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1、2022年考博英语-厦门大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题It wasnt until the late 19th century that physicians realized that its_symptoms were all part of the same disease.问题1选项A.perfunctoryB.peremptoryC.perplexingD.perambulatory【答案】C【解析】perfunctory敷衍的; peremptory强制的, 专横的; perplexing复杂的, 令人困惑的; perambulatory巡视的。句意:直

2、到19世纪末, 医生们才意识到, 这些令人费解的症状都是同一种疾病的一部分。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题He fears this months increased violence may harm Kenyas vital tourist industry,much of which centers on _to see its exotic animals.问题1选项A.sahibB.shambleC.severityD.safaris【答案】D【解析】sahib先生, 阁下, 大人; shamble蹒跚, 摇晃的脚步; severity严肃,严重; safari旅行, 狩猎远征, 旅行

3、队。句意:他担心这个月暴力事件的增加可能会损害肯尼亚至关重要的旅游业, 肯尼亚的旅游业主要是以在旅行中观赏野生动物为主。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题He was_in the streets of the Mexican capital by more than a million people, most of them sincerely inspired.问题1选项A.acclaimedB.attestedC.ratifiedD.considered【答案】A【解析】acclaim欢呼,喝彩,称赞; attest证明; ratify批准,认可; consider考虑。句意:他在墨西哥首都

4、的大街上受到一百多万人的欢迎, 其中大多数人都受到了真诚的鼓舞。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题Because Jenkins neither_nor defends either management or the striking workers, both sides admire his journalistic_.问题1选项A.criticizes.acumenB.attacks.neutralityC.confronts.aptitudeD.dismisses.flair【答案】B【解析】criticizes.acumen批评 敏锐; attacks.neutrality攻击 中立性;

5、 confronts.aptitude遭遇 能力; dismissesflair解散 资质。句意:由于Jenkins既不攻击也不为管理层或罢工工人辩护, 双方都钦佩他的作为新闻工作者的中立。选项B符合句意。5. 单选题It is interesting to reflect for a moment upon the differences in the areas of moral feeling and standards in the peoples of Japan and the United States. The Americans divide these areas some

6、what rigidly into spirit and flesh,the two being in opposition in the life of a human being. Ideally,spirit should prevail but all too often it is the flesh that does prevail. The Japanese make no such division, at least between one as good and the other as evil. They believe that a person has two s

7、ouls,each necessary. One is the gentle soul, the other is the rough soul. Sometimes the person uses his gentle soul, sometimes he must use his rough soul. He does not favor his gentle soul,neither does he fight his rough soul. Human nature in itself is good,Japanese philosophers insist,and a human b

8、eing does not need to fight any part of himself. He has only to learn how to use each soul properly at the appropriate times. Virtue for the Japanese consists in fulfilling ones obligations to others. Happy endings,either in life or in fiction,are neither necessary nor expected,since the fulfillment

9、 of duty provides the satisfying end, whatever the tragedy it inflicts. And duty includes a persons obligations to those who have conferred benefits upon him and to himself as an individual of honor. He develops through this double sense of duty a self-discipline which is at once permissive and rigi

10、d,depending upon the area in which it is functioning.The process of acquiring this self-discipline begins in childhood. Indeed, one may say it begins at birthhow early the Japanese child is given his own identity! If I were to define in a word the attitude of the Japanese toward their children I wou

11、ld put it in one succinct word. Love? Yes,abundance of love, warmly expressed from .the moment he is put to his mothers breast. For a mother this nursing of her child is important psychologically.Rewards are frequent,a bit of candy bestowed at the right moment,an inexpensive toy. As time comes to en

12、ter school, however, discipline becomes firmer. To bring shame to the family is the greatest shame for the child.What is the secret of the Japanese teaching of self-discipline? It lies, I think,in the fact that the aim of all teaching is the establishment of habit. Rules are repeated over and over,a

13、nd continually practiced until obedience becomes instinctive. This repetition is enhanced by the expectation of the elders. They expect a child to obey and to learn through obedience. The demand is gentle at first and tempered to the childs tender age. It is no less gentle as time goes on,but certai

14、nly it is increasingly inexorable.Now, far away from that warm Japanese home, I reflect upon what I learned there. What, I wonder,will take the place of the web of love and discipline which for so many centuries has surrounded the life and thinking of the people of Japan? 1.According to Japanese bel

15、ief a child is born( ) .2.The training of the Japanese child can best be described as( ) .3.In the teaching of self-discipline the Japanese emphasize ( ) .4.The Japanese idea of virtue is( ) .5.To the Japanese,the aim of existence is( ) .问题1选项A.basically goodB.amoral, neither good nor evilC.with two souls which are in combat with one anotherD.in sin问题2选项A.a system of rewards and punishmentsB.frequent disciplining which becomes more inexorably severe as the child grows older


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