(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)

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(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)_第1页
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(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)_第2页
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(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)_第3页
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(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)_第4页
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(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)_第5页
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《(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(湖北专用)2011高考英语一轮复习 板块十四 第3册 Units 13~14 The mystery of the Moonstone-Zoology课下作业复习(详细解析)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、大纲版(湖北版)2011高考一轮英语复习课下作业复习板块十四 Units 1314 The mystery of the Moonstone Zoology.多项选择1Farmers will have a good harvest,_ that the weather is favourable.Apretending BassumingCthinking Dbelieving解析:assuming that./supposing that.“假定”,其他选项不合句意。答案:B2Our company decided to_the contract because a number of t

2、he conditions in it had not been met.Adestroy BresistCassume Dcancel解析:cancel the contract “废止合同”;destroy“破坏,毁坏”;resist“抵制,抵抗”;assume “假定,承担”。答案:D3These two watches are so much alike that I cant _ them apart.Asay BspeakCtell Ddiffer解析:tell.apart “区分,把分开”,为固定短语。答案:C4I would like to know whether its j

3、ust a(n) _that you happened to be there.Aaccident BincidentCcoincidence Doccurrence解析:句意:我想知道你碰巧在那里是否只是巧合。accident意外事故;incident小事情,也可指国际政治中的“事件,事情”;occurrence 发生的事,性质较普遍,如家庭中发生的事,但有时用来表示一种自然的,非人力所为的事,如地震、疾病、死亡等。答案:C5If you dont want to fall behind in todays competitive job market,you have to_yoursel

4、f to lifelong learning.Aappeal BconcentrateCinvolve Dcommit解析:句意:如果你不想在当今竞争激烈的职场落伍的话,你就得投身于终身学习。appeal表示“吸引”;concentrate 后面要接介词on;involve后接介词in/with;commit后接介词to表示“专心致志于”。答案:D6(2010黄冈中学模拟)She is so _towards others that everyone gets on well with her.Aconsiderable BconsiderateCconsidering Dloyal解析:句意

5、:她对别人太体贴了,所以每个人都和她处得很好。considerate表示“体贴人的;考虑周到的”。considerable 相当多的;considering 考虑到,就而言;loyal忠诚的,均不合题意。答案:B7Im sure as long as we make a great effort,this case will_.Acome true Bcome to lightCcome into being Dbe put into practice解析:come to light“为人所知”。A项“实现”;C项“产生,形成”;D项“被实施”。答案:B8(2010福建师大附中检测)His _

6、 left me wondering about his real purpose.Aremarks BreflectionsCadaptations Dsatisfactions解析:考查名词辨析。句意:他的评论使我怀疑他的真实目的。A项“评论”;B项“反映,映像”;C项“适应”;D项“满足”。从句意判断本题选A。答案:A9Ive been trying to _ you forever,but your line is always busy. Really?Ive being stayed at home all day long.Atake notice of Bbe aware of

7、Cget hold of Dcatch up with解析:考查动词短语辨析。前句句意:我一直想和你取得联系,但你的电话总是占线。从题意判断本题选C,表示“联系上某人”。A项“注意”;B项“发觉,意识到”;D项“赶上”,均不符合句意。答案:C10There is not enough training that is _ to meet the future needs of industry.Aadequate BefficientCfit Dgood解析:句意:用来满足未来工业需要的培训还不够。adequate在此意为“合乎需要的”。答案:A.完形填空(2010苏锡常镇教学情况调查)Our

8、 teacher,Miss Chua,is nearing retirement.However,she still commands our great _1_ for being an excellent teacher.She has short hair that is gradually _2_ white,an indication that age is creeping on her.The wrinkles (皱纹) that line her face _3_ of years of hard work and selfless devotion to her studen

9、ts.She wears a pair of glasses through which her kind eyes are always _4_ fixed upon us with affection and consideration.She looks splendid in her _5_ clothes which she will not throw away for something more _6_,reflecting a thrifty(节俭的) nature.Through her,we have learned to be more careful with _7_

10、. Not only that,she has also taught us the _8_ of filial duty (孝道) by setting us a good _9_ of looking after her eightyfiveyearold mother.All her life,she has never _10_ her duty towards her family and her students.For much of her life,she has been working hard,displaying a _11_ of discipline and an

11、 attitude of industry which she is presently _12_ to fix in our mind.As her parents could not afford to _13_ her to university,she saved hard and managed to graduate _14_ a masters degree from a British university.This is an inspiration to usthat absolute _15_ leads to eventual fulfillment of dreams

12、.Miss Chua is totally committed to the _16_ of her students.Armed with a keen insight into the teaching process,she never fails to _17_ our minds and most important,her gift to us has been the development of a good _18_ of English.The day Miss Chua _19_ school and retires,I will send her a thousand

13、flowers with the message “Youve _20_ us well”I will never forget her.She has made a great impact on my life and on my English.语篇解读:虽然“我”的老师Miss Chua 快要退休了,但是她的一言一行依然给我们启迪,我们对她的敬意也愈来愈深。1A.support Battention Crespect Dview解析:根据下文的描述可知这位老师是一位各方面都很优秀的老师,因此应该得到学生们的尊敬(respect)。答案:C2A.changing BturningCapp

14、earing Dshowing解析:老师年龄大了,因此头发渐渐变白了。turn white变白。答案:B3A.tell BspeakCtalk Dthink解析:本题容易误选A。tell of的含义是“宣布”,不符合题意。speak of表示“表明,说明”,在这里是指她脸上的皱纹表明了她多年的辛劳和无私的奉献。答案:B4A.sharply BsuddenlyCgenerally Dgently解析:从下文的“with affection”可知老师的目光是温柔的。答案:D5A.matching BexpensiveCdry Dnew解析:从下文的“a thrifty nature”,可知老师是节俭的,因此她的穿着打扮很朴素得体。matching相称的,协调的。答案:A6A.valuable BfashionableCcomfortable Davailable解析:老师很节俭,不会去追求时髦。答案:B7



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