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1、江西无线电厂质量管理信息化建设研究 摘 要当前,全国建立和通过质量体系认证的企业不计其数。的确,质量体系标准浓缩了世界发达国家近百年的先进管理经验和许多优秀的管理方法。建立和实施质量管理体系已经成为企业进入市场的必要条件。但是,企业在质量管理体系的建设和实施当中问题诸多,质量管理运行效率低下是一方面,更重要的是质量管理体系建设没有有效引入与其相配的信息管理系统,质量信息无法在企业内部得到有效传递进而产品质量控制无法得到有效的监督等。因此质量管理体系要在企业长期高效地运作,就需要寻求建立一个高效的质量管理信息化系统。 今天,人们普遍承认,管理者必须具备信息系统知识,因为大部分组织的生存与发展都需

2、要信息系统。信息系统可以帮助公司无国界地扩展营业点、提供新产品与服务、改造工作与作业流程,或者完全改变经营的方式。随着信息技这术尤其是网络技术的广泛应用,物流管理系统(简称ERP)技术已普遍为企业所应用,它为企业提供全面的信息化管理,是企业实现质量管理信息化的重要手段,特别体现在管理信息系统下质量管理子系统的应用,企业质量管理得到了质的出破。 然而,信息系统可以说广而杂,在质量管理中引入信息管理形成质量管理信息化要有相应理论的指导,而指导这种新型质量管理信息技术的理论就是传统的全面质量管理理论,当这种理论找到一种合适的信息化载体的时,就能发挥其最大的功能。本论文以质量体系标准为理论指导,重点论

3、述了如何应用信息技术实现质量管理信息化,建设一个高效的质量管理系统。关键词:全面质量管理 IS09001 质量管理信息系统 1 AbstractThe quality system concentrated in developed countries over the past century the worlds advanced management experience and has absorbed a lot of good management practices, a customer-focus, stressed the importance of process man

4、agement and continuous improvement.The establishment and implementation of ISO9001 quality management system has become the quality to win an important means of competitiveness. However, enterprises in the quality management system construction and implementation of which there are still many proble

5、ms: inefficient management manual, Quality management system construction and information systems development, out of touch, information systems can not effectively support the quality of enterprise management. Program files only by way of curing the course of business, can not guarantee long-term s

6、tandard in the enterprise have Operation efficiencyISO9001 quality management system is therefore in the long-term efficient operation of enterprises, on the need to seek more Effective means of curingHowever, as information technology, in particular, the extensive application of network technology,

7、 ERP technology for enterprise applications in general, it provides businesses with comprehensive solutions for enterprise supply chain management to achieve an important means. This revolutionary breakthrough, especially in the management information system under the application of quality manageme

8、nt systemBased on a common database and a seamless transfer, quality management has permeated the entire life cycle of productsAny kind of application of new technologies can not be separated from the guiding theory, and the guidance of this new technology, quality management theory is that the clas

9、sical theory of total quality management, when this theory to find a suitable time vector information can be function to their imum. In this paper, to ISO9001: 2000 for theoretical guidance to Kingdee K / 3 information system for the carrier, from a theoretical integration of ISO9001 and ERP feasibl

10、e to carry out a full analysis of type, and then focuses on the combination of ISO9001 and ERP implementation pointsFinally, radio factory in Jiangxi Province as an example of the ERP system, demo Kingdee K / 3 system, how to achieve the ISO9001 quality management system of the four processes, a com

11、bination of both to verify the feasibility and effectKey words: total quality managementIS09001quality management information system2 目 录1. 绪论?1 1.1 研究背景和意义?1 1.1.1 研究背景 ?1 1.1.2 论文研究的理论意义 ?2 1.1.3 论文研究的实践意义 ?3 1.2 国内外研究现状?3 1.2.1 国外研究现状?3 1.2.2 国内研究现状?4 1.3 论文的研究方法和内容 ?4 2. 论文研究的相关的相关理论 ?5 2.1 全面质量管理理论?5 2.1.1 以质量管理的八项原则为基础?5 2.1.2过程模式和过程方法?6 2.1.3 利用PDCA循环实现持续改进 ?7 2.1.4 顾客满意 ?8 2.2 质量管理信息化建设理论 ?9 2.2.1 质量管理信息化的发展历程?



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