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1、many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves,

2、the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the bo

3、rder area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest societys weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of peoples livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-t

4、erm capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation where did the money come from still outstanding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irratio

5、nal structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calml

6、y, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disa

7、dvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nations most dare ring of green and organic food, but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and

8、pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the bord

9、er area, has been our weakness today as the country along the way, and long Jiang Silk Road building farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XXs situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the Mongolia-Russia economic corr

10、idors 65 policy and steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the Thirteen-Five period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long9.1 概述地图集是对矢量库或栅格库的管理,用来管理具有相同空

11、间参照的多幅地图数据,它是地理数据库(GeoDatabase)的一个有效组成部分,与地理数据库中的要素数据集平级,旨在对同一个空间参照系的矢量数据按照层类、图幅进行分类组织并进行管理。在地图集中,图幅是一个基本的图形单元,以图幅为单位构成平面,一个图幅又由若干层重叠而成,不同类型的实体分在不同层里,如将河流、湖泊放在水系层里,水系层又可进一步分为水系点层、水系线层、水系面层,层类按一定的顺序显示,每一层都设有显示开关。为了使层类显示时不会被覆盖,一般按照面、线、点的顺序组织层类。地图编辑器可以将MapGIS6.x的地图库升迁到MapGIS K9里来管理,同时也支持在MapGIS K9中直接创建

12、新的矢量地图集。它有如下的功能:按分幅(目录)管理。按无缝(拼接)简单要素类或栅格数据管理。管理具有相同空间参考的多幅矢量或栅格地图数据,每一个图幅由多个层类组成,每个层类数据在物理上独立存储。地图集按照层类、图幅的方式进行管理。地图集从纵向上由多个层类组成,如水系类、道路类、等高线类等。在横向上地图集由多个图幅组成。每个图幅数据组成的简单要素类或栅格数据个数与排列顺序要严格按照地图集的层类划分进行组织。在MapGIS K9中,对地图集的管理提供地图集管理工具条、地图集分析工具条及地图集的右键菜单操作。9.2 地图集库管理工具地图集库管理工具用于对地图集整体的处理操作,包括地图集创建、删除、接

13、图表输出、属性查看、接边处理等。在地图编辑器工具栏的空白处右键,加载“地图集库管理工具”,如图9.21所示。图9.21地图集库管理工具9.2.1 地图集创建地图集创建包含4个步骤:(1)新建地图集;(2)生成图幅;(3)新建层类;(4)入库。 新建地图集功能说明创建新的空地图集。操作步骤1. 点击“地图集库管理工具”栏上的新建地图集按钮,弹出如图9.22所示对话框。2. 输入地图集名称;3. 设置空间参照系,空间参照系的选择有两种方法:一是点击空间参照系右侧的按钮,弹出如图9.23所示的对话框,选择一个合适的空间参照系;二是勾选“选择类,将其空间参照系应用到地图集中”选项,再选择

14、空间参照系右侧的按钮,弹出如图9.24所示对话框,选择一个合适的类,将其空间参照系应用到地图集中。4. 选择地图集的存放路径(某地理数据库);5. 设置地图集属性:分为合并层和非合并层:合并层:层关联一个栅格数据集或一个简单要素类。(将分幅采集后的数据进行合并(追加)操作,使得地图集每一层仅对应一个数据类。在此类图层中,图幅为逻辑上的概念并不与独立的数据类对应)非合并层:层关联一个栅格目录或一个要素数据集。(地图集每一层的每一个图幅都可独立对应一个数据类)6. 点击“确定”即可。图9.22新建地图集界面图9.23空间参照系图9.24选择类对话框9.2.1.2 生成图幅提供两种图幅生成方式:自动

15、生成图幅及自定义生成图幅。1. 自动生成图幅功能说明根据用户设置参数,自动生成对应图幅。此方式生成的图幅为多图幅。创建时,系统先判断地图集是否已存在图幅信息,若存在则需删除再进行创建。提供三种图库的分幅方式:等高宽的矩形分幅、等经纬的梯形分幅以及不定形的任意分幅。操作说明1. 确保地图集处于当前编辑状态。2. 点击“地图集库管理工具”栏上的按钮,弹出如图9.25所示对话框。3. 根据数据的格式和需要选择不同的分幅方式和比例尺、分幅编号等图幅参数设置。4. 完成参数设置后,点击【确定】即可。若当前地图集已存在图幅,则弹出提示框“是否删除已有的图幅信息”;选择【是】则删除之,并按照设置的参数创建图幅;选择【否】,则取消当前创建操作。图9.25自动生成图幅参数说明(1)等高宽的矩形分幅比例尺较大(如1:500、1:1000、1:2000)的情况下,每个图幅可近视看成矩形,因此采取矩形分幅,选择比例尺和图幅编号方法,确定分幅参数,矩形分幅参数如图9.26所示。【提示】:横、纵起始公里值是必填项;“矩形分幅方法”前两项为标准分幅,图幅高度和宽度不可修改,若选择“任意矩形分幅”,则必须指定图幅高度和宽度,横纵向格数确定分幅个数。图9.26等高宽矩形分幅参数(2)等经纬的梯形分幅较小比例尺(1:5000)的数据采取梯形分幅,选择比例尺和图幅编号后,梯形分幅参数如图9.27所示


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