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1、期末综合测试题(一)第一卷选择题(60分)I.词汇测试(15分)i.根据句意|,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项|。(共8小题|,每小题1分)()1. A car accident happened here recently. Really? Did anyone get hurt?A.a long time ago B. not long ago C. in the present()2. I wonder if they are able to complete the work.I believe they are because all of them once did the sam

2、e work.A.want to knowB.want to understandC.want to decide()3. Nothing can satisfy the greedy (贪婪的) woman in the story. Yes. At last|, she gets nothing.A.reachB. remindC. please()4. I require a pair of scissors to make paper cuttings.Here you are. Be careful!A.needB. allowC. advise()5. What do you th

3、ink of the work?一 Its simple. I have the ability to do it.A. different B. similar C. easy ()6. The surprising news made her eyes pop out.I also never believed it would happen.A.open widelyB. close quietlyC. get wet()7. John often cares for his little sister in his free time.He is a good boy. Sometim

4、es he also helps with the housework.A. plays forB. takes care of C. looks for()8. As long as you work hard|, I will support you all the time. Thank you! I will.A. in public B. in fear C. all the way ii.从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案|。(共7小题|,每小题1分)()9. If two things are _|, they- are put together.A. mixed B

5、. developed C. damaged()10. If something is_|, it is not pleasant.A. fanny B. terrible C. ready()11. His illness is very_|, right?Yes. He has stayed in hospital for about one month.A. serious B. popular C. stupid ()12. Come on|, or I wont wait for you. Wait for me at the door and Ill come_.A. in a w

6、ayB. in the end C. in a second()13. Whats the meaning of the_?People can not only help others but also learn much.A. voluntary work B. part-time jobs C. full-time jobs()14. Do you know how to_ others?When you talk with others|, you should smile at them and be friendly to them.A.look forward toB.make

7、 a good impression onC.make jokes about()15. She is_ great pain because of her mothers death.How can we make her feel better?A. putting onB. depending onC. suffering from II.完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文|,掌握其大意|,然后从16-25 各小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案|。 (共10小题|,每小题1.5分)I dont usually refuse others when weve made plans|, bu

8、t when I woke up yesterday|, I didnt want to 16 a mountain. However|, I had said 17|, and I went to meet my friends. At the 18 of the mountain|, I realized this was not going to be 19 at all|, because it was foil of mud (泥) and rocks! But we 20 the top after 5 hours. We were above the clouds|, surro

9、unded (环绕) by mountains. However|, then I got the 21 news that the way back was much harder. I wanted to 22|, but there was no way out. So we began to go down from a 23 way|, which was longer. After a few hours|, my whole body ached and I was too 24 to say a word. I couldnt understand how we were go

10、ing to get back. It was already 8 hours of walking and we 25 water and we had nothing to drink. Finally|, we went home at 10:30 pm.()16. A. seeB. climbC. build()17. A. noB. yesC.goodbye()18. A. leftB. topC.foot()19. A. difficultB. easyC.angry()20. A. droveB. blewC. reached()21. A. goodB. badC.exciti

11、ng()22. A. give upB. make upC. stand up()23. A. shortB. goodC. different()24. A. sadB. tiredC. surprised()25. A. ran out of B. were ready to C. were made of III.阅读理解(30分)阅读下列短文|,从下面每题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案|。(共20小题|,每小题1.5分)AHave you ever wondered what kind of person you are? I used to think of myself

12、only. I did not care about helping others|, but only care about my looks|, clothes|, money and grades.One of my neighbors was having so much fun doing voluntary work|, and he told me that he felt very good and fresh after helping others. I hoped to get the same results (结果)|, so I went to do volunta

13、ry work.I did voluntary work at the nursing home for a year. I bought some snacks|, coffee and gave them out to the old people here. I talked to them and played games like playing chess with them. They were from China|, so they often had trouble communicating with others. I sometimes offered to be t

14、heir translator (翻译). After my voluntary work at the nursing home ended|, I began to do voluntary work at a Saturday English language school|, a place for Chinese-American children to learn to speak Chinese.Before I did voluntary work|, I felt useless. I spent all my free time playing video games or

15、 hanging out with friends. But now I think I should try to be a useful person in the world. I have learned many life lessons through doing voluntary work. By helping others|, I felt I was needed in the world.()26. Why did I do voluntary work?A.Because I wanted to have good feelings.B.Because I wanted to be with my neighbor.C.Because I wanted to learn some skills.D.Because I wanted to make some friends.()27. What did I do for going to the nursing home?A


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