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1、CONTENTSUnit 1 Scientific Paper and LiteratureLesson 1 Writing a Scientific PaperThis chapter is a general guide to writing a scientific paper. Specific guidelines for text length, preparation of figures and tables, and instructions on how to submit your paper differ from journal to journal and publ

2、isher to publisher. For ACS journals and special publications, read the Guide, Notes, Notice, or Instructions for Authors that appear in each publications first issue of the year and on the World Wide Web at http:/pubs.acs.org. For ACS books, consult the brochure “How To Prepare Your manuscript for

3、the ACS Symposium Series” or “Instructions for Authors”, available from the Books Department or on the World Wide Web at the same address. 译文:这一章节是写科学论文一个总的指导。包括对于文章长度要求,数字和图表的制备,还有向不同杂志和出版商提交论文的说明指导方针。对于美国化学学会杂志和特殊的出版物,请阅读出现在每年第一期和全球网上对于作者的指南,注释,公告和说明。对于美国化学会的书目,请查阅一些像如何为ACS准备你的底稿,作者须知这样的小册子,这些资料可以

4、从书籍部或者在相同地址的全球网页上得到。Introduction to Science PaperA research paper is a form of written academic communication which can be employed to disseminate useful information and to share academic ideas with others. Most of the research papers are written for publication in journals or conference proceedings

5、 in ones field. Publication is one of the fastest ways for propagating ideas and for professional recognition and advancement. If you have a clear idea about the features and styles of academic articles, it will be easier for you to successfully get your paper published in the target journal or acce

6、pted by an international conference.(去年曾考!)一篇研究论文是学术交流的书面形式,它可以用来传播有用的信息并且可以和别人分享有用的学术见解。大多数的研究论文是用于杂志出版或者作为个人领域的会议记录。出版是作为传播见解和专业认知与提高最快捷的方法。如果你对学术文章的特点和形式有着清晰地认识,那么你的论文可以更容易的在目标杂志上发表或者被国际会议所采纳。Features of Academic Papers The first of the features of an academic paper is the content. It is no more

7、and no less than an objective and accurate account of a piece of research you did, either in the humanities, social, sciences, natural sciences or applied sciences. It should not be designed to teach or to provide general background.整理为word格式学术论文的特色学术论文的第一个特色就是内容。它只不过是你做的部分研究客观并且准确的记录,要么是关于人文,社会,科学,

8、自然科学或者应用科学。他不能用来教授或者提供一般背景。 The second feature is the style of writing for this purpose. Your paper should contain three ingredients: precise logical structure, clear and concise language, and the specific style demanded by the journal to which it will be submitted.论文的第二个特征就是这一目的的写作方式。你的论文必须包含三种要素:严

9、格的逻辑结构,清晰和简洁的语言,还有就是你论文要提交的杂志所规定的特定写作形式。 The third, which is indeed a part of the second, is the system of documenting the sources used in writing the article. At every step in the process of writing, you must take into account the ideas, facts, and opinions you have gained from sources you have con

10、sulted. 第三,实际上是第二条的一部分,就是文章所用资源的引证系统。在文章过程的每一部里,你必须对你从资源查阅到的想法,事实,观点进行充分考虑。 One of the most convenient features of academic articles is that they are divided into clearly delineated sections. This is helpful because you only have to concentrate on one section at a time. You can thus visualize more o

11、r less completely the whole paper while you are working on any part of it. Though papers of the humanities and social sciences do not always have the clearly divided sections, they share some of the common requirements with the scientific papers. 学术论文的特征中最方便的地方之一是学术论文被清晰地分成几个部分。这一点对你很有帮助,因为你每次只需考虑一个

12、部分。当你撰写其中一个部分时你总能总揽全文。尽管人文科学和社会科学没有明显的界限,但是他们遵循科学论文的一般要求。Getting Started Although there is no fixed set of “writing rules” to be followed like a cookbook recipe or an experimental procedure, some guidelines can be helpful. Start by answering some questions: 尽管学术论文不像食谱配方或者实验流程一样有一套固定的写作规矩,但是一些指导方针也是很

13、有帮助的。接下来回答请一些问题:What is the function or purpose of this paper? Are you describing original and significant research results? Are you reviewing the literature? Are you providing an overview of the topic? Something else? 你论文的作用和目的是什么?你是在描述独创的并且有重大意义的科研成果吗?你是在综述文献吗?你是在进行主题概括吗?或者是其他的问题。How is your work

14、different from that described in other reports on the same subject? (Unless you are writing a review, be sure that your paper will make an original contribution. Some publishers, including ACS, do not publish previously published material.) 你的论文与其他具有相似主题的报告有什么不同之处?(除非你是在写综述,确保你的论文具有原创性贡献。)一些出版商,包括整理

15、为word格式ACS,不会出版过去已经被发表过的材料。What is the best place for this paper to be published-in a journal or as part of a book? If a journal, which journal is most appropriate? 这篇论文最好的出版地方是哪里?是在一本杂志里面或者作为一本书的一部分。若是在杂志中,哪种杂志是最合适的。Who is the audience? What will you need to tell them to help them understand your w

16、ork? 你的读者是谁?你需要讲述哪些信息以便于帮助他们理解你的文章?Answering these questions will clarify your goals and thus make it easier for you to write the paper with the proper amount of detail. It will also make it easier for editors to determine the papers suitability for their publications. Writing is like so many other things: if you clarify your overall goal, the details fall into place. 回答这些问题可以明确你的目标,并且可以帮助你在论



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