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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 新人教版高中英语必修四U1课文重点句汇集1. Examine the following six women, using the rules about what makes agreat person . Most great people we know about are also important people .But important people may not be great people .In pairs discuss the following women . Which of these women do you

2、 think is a great woman ?Give reasons foryour choice .用伟人的标准衡量下面的六位女性。我们知道的大多数伟人同时也是重要人物。但是重要人物却未必是伟大人物。分组讨论下列女性。你认为这些妇女中哪位是最伟大的 ?给出你选择的理由。2. Joan of Arc(1412-1431),France Joan of Arc was a girl from the countryside who dressed as a man went to fight for the French.She helped drive the English out o

3、f France.She was caught and put to death by the English. 圣女贞德(1412-1431),贞德是一个出身于农村的女孩,她女扮男装参加了为法国而战的斗争。她帮助把英国侵略者从法国驱赶了出去。(最终,)她被英国入侵者抓住并处死。(P1)3. Song Qingling, Dr Sun Yat-sens wife, wasone of the top leadersinmodern Chinese history.宋庆龄(孙中山先生的夫人)是中国近代史上的杰出领袖之一。(P1)4. Sheconcerned herself withwelfar

4、e projects, especially the China Welfare Institute for women and children. 她关心福利事业,尤其关心服务于妇女和儿童的中国福利基金会。(P1)5. Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who becamea specialist in womens illnesses. Shedevoted all her life tomedical work for Chinese women and children.林巧稚是一位医生,她是一位妇科疾病的专家。她把毕生奉献给了中国妇女儿童医疗工作。6. Jody Wi

5、lliams helped found an international campaign to stop the makeing of landmines.She also worked hard to makeas many countries as possibleagree not to use them. 乔迪威廉斯帮助找到了一个国际运动,以阻止地雷决策。她同时努力劝说尽可能多的国家同意不使用它们。7. Following Janes way of studying chimps, our group are all going to visit them in the forest

6、.我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去桂林里拜访它们。8. Watching a family of chimps wake upis our first activity of the day.我们当天的首项任务就是观察黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。(P2)9. Everybody sits and waitsin the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off.大家坐在树阴下等待着,这时候猩猩红们睡醒了,准备离开。10. Most of time, chimpseither feed or clean

7、each other as a way of showinglove in their family.在大部分时间里,黑猩猩或相互喂食,或相互擦身,这是它们家族里表达爱的方式。11. Werealize thatthe bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.我们明白了黑猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人数家庭成员之间的联系一样紧密。12. Sinceher childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment

8、.从孩提时候起,她就想在动物生活的环境中研究它们。13. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few monthswasshe allowed to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的的计划。14. She also discovered how chimpscommunicate witheach other, and her study of their body languagehelped her work out their social system.她还发现了黑

9、猩猩之间是如何交流的。而她对黑猩猩身势语的研究帮助她勾勒出黑猩猩的社会体系。15. For forty years Jane Goodallhas been outspoken aboutmakingthe rest of the worldunderstand and respect the life of these animals.40年来,简.古道尔一直在呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。16. She hasargued thatwild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or adve

10、rtisements.她主张野生动物应该留在野外,而不应为娱乐和广告。17. Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories. Its terrible. It affects me when I watched the wild chimps.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。18. She has achieved everything she wanted to do:working wit

11、hanimals in their own environment,gaining a doctors degreeandshowing thatwomen can love in the forest as men can.简已经得到了她想要得到的一切:在动物的栖息地工作;获得博士学位;还向世人证明女人和男人一样也能在森林里生活。19. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases. 很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于林巧稚大夫的文章,她是妇科

12、专家. (P6)20. It seemed that she had been very busyin her chosen career,traveling abroadto studyas well aswriting books and articles.林巧稚似乎一直都在为自己选择的事业而忙碌,去国外留学,还写了很多书和文章。21. It was a small bookexplaining how to cut the death ratefrom having and caring for babies.这是一本小书,介绍了从妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中如何降低死亡率。22. Sud

13、denlyithit mehow difficult it was for a womanto get medical training at that time.突然,我想起在那个时代,一个女子去学医是多么的困难啊!23. Further readingmade me realizethat it was hard workand determinationas well asher gentle nature that got her into medical shool.进一步阅读使我子解到,是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。24. What made her succee

14、d later onwas the kindness and consideration (that)she showed to all her patients.她对病人的仁慈和体贴造就了她后来的成功。25. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a days work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. 数不胜数的故事讲述着林巧稚如何在劳累一天之后,又在深夜去为贫苦家庭的产妇接生,而这些家

15、庭是不可能给她报酬的。26. By now I could not wait to find out more about her . I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi hasdevoted her whole life toher patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own. 这时候我已经是迫不及待地想发掘有关她的更多的故事了。我发现林巧稚把毕生都献给了病人,而自己却选择了独身。27. It was stillnot too late for me toimprove my studies, pre

16、pare for the university entrance examinations.对我来说,现在努力提高学习成绩、准备大学考试还不算晚。28. Think about what you do every day and the impact you life is making on people and the environment. 想想你每天的所作所为,以及你日常生活给别人和环境所造成的影响。(P8)29. I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done.对于已经完成的那些事情,我从来不去重视。我只重视那些尚待完成的事情。必修4 Unit1: workbook翻译1.努力提高工厂工人的工作



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