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1、Gitblit服务器搭建和git使用教程1大纲目前做代码管理的主流是Git, Git hub付费才能不被开源,所以 在小范围内或者小型开发团队可以使用Gitblit搭建自己的私人 服务器。以下是教程:需要的安装工具如下tjit-2.8.3-&4-bit.e)iegitLIit-l.T.l.zip圈 jdk-7u71-windows-x64. &xe保 T联消默认安装即可。安装成功后找到安装路径,配置环境变量右击计算机-属性-高级系统配置,点开后环境变量下面的系统变量新建变里名敬):妄里值迪:Jk7A_H0ME测味厲卅肆It战曲fcB冲MMI=UTi确走取消确定保存后CMD 一下,输入JAVAC

2、回车,如下图所示则环境配置成功SI 兰理貝:C:Wi n dowssystem 3 2cm d .exeMicrosoft Jindous l4 fc-l-7bWlJ版权所有 5200? Microsoft CorpDration 5保留所有杈刊。绕辻默的消息、置善 亠i序 呈口王 inj m 一 3- E - - E - 3 3 处处戏堰;即粧-?-. 黑些齊已g导安用我S3 亠显S任,天用杳杏杳耕签不口 需成疋定定半呈呈建c1 生不只不鬻立力.力.-CLrr 操乩養亘 置輔注 的汪注位 位為的 置置的利 丸Jr理运as巻札-sf-q:C:KM径- !?- nTKn zx0i h atat径

3、 c p& e s nl 0s p ae 1 p dec巒 一 径就- k口 如th录 h RLm定政七-processQvpath 卫备卷F 耳录-s 弓隶-implic it:noneclass3Gitblit服务器搭建去官网http:/ 创建一个目录来存放代码库:E: /GitRepository4) 修改 data 目录下的 gitblit.propertiesE:GitblitgitblitT. 7.1data gitblit.properties添加红色部分# GITBLIT.PROPERTIES# Define your custom settings in this file

4、and/or include settings defined in# other properties files.# Include Gitblits within your configuration.# NOTE: Gitblit will not automatically reload included properties. Gitblit# only watches the file for modifications.# Paths may be relative to the $baseFolde

5、r or they may be absolute.# COMMA-DELIMITED# SINCE 1.7.0include = Define your overrides or custom settings below# Base folder for repositories.# This folder may contain bare and non-bare repositories but Gitblit will only# allow you to push to bare repositories.# Use forward sla

6、shes even on Windows!# e.g. c:/gitrepos# SINCE 0.5.0# RESTART REQUIRED# BASEFOLDERgit.repositoriesFolder = E:Workspace# Standard http port to serve. = 0 disables this connector.# On Unix/Linux systems, ports 1024 require root permissions.# Recommended value: 80 or 8080# SINCE 0.5.0# RESTART REQUIRED

7、server.httpPort = 1000# Secure/SSL https port to serve. = 0 disables this connector.# On Unix/Linux systems, ports 1024 require root permissions.# Recommended value: 443 or 8443# SINCE 0.5.0# RESTART REQUIRED server.httpsPort = 1001# Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the standard connector.# Y

8、ou may specify an ip or an empty value to bind to all interfaces.# Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to# localhost.# SINCE 0.5.0# RESTART REQUIREDserver.httpBindInterface =# Specify the interface for Jetty to bind the secure connector.# You may specify an ip or a

9、n empty value to bind to all interfaces.# Specifying localhost will result in Gitblit ONLY listening to requests to# localhost.# SINCE 0.5.0# RESTART REQUIREDserver.httpsBindlnterface =修改端口号 http: 1000; https: 10015)修改國 in&tallServi ce.cmdSEtEM arcri = KC6, aiBd64, or ls.32SET ARCH=aiad64根据机器架构选择对应的

10、,我是64位的,所以选择amd64。 保存退出6)验证服务双击L2016-07-04 10=27:00 INFO http:Z/ Pgitblit1.7.12016-07-04 2016-07-04 2016-07-0410:27:0010:27:0010:27:01INFOINFOINFOJ Running on Uindous 7 J Logging initialized (?198msUsing JCE Standard Encryption Policy files, encron key lengths uill 2016-07-04 2016-07-04 2016-07-04 t

11、ore.jks 2016-07-04 tStore _Jks 2016-07-0410:27:0110:27:0110:27:0110:27:0110=27:01be limitedINFO J Settinsf up HTTPS transport on port 1001INFO 1INFO JINFO JINFO certificat亡 alias = localhosthe yS to re Path= E: fitblit-1.7 .ldataservertrustStoPEFRth = E: Sgitblit-1.7 .ldataseruericrlPath=E: gitblit-

12、l .7 .ldatacertsuocationList.crl 2016-07-04 2016-07-04 2016-07-04 2016-07-0410:27:0110=27:0110:27:01 10:27:02INFO Setting up HTTP transport on port 1000INFO Sbutdoun Monitor listening on port 8081INFO J jetty-9.2.13.W20150730INFO J NO JSP Support for /, did not find org.eclipse.jitja_Ta + I- “.Trnqa

13、wt 1 a +7)根据主机的IP地址登录gitblit服务器htt p:/绘扳K-.EF北妙用Q盘确认密码保存取消欢趣访问GitblltIS* SIWI - - STEWART最近活动初始用户名和密码都是admin4Gitblit配置1)管理员账号登录2)修改管理员账号密码admin创翟版本库 用户中心槪改密咼管理用户团戏注稍3)添加用户为开发团队人员创建用户,只有授权用户才能进行相关操作S:BHt斶站糊iii afczha.trrfflo添加用户用户名瓷码确认密码保存取消x.uiianbaogoffnenba 匚 h-uom管理税眼匚IGitblit朋箸器管理员允许创


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