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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题His argument does not suggest that mankind can _ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.问题1选项A.resortB.grantC.affordD.entitle【答案】C【解析】上下文语义。A选项resort“( to诉诸;求助于)”;B选项grant“(指正式地或法律上)同意,准许;(勉强)同意”;C选项afford“负担得起;承担得起(后果)”;D选项entitle“使享有权利,使符合资格,常用

2、被动”。句意:他的论点并不是说人类可以_浪费在利用这些自然资源时。原文从句不是被动语态,可排除D选项;且原文从句主语是人类,B选项grant在使用时也应使用被动语态,排除;A选项后面通常是某种方式后手段,而本句空格后是“浪费”,不符合,排除;C选项代入,“他的论点并不是说人类承担得起在利用这些自然资源时浪费的后果”,符合语境。因此,本题最佳选项为C。2. 翻译题Man, said Aristotle, is a social animal. This sociability requires peaceful congregation, and the history of mankind i

3、s mainly a movement through time of human collectivities that range from migrant tribal bands to large and complex civilizations. Survival has been due to the ability to create the means by which men in groups retain their unity and allegiance to one another.Order was caused by the need and desire t

4、o survive the challenge of the environment. This orderly condition called the “state”, and the rules that maintained it, the “law”. With time the partner to this tranquility, man marched across the centuries of his evolution to the brink of exploring the boundaries of his own galaxy. Of all living o

5、rganisms, only man has the capacity to interpret his own evolution as progress. As social life changed, the worth and rights of each member in the larger group, of which he was a part, increased. As the groups grew from clans to civilizations, the value of the individual did not diminish, but became

6、 instead a guide to the rules that govern all men.【答案】亚里士多德说过,人是一种社会性动物。这种社会性要求人类和平的聚集,而人类历史主要是人类集体跨越时间的运动,从迁徙的部落到大而复杂的文明。人类能够生存下来是因为有创造各种手段的能力,通过这些手段,群体中的人们能够保持团结以及对彼此的忠诚。在环境的挑战中生存下来的需要和渴望带来了秩序。这种有序的状态叫作“国家”,而维持这种状态的规则叫作“法律”。随着时间平静地流逝,人类走过了几个世纪的进化历程,即将探索自身群体的边界。在所有的生物中,只有人类有能力把自身的演变解释为进步。随着社会生活的变化,

7、大群体中每个成员的价值和权力都在增加。随着群体从氏族发展到文明,个人的价值并没有减少,而是变成了统治所有人的规则指南。3. 单选题According to the new report, 13% of Americans are over 65; this number is projected to reach 22% by the year 2030.问题1选项A.devisedB.thrustC.estimatedD.encountered【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. devised 设计 B. thrust 用力推C. estimated 估计 D. encountered 遇到

8、【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】原文指到2030年美国超过65岁的人的比例会达到22%,2030年是一个未来的年份,这个数据应该是预估的,C选项“估计”符合原文。原文be projected to“被预测”。【干扰项排除】A选项devised“设计”,美国的人口构成数据应该是自然发生的,不存在说被设计成多少;B选项thrust“用力推”,不符合原句逻辑;D选项encountered“遇到”,不符合原句逻辑。【句意】根据这份新报告,13%的美国人超过65岁;预计到2030年,这一数字将达到22%。4. 单选题Many people, if not most, _ literary taste as

9、 an elegant accomplishment, by acquiring which they will complete themselves, and make themselves finally fit as members of a correct society.问题1选项A.look onB.look downC.look inD.look into【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析与上下文语义。A选项look on“观看;看待”;B选项look down“俯视;瞧不起”;C选项look in“往里看;(on顺道拜访)”;D选项look into“调查;窥视”。句意:许多人,

10、即使不是大多数,_把文学品味作为一种高雅的修养根据句意,此处表达的是把文学品味看作一种高雅的修养,A选项最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为A。5. 翻译题我的英语有多好?对任何学习英语的人来说是最重要的一个问题。知道这个问题的答案不仅有助于树立信心,而且如果你想取得更多的进步,知道这个答案是有用的,因为一旦知道已经达到一个水平,你就会向下一个水平进军。考试在学习过程中发挥另外一个重要的作用考试证明学习者在一种语言中是否熟练。通过语言考试远不只是激励了自己在语言方面的自尊心。如果你想到英国国家去念大学,或者你想找一份需要英语技能的工作的话,通过语言考试那就至关重要了。【答案】How good is

11、 my English? It is the most important question for anyone learning English. Knowing the answer to this question builds your confidence. Moreover, its useful if you want to make more progress, because once you know youve reached one level, youll move on to the next. Another important role tests play

12、in the learning process isthey prove a learners proficiency in a language. Passing a language test is much more than a boost to ones self-esteem in learning a language. It is vital for you to pass a language test if you want to go to university in the UK, or if you want to get a job requiring Englis

13、h skills.6. 单选题We have overwhelmed the natural systems and created the dangerous _ that we no longer depend on a healthy environment.问题1选项A.illuminationB.imbalanceC.illusionD.indignation【答案】C【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项illumination“照明;阐明”;B选项imbalance“不平衡;不安定”;C选项illusion“错误的观念或信仰”;D选项indignation“愤慨;愤怒”。句意:我们使自然

14、系统不堪重负,创造了危险的_,即我们不再依赖健康的环境。“我们不再依赖健康的环境”是一种错误的观念,C选项illusion“错误的观念或信仰”最符合语境。因此,本题最佳选项为C。7. 单选题All that day my father was in _ as he had lost his wallet.问题1选项A.great anxietyB.ambitionC.ill humorD.hospitality【答案】A【解析】考查上下文语义。A选项great anxiety“非常焦虑”;B选项ambition“雄心;野心”;C选项ill humor“怒气;不悦”;D选项hospitality

15、“热情;好客”。句意:那一整天,我父亲都_好像他丢了钱包一样。根据句意,丢了钱包的人应该是焦虑,着急的,A选项great anxiety最符合句意。因此,本题最佳选项为A。8. 单选题Valeta Young, 81, a retiree from Lodi, Calif., suffers from congestive heart failure and requires almost constant monitoring. But she doesnt have to drive anywhere to get it. Twice a day she steps onto a special electronic scale. Answers a few yes or no questions via push buttons on a small attached monitor and presses a button that sends the information to a nurses station in


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