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1、省市第十四九年级英语第一次月考试题无答案卷 听力局部 I. 听句子,选出与之相符的图片。共5小题;每题1分,共5分()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. II. 听对话,选择适当的答语。共5小题;每题1分,共5分()6. A. He usually plays sportsB. I have a good habitC. I usually do some reading at home()7. A. Hardly ever B. Its a good movie C. Three times()8. A. Twice a week B. Most C. Two weeks()9.

2、A. She often goes shopping B. About onceC. On Sundays()10.A. Yes, it is B. Theyre good C. BadIII.听对话,选择正确答案。共10小题;每题1分,共10分()11. A. On weekends B. On Fridays C. On weekdays()12. A. Twice B. Three times C. Four times()13. A. Two B. Three C. Four()14. A. Her mother does B. She likes it C. Its good for

3、 her health()15. A. Four hours B. Five hours C .Twelve hours( )16. A. She is eating breakfast B. She is taking walks C. She is running()17. A. Every day B. Three or four times a day. C. Four or five times a week()18. A. To have good eating habits B. To eat junk food C. To sleep three or four times a

4、 week()19. A. No, he never eats it. B. Yes, he likes it. C. Sorry, we dont know()20. A. Either Yang Ming or Yu Yuan B. Neither Yang Ming nor Yu YuanC. Both Yang Ming and Yu YuanIV.听短文及问题,选择正确答案。共5小题;每题1分,共5分()21. A. America B. England C. Canada()22. A. Once a week B. Every day C. Ten to eleven times

5、 a week()23. A. Ten to eleven times a week B. Once a week C. Every day()24. A. Nine hours B. Ten hours C. The whole night()25. A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does C. He is unhealthy卷 笔试局部I.单项选择。20分, 每题1分()1. Though he was_ eight-year-old boy then, he had three apples at_ timeA. an theB. an /C. a; aD. a

6、n; a( )2. I_ you as soon as I _ there.A. will call, arrive B. call, will arrive C. will call, will arriveD. call, arrive()3. Im talking to you, Jack. Please listen to me_.A. care B. careful C. carefullyD. careless()4.He was sleeping _ his father was watching TV. A. when B. until C. after D. while()5

7、. Tom usually goes fishing_ Sunday morning.A. on B. at C. for D. in()6. We should keep on_ English every day.A. to practise to speak B. to practice speaking C. practising to speak D. practising speaking ()7. Our parents often tell us not_ alone in the river in summer.A. swim B. to swim C. swimming D

8、. swam()8. Excuse me, but can you tell me_?A. where can I get to the library B. where I can get to the library.C. how can I get to the library D. how I can get to the library.()9. You should make a good plan_ you do anything important.A. before B. after C. though D. until()10. Im going to Mount Huan

9、gshan tomorrow with my family.-_. A. Have a good trip B. Its my pleasure C.I have no idea D. Its hard to say()11. Wow! _its very difficult, _ I have worked out the maths problemA. Because; so B. Because; C. Although; but D. Although; ()12. Lets go fishing if it _ tomorrow.A. rains B. wont rain C. do

10、esnt rain D. will rain()13. Do you know_ a report on English learning tomorrow morning?A. is there B. there is going to have C. will there be D. there is going to be()14. He hardly hurt himself in the accident,_?A. doesnt he B. didnt he C. did he D. does he()15. We all are looking forward to _ the s

11、ummer holidays. A. taking B. take C. taken D. to take()16. _ Lucy_ Lily have been to the park.A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also()17. I cant buy the dress because I have _ money.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little()18. You have to leave now_ you can catch the early bu

12、s. A. so that B. as soon as C. because D. if()19. Just before 12 oclock, everyone _ from 5,4,3. A. count down B. count up C. counts downD. counts up()20. Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something special B. special somethingC. anything special D. special anythingII.完型填空。(10分, 每题1分The Chinese New Y

13、ears celebration has lots of activities._21_ part of the Chinese New Years celebration, people _22_ presents, decorations, special food and _23_ clothing. Railroad stations throughout China are filled with _24_. Most Chinese people take their vacation days around New Year to return home for a_25_ reunion(团聚). Before the New Years celebration, Chinese families are busy_26_ their homes a cleaning. People believe that the cleaning sweeps away_27_ luck and makes the house ready for good lu


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