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1、历年英语四级听力对话试题训练历年英语四级听力对话试题训练强调词是答案所在:indeed; actually;1). W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself. (2000.1)M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mothers cannot match this.A) This apple pie tastes very good. B) His mother likes the pie very much.C)This pie cant match his mothers. D) His m

2、other cant make apple pies. (A)2). W: John, are you doing research for Professor Williams this semester?M: Actually, I am working as his teaching assistant.Q: What does the man mean?(2023.1)A) He needs another job as research assistant.B) He asked Professor Williams for assistance.C) He assists Prof

3、essor Williams with his teaching.D) He is doing research with Professor Williams3). M:My headaches are terrible.Maybe I need more sleep.W:Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. It would help if you wear a hat.Q:What does the woman think is the cause of the mans headache?A)Long exposure to the

4、 sun.* B)Lack of sleep.C)Too tight a hat. D)Long working hours.直传答案题:Why not.? What about.? So do.? So am.?1). M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the pay phone.W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.Q: What will the man most probably do? (2023.1)A Get som

5、e change from Jane B Use the womans phone.C Go to look for a pay phone. D Pay for the phone call.2). W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my car.(2023.1)M: So do I. I cant see any scratches on the outside and the inside is clean too.Q: What does the man think of the womens car?A

6、Her car can stand any crash. B Her car is not as good as his.C Her car is maintained as well as his. D Her car is kept in good condition.3). M: Wonderful day, isnt it? Want to join me for a swim? (2023.1)W: If you dont mind waiting while I get prepared.Q: What does the woman mean?A She is too busy t

7、o go. B She doesnt want to wait long.C Shes willing to go swimming. D She enjoys the wonderful weather.4) W:The people next door are making so much noise, I just cant concentrate, Tom.M:Why dont you stay at the library? Its much quieter there.Q:What does Tom mean?A)The woman should have plained to h

8、er neighbor.B)The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.C)The woman should have stayed at the library. *D)The lab will be a better place for reading.5) M:This is hopeless. These figures still dont add up right, lets do the calculations over again。W:Yes ,but why not do them tomorrow? Its very late now.Q:What does the woman suggest they do?A)Check the figures later today. C)Bring a calculator tomorrow.B)Do the calculations again tomorrow.* D)Calculate the number right now第 页 共 页


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