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1、课标教学建议部分倡导教师在教学中应该避免使用单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用任务型及其他用英语做事情的教学途径,培养学生语言运用能力。案例05案例特点:在模拟社区建设讨论中,在表达意见和建议时能恰当地用动词不定式做宾语或宾语补足语。教学内容:复习动词不定式做宾语补足语和状语的用法。教学目标:能在模拟国际社区讨论社区个别人存在的扰民问题,要求社区委员会向个别人转告大家的意见,并进行规劝,在活动中使用不定式准确简练地表达自己的意见。教学步骤: Step One Lead-in: Listening comprehension(通过听力导入)Tell the students to find o

2、ut the answers to the two questions on the screen.(请找出下面两个问题的答案)Questions:1. Whats wrong with Anns radio?2. Whats wrong with the line?Step Two Get the students to read the dialogue in Part 3 themselves. Ask them to fill in the blanks after reading.(阅读第3部分的对话并做填空练习)1. Why did Ann call Tina?She called

3、 Tina to _.2. When is Ann going to bring her radio to school?She is going to _.3. What did Tina ask Ann to do?Tina asked Ann to _.4. Why did Tina shout during the phone call?She shouted to _.5. What did mother want Tina to tell Ann?She wanted Ann to _.Step Three Revision - ask / tell sb. (not) to do

4、(复习句型ask / tell sb. (not) to do)Teacher shows groups of pictures and then asks: “Dont you think?”Get students to answer: “Yes”. And ask them what they will ask him / her do. Try to get as many suggestions as possible.Step Three Discussion (Group work) (小组讨论) Now Dongcheng District is trying to make

5、itself the best District in Beijing. Everyone should make a contribution to this goal. Here are some problems in some communities in Dongcheng. As a member of the community, have a discussion about how to solve one of these problems. While having the discussion, you should try to use what we have le

6、arned in class. For example, “we will ask (tell) the gate-keeper / the owner of the cars or dogs (not) to ”. When you discuss the problems, you should take down notes and then the whole passage should be written out so that we can hand it in to the people in charge of the community work. Step four:

7、Reporting.(反馈)环节点评:在上面这个环节中,老师利用了学生身边正在发生的事情,即:东城区正在开展争创全国示范区活动,要学生以社区居民的身份,为社区面临的问题提出建议和意见。这是一个真实的语境,在设置这个任务的时候,老师充分调动了学生的积极性和参与的热情,突出了英语学习的情趣性和实用性,在讨论中学生们既要充分发挥自己丰富的想象力,人者见仁,智者见智,共同探讨行之有效的解决方案,要学会倾听,同时又要使用到刚刚学习过的动词不定式才能完成这个任务。Step five: Write out the suggestions youve just put forward. (将你们提出的建议写出

8、来)Attachment: Students writingDogs: We will tell the owners to tie their dogs; in this way the dogs cant run everywhere freely. Then, we will ask the owner to send their dogs to some special dog schools to learn something good, and the owners need to help dogs form good habits. After that, we will a

9、sk some workers to build some toilets just for pets. If so, all the dogs may have their own place to solve their problems. And if dogs cant stop harming the environment, we will ask the owners to take some paper with them when they walk their dogs. And they have to clean the ground if their dogs do

10、something bad.Alarms: We will tell the car owner to park their car far from the neighbors windows. And still we will pay to build some small new parking houses. Then, we will ask some scientists to invent some new machines if possible, and this machine can just send the sound of the alarm to the owner. And at last, we will tell the car owners to lock their cars well and then try not to use the alarm as often as possible.1


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