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1、词性转化当空格处所需词类与括号中所给词的词类不同时,就需要词类转化。我们可 据以下3条规则顺利解题:(1) 作主语或宾语用名词形式;(2) 作定语、表语或补足语用形容词形式;修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,作状语,用副词形式。具体解题技巧如下: 第一步:分析结构,确定要填的词在句中充当哪种句子成分。在名词前作定语、 在系动词后作表语、作主语和宾语的补足语,一般要用形容词;修饰动词、形容 词或副词,或修饰整个句子,作状语,用副词;作主语或宾语用名词,或者在冠 词、形容词性物主代词或名词所有格后,用名词。第二步:根据构词法将括号中的词变成所需要的词类。注意:1. 有时不但要注意词性转换,而且还要考虑用

2、表示相反意义的前缀或后缀,其 逻辑意义才通顺;2. 当所给词的词性与空格处所需词的词性相同时,无需改变词性,就可能是 加只改变词义但不改变词性的前缀了。常考考点形容词f副词widefwidely形容词f形容词比较级/最高级widefwider/widest形容词f名词widefwidth形容词f动词widef widen动词f名词instruct f instruction (s)特殊变性happy fhappily, simple fsimply, true ftruly, arrange farrangement, judge fjudgment1.【2019全国 II 卷】Her yea

3、rs of hard work have(final)been acknowledgedafter a customer nominated (提名)her to be Cheshires Woman Of The Year.2【2019全国卷 I】It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears asmuch of the range has been (poor) studied.3.【2019全国卷 I 改编】It leads to a(believe) that populations are increa

4、sing4. 【2019 浙江卷】Other American studies showed no (connect) betweenuniforms and school performance.5. 【2019浙江卷】School uniforms are(tradition) in Britain, but some schoolsare starting to get rid of them.6. 【2018全国卷 I I】According to the World Bank, China accounts for about 30percent of total(globe) fe

5、rtilizer consumption.7. 【2018全国卷 III】Im a(science) who studies animals such as apes andmonkeys.&【2018全国卷 I】Running is cheap, easy and its always (energy).9. 【2017全国卷 I I】This development was only possible with the(introduce)of electric-powered engines and lifts.10. 【2019 浙江卷改编】 When the children are

6、 walking to school on dark mornings,car drivers can (easy) see them.11. She took the job for (variety)reasons.12. It(eventual) became Chinas primary faith, more widespread than theoriginal Chinese religions of Confucianism and Taoism.13. When they were free from work,they invited us to local events

7、and let us know ofan interesting (compete) to watch,together with the story behind it.14. The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be (afford) but doing this most days adds up.15. In order to protect the environment people shouldnt destroy (nature)balance.16. The (produce) made

8、his fortune thanks to the young peppa pig.17. Now that you are able to take up arms and protect your motherland,we areall(pride)of you.1. 【答案】finally【解析】考查副词用法。根据空格所处位置可知,此处应用副词形式作状语,修饰谓语动词have been acknowledged,意为“最终得以认可”,故填finally。2. 【答案】 poorly【解析】考查副词用法。根据句意和结构分析可知,此处用副词 poorly 修饰谓 语动词has been s

9、tudied,意为“研究很少”。故填poorly。3. 【答案】 belief【解析】考查名词。根据其前不定冠词和其后的同位语从句可知,空格处为名词 形式,故填 belief。4. 【答案】 connection/connections【解析】考查名词。句意:其他的美国研究表明校服和学校表现之间没有联系。 no 是形容词,形容词修饰名词,位于名词前,名词可用复数也可用单数形式。 connect 是动词, “联系”的意思, 因此, 要用其名词形式。 故填 connection/connections。5. 【答案】 traditional【解析】考查形容词。句意:穿校服在英国是一个传统,但是一些

10、学校开始允许学生上学不用穿校服。are是系动词,其后常用形容词作表语,tradition是名词, “传统”的意思,因此,用其形容词形式。故填 traditional。6. 【答案】global【解析】 考查词性转换。句意:中国约占全球化肥总消费量的 30%。 fertilizer consumption 是名词短语,故应该用形容词修饰。故填 global。7. 【答案】 scientist【解析】考查名词。根据语境可知,我是一名科学家。scientist科学家。8. 【答案】 energetic【解析】考查词形变化。跑步总是让人充满活力的。根据its可知,系动词后用 形容词作表语。故填 ene

11、rgetic。9. 【答案】 introduction【解析】考查词性转换。空格前是the,后面应该是名词,故填名词introduction。10. 【答案】 easily【解析】考查副词。分析句式可知,设空处所给词是修饰动词see,修饰动词要 用副词,因此,用 easy 的副词 形式。故填 easily。11. 【答案】 various 【解析】考查形容词。句意:她由于种种原因接受了这份工作。修饰复数名词reasons 应用形容词,故填 various。12. 【答案】eventually【解析】考查副词。修饰动词became,应用副词形式,故填eventually。13. 【答案】 com

12、petition【解析】考查名词。句意:当他们没有工作的时候,他们邀请我们参加当地的活 动,让我们知道一个有趣的比赛,以及它背后的故事。由空格前的不定冠词 an 与空格后的不定式to watch可以确定空格处应该填名词形式。故填competition。14. 【答案】 affordable【解析】 考查形容词。此处表示一周一两次外出吃饭是负担得起的,系动词 be 后用形容词作表语,表示“负担得起的”,故填affordable。15. 答案】 natural 【解析】考查形容词。句意:为了保护环境,人们不应该破坏自然平衡。修饰名词应用形容词形式。nature (自然界,大自然)的形容词形式为na

13、tural (自然的)。 故填 natural。16. 【答案】 producer 【解析】考查词性转化。句意:这位制作人靠年轻的小猪佩奇发了财。做主语,表示“制作人”,故填 producer。17. 【答案】 proud【解析】 考查形容词。句意:现在你们能够拿起武器保卫祖国了,我们都为你们感到骄傲。固定短语be proud of=take pride in以为自豪。故填proud。passage1体裁主题字数建议用时议论文空气污染的影响215字9分钟The silent killer air pollution causes seven million premature (过早的 )1

14、(death) a year, not just in 2 (develop) countries but also in UK and the USA as well. In China,people are well aware of the health problems it brings.I check every part every day. If it has heavy air pollution, I will prepare masks for my family. I dislike 3 when the air is bad. Because bad air make

15、s it difficult for me to breathe and I think it does influence my 4 (perform) at work. A new research in China has also found a link between air quality and levels of intelligence. In the study, 25,000 people living across China 5 (test) in language and math skills last year. They found the results of those6 lived in more polluted areaswere 7 (negative) impacted, especially in languages. It adds to a growing body of evidence that air pollution has an effect not just on the lungs and heart8 onthe brain.This research shows that the longer we are ex


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