驾车送回 例: He will drive you back after the dancing party.舞会之后他会开车送你回去的。3. 把赶回,赶退,赶走,驱散 例:The enemy was driven back.敌人被击退了。4. 逼得重新用,迫使不得已再用,迫使重新借助于, 逼迫采取不得已的最后一着+(on) 例:I have been driven back on cheaper cigarettes by the rises in pri

2、ces. 由于物价上涨,我只好重新抽廉价香烟了。liberatelibreitv.1. to free a country or a person from the control of sb else. 解放 +sb/sth(from sb/sth) 例:The city was liberated by the advancing army. 军队向前挺进,解放了那座城市。2.to free sb from sth that restricts their enjoyment of life. 使自由;使摆脱约束(或限制)+sb(from sth) 例:Writing poetry lib

3、erated her from the routine of everyday life. 写诗使她从日常生活的例行公事中解脱出来。military adventurism 军事冒险主义stick out1. (使从某物中)伸出,探出,突出 + (of sth)/ stick sth out(of sth) 例:His ears stick out. 他长着一对招风耳。She stuck her tongue out at me.她冲我吐了吐舌头。2.坚持到底;忍受下去stick it/sth out 例:She didnt like the course but she stuck it o

4、ut to get the certificate.她不喜欢这门课,但为了拿到证书还是耐着性子学完了。3. 坚持要求, 不得到不罢休 例:+for sth 例: They are sticking out for a higher pay rise. 他们坚持要求大幅度提高工资。tear away1. 拉掉;撕掉;拉走;夺走 例:She tore the wrapping away and took out the gift. 她撕掉包装纸,拿出礼物。2. 把(某人)勉强拉开;忍痛离去 例:I could not tear myself away from the novel.这本小说让我不忍

5、释手。3. 揭露;揭穿 例:tear away the show of sincerity covering ones deceitful intention 揭穿真诚外表下掩盖的欺骗企图 artificial ,:tifil a.做作的;虚假的;假的 例:Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness. 她义矫揉造作的快乐掩饰着内心的悲伤。【速记】联想:art(艺术)+fic(做)+-ial(形容词后缀);(经过艺术处理的)虚假的 conceivably knsi:vbli ad.可想象地,可信地 例:The disease could co

6、nceivably be transferred to humans. 这种疾病可能会传染给人类。【速记】构词:con-(加强语气)+ceive(拿)+-able(形容词后缀)+-ly(副词后缀);(将思想拿入脑海)可想象地【同根】1.conceive v. 怀孕构想出,想象 例: I cannot conceive that he would wish to harm us.我不能想象(不相信)他会伤害我们。2.concept n.概念,观念 3. conception n.理解,想法of sth, thatstrain strein v. to make an effort to do s

7、th, using all your mental or physical strength 尽力,竭力 例:I strained my ears to catch what they were saying.我竖着耳朵去听他们在说些什么。【近义】stretch, tighten, tenseinterpretation in,t:pritein n. 理解,解释,说明 例:Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events leading to his death.她的证据对导致他的死亡的事又提出了不同解释【搭配】pu

8、t on sth. give sth【近义】explanation, idea, picture, understanding【同根】interpret v.解释、说明 例:interpret a difficult text 解释一篇难懂的文字slacken(off) slknv. to gradually become, or to make sth become, slower, weaker, less active(使)放慢、减缓、萧条 例:Weve been really busy, but things are starting to slacken off now.近来我们的确

9、很忙,不过现在情况开始有所缓解了。She slackened her pace a little. 她略微放慢脚步。extract ekstrkt v.1.to remove an object from somewhere, esp by pulling it 取出,拔出,抽出 例:extract the stopper from the bottle 把瓶塞拔出来 2.(用机器或活血过程)采掘;提炼 例:47 tones of gold have been extracted at the mine. 这座矿已采掘了47吨黄金。 3(通过询问或使用暴力)套出(信息);索得(钱财)例:I f

10、inally managed to extract the truth from her.我最终设法从她嘴里套出了事实真相。 4.获得,得到(利益、好处)(1题) 【速记】构词:ex-(出)+tract(拉)cast kst v.向投以(视线、笑容等)cast a glance 瞟了一眼,匆匆一看例:She cast a welcoming smile in his direction. 她向他微笑以示欢迎。implicitly implisitli ad.含蓄地;暗示地【速记】构词:im-(在里)+plic(叠)+-it+-ly(副词后缀);(叠在里面)含蓄地【同根】implicit a.含

11、蓄的,不直接言明的 例:implicit assumptions 含蓄的假设;obligation which are implicit in the contract 合同中未直接载明的责任成为一部分的,内含的 例:The ability to listen is implicit in the teachers role.教师的角色包括了懂得倾听。完全的,无疑问的 例:She had the implicit trust of her staff.她得到了全职支援的绝对信任。inconclusive ,inknklu:siv a.无明确结果的,非结论性的 例:A coalition gov

12、ernment was formed after inconclusive elections. 在没有明确结果的选举后,形成了联合政府。 【速记】构词:in-(无,非)+con-(加强语气)+clus(=clud关闭)+-ive(形容词后缀);【同根】1.conclude v.推断出,做出结论达成,订立,缔结(协定)例:A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries 两国之间签署了贸易协定。 2.conclusion n.结论;结束签订,缔结suggest sdest v. to make sb think that sth

13、 is true使认为,(间接)表明 【近义】advice,imply例:What do these results suggest to you?照你看,这些结果说明什么呢?【同根】suggestion n.建议,提议理由 例:There was no suggestion that he was doing anything illegal. 说他在从事非法活动无任何根据。暗示upkeep pki:pn. the cost or process of keeping sth in good condition or looking after a child or a animal “保养

14、(费),维修(费);喂养的成本,抚养(费)”例:poorer people find it hard to pay for their pets upkeep.穷困的人发现负担他们的宠物的给养困难。【速记】有短语动词keep up“使保养,保养,维护“构成的复合名词;类似的复合名词还是outbreak(爆发),upturn(好转。上升,提高),slowdown(减退,减少,减退),comeback(复出,再度流行)等apply plaiv. 1.申请,请求+(for sth) *2. to use sth or make sth work in a particular situation 使

15、用,应用3.有关,涉及+(to sb/sth) 例:Special conditions apply if you are under 18. 18岁以下者按特殊情况处理。4.勤奋工作,努力学习+yourself(to sth/to doing sth 例:Your would pass your exams if you applied yourself. 努力学习就会通过考试。(13题)【同根】1. application n.申请,请求;申请书,申请表 应用,运用 勤奋,努力 例:Success as a writer demands great application. 作家要成功就得悉力以赴。1. applicable a.适合的,使用的 例:Much of the form was not applicable to me.表格中很多部分不适合于我。2. appliance n.工具,用具,器具deliver diliv v.*1.运载;递送,交付;移交 2.发表,宣布,发布 例:deliver a lecture/verdict 作演讲/宣布裁决 3.履行诺言;不负众望;兑现+(on sth)例:deliver on a promise信守诺言(13题)【同根】delivery n.传递,递送 演讲方式 例:The beau


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