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1、白马二期净化站加压泵房 学生:陈俊辉 指导老师:向安田摘 要土木工程专业的毕业设计是综合性和实践性极强的最终一个教学环节;是我们学生运用所学的基础理论、专业学问和基本技能进行建筑、结构、施工设计的重要实践过程。建筑设计在现有的自然环境与总体规划的前提下,依据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑运用功能、结构施工、材料设备、经济艺术等问题,着重解决建筑内部运用功能和运用空间的合理支配,各个细部的构造方式等,创建出既符合科学性,又具有艺术效果的工作环境。本方案采纳框架结构,框架结构是由梁、柱、节点及基础组成的结构形式,横梁和立柱通过节点连成一体,形成承重结构,将荷载传至基础。在结构设计中,依据阅历公式先进行

2、梁、板、柱的截面尺寸估算,再查相关规范确定恒荷载、活荷载、风荷载、地震作用。通过二次弯矩安排法、D值法、底部剪力法进行相关荷载的计算,确定最不利组合,进而确定现浇板、框架梁、柱可能出现的最大内力,从而进行截面验算和配筋计算。施工组织设计就是依据项目建设的特点,结合具体的自然环境条件、技术经济条件和现场施工条件,探讨施工项目的组织方式、施工方案、进度支配、资源配置、施工平面设计等施工规划设计方案,从而能高效低耗地完成建设项目的施工任务,以保证施工项目的质量、工期、造价目标的实现。关键词 建筑设计,结构设计,施工组织设计ABSTRACTThe civil engineering specializ

3、ed graduation project is comprehensive and the practical greatly strengthened last teaching link; Is the basic theory which, the specialized knowledge and the basic skill our student utilizes studies carry on the construction, the structure, the executive project important practice process. The arch

4、itectural design in the existing natural environment and under overall plans premise, according to the design project descriptions request, overall evaluation questions and so on use function, structure construction, material equipment, economical art, solves emphatically constructs the internal use

5、 function and the use space possible arrangement, each details structure way and so on, creates both conforms to the scientific nature, and has the artistic effects working conditions.This plan uses the portal frame construction, the portal frame construction is the structural style which by the bea

6、m, the column, the node and the foundation is composed, the crossbeam and the column is united as one body through the node, forms the load-bearing member, passes on the load to the foundation. In the structural design, carries on the beam, the board, columns section size estimate first according to

7、 the empirical formula, then looks up the related standard to determine the permanent load, the live load, the wind load, the earthquake function. Through two bending moment methods of distribution, the D value law, the base shearing force law carry on the related load the computation, determined th

8、e most disadvantageous combination, the definite cast-in-place board, frame the beam, the column possibly appear biggest endogenic force, thus carries on the section checking calculation and the reinforcing bars computation.On the basis of the features of building design, combining the specific cond

9、itions of the natural environment. technical and economic conditions of the construction site, construction design researched programs construction planning and design organization, which contain program, program, the allocation of resources, construction graphic design, in order to complete constru

10、ction of a construction project tasks in the way of high efficient and low consumption and ensure the quality, time, cost objectives of the project.Key words Architectural Design,Structural Design,Construction Organization Design目 录摘要 ABSTRACT第1章 建筑说明及结构构件截面尺寸的确定 1 1.1 建筑说明 11.2 框架柱截面尺寸估算 11.3 框架梁截面

11、尺寸估算 1 1.4 板截面尺寸估算 2第2章 框架结构的计算 2 2.1 设计资料 2 2.2 结构选型 2 2.3 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度 2 2.3.1确定框架计算简图 3 2.3.2框架梁柱的线刚度计算 32.4 荷载计算 4 2.4.1恒载标准值计算 4 2.4.2活荷载标准值计算 6 2.4.3竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 6 2.4.4风荷载计算 12 2.4.5地震荷载计算 13 2.5 风荷载作用下位移的验算 15 2.6 水平地震荷载作用下位移的验算 16 2.7 内力计算 16 恒荷载标准值作用下框架的内力计算 16 2.7.2活荷载标准值作用下框架的内力计算 24 2.7.3风荷载标准值作用下框架的内力计算 30 2.8 横向框架的内力组合 30 2.8.1框架梁的内力组合 30 2.9 框架梁柱配筋 31 2.9.1框架横梁配筋 31 2.9.2框架柱的配筋 34第3章 板的计算 363.1 设计资料 363.2 荷载计算 363.3 按塑性理论计算 363.3.1弯矩计算 37区格板的配筋计算 38第4章 楼梯的计算 394.1 设计资料 394.2 梯段板设计 394.3 平台板设计 404.4 平台梁设计 40第5章 基础的计算 415.1 设计资料 415.2求N,Mb 41



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