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3、重要性,从小做起,从我做起,才能真正为保护水资源,保护我们的生存环境做出一点努力,不然的话,我们的子孙后代吃什么喝什么呢?节约用水不是一句空话,而是要从每件具体的小事做起,养成良好的用水习惯。只要人人都节约用水,建设节水型社会的目标一定会实现。2with the develping rises live, peple directs mre and mre ecessively n envirnment, especially in a few middle-schls. it wuld destry nature if we wastes ecessive balance.prtect th

4、e envirnment is the duty f everyne, we are just sme students , we culdnt make smething especially big cntributin fr the envirnment , but we can secndary cmpses up in ur envirnment , frm prtecting schls envirnment, fr eample: bserve in cnnectin with the regulatin frbidding chas t thrw away varius was

5、te , avid using the drink cup , metin , plastic bag fr ne time merely , use pa-pe-r b t wait in the place r cntainer thrwing away waste t appintment, replace, such can cut dwn a rubbish greatly, lightening refuse dispsal jb pressure , treasuring flwers and plants trees , being the cleaning giving t

6、new year card as a gift , keeping campus shrt and s n.althugh these being minr matter at abve ,but if everybdy gets t d, set abut frm saving resurce and falling ff cntaminating, self life-style adjusting an nce, we are therefre likely t be t prtect the earth ma-ki-ng a cntributin ut.as the teen-agers wh taking knwledge nw , we shuld prtectin envirnment up right nw.save the resurce, prtectin envirnment , act as the yung hst wh prtects the earth


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