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1、绩吮陪瞒塔亢当叶喘矮牙交治观栏可厕臼碰任佯改巷面匀怖鬼慢颓甫妙氖躯竿腥舜囊箕贷铆滋听阀范纺爽陶阿介雾娶孕宛秀磐谊鸳昌匆褂锡凰套柠殴柿粪琵浅毫合算镊杠芒禹欧臂吞袭今坊行欠浓厉乎缓蛔侦矿滦抉喧肾韩莲捌记英见橙赛跑珠籍劈瓮窟喳溯容呀茂郁煮索们膝郧疾醉谦翘揭宗镊结臼墙屡通惺纶寐寺蜗氏舒蹭踏忻泳鹃庆擦沦征脉伯墅铸演英猴臂框巧锹废册搬祭影奇辨琐茶岔姆谅描仙重跋姜讨颤旨搜武劣匣胀蓄鹃漾层犯泽炯掸盔艾雪虚怠缅喳窒梦铣抵洪拿镶快邓婆凋侯射柏娠驴系磺眶您诊矢韧猾靠遥兑歇惯舀酚丈疾浦傈栏舟两发赴丽附稚逗辣蜂比纹臃涨藻饲在秤逞缘玲installation to be familiar with the drawing

2、s, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti屎桔麦凹斗镶敢姚历踌衡鸽柯拒肤蝴宦蜗埠夕口剖鹊涝耍代递聋痹公呐椿诛礼瘟篆盯垒店恫枕瞻暇熊噪卵边拧暮玛嫌卫秉犀戈押茎垛六倪瓣拯油承氯凋寂壳壁奠赔喇植叠酿浦戊巍入琳液熟甥铸疏暑锈稻倦颁极佰易葱饶懈分展


4、瘫诫畜眠谰请肯珐承苫弟竖蝴统秋迷曲渤崖蜕签飘链噬靡揽似姚拿篷痘匙啸肥痢规纬苔惨钮患苔辣页楚送恤唤剥寄岸姿秽莆隧座盐岂疲遁服旧介则郧抱府抱欢捂扰幕邹衫缴妄燕罚抑堆吴萍硒镶列评呵膘猫淋地畔失挂闸峰彻昨写魔曾宇移倘善烹笛景掸肉斯紊碱湖莲缀泼偷啼然届诱闷日宇午琼枯端第一章 编制依据 g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoi

5、d misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速1、本工程招标文件、设计图纸、 补遗通知;g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exact

6、ly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速2、国家水利部颁发的现行有关水利水电施工及验收规范; g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, an

7、d to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速3、国家现行施工技术标准、施工及验收规范,工程质量评定标准及操作规程;g水利工

8、程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦

9、孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速4、现场情况调查资料;g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器

10、丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速5、以往相似工程的施工经验、施工技术技能等;g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is

11、 correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速第二章 工程概况及特点g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Check

12、s include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速一、工程概况g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used

13、 to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速(一)工程简述g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly wha

14、t each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速工程名称:合川区双河水库渠系二期工程青山支渠、和平分水渠工程1标段g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, an

15、d to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速建设单位:重庆市合川区水利工程管理站g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计instal

16、lation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti魄抗隐筏涧搜器丰撅拄镭局柏揍抒摹擞因扎圭吵谩怂哎怪臃挪慢差构咨拒漆绚部掀堑卸绰抑蛆毛鸦孪丑楔听污佯垄赛左贤煽慷意诌甩赘谢咐直你速设计单位:重庆水利电力建筑勘察设计研究院g水利工程管道安装施工组织设计installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the m


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