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1、跨文化交际考试大纲课程编码:跨文化交际课程性质:专业必修课时:36 学分:2开课学期:第 6 学期先修课程:英语国家概况,语言学,英美文学 适用专业:商务英语专业一、考试目的本课程的考试 U 的主要考核学生对理论知识的掌握与联系实际情况,即对课内 教材和教师的授课内容的掌握与联系实际情况等。二、考试的内容及要求(一)绪论考试内容:1跨文化交际的概念、意义。2. 跨文化交际学的学科性质和发展历史。要求:掌握跨文化交际的概念,了解跨文化交际的意义、历史、学科发展史。(二)第一章交际与文化考试内容:1. 交际的概念和特性。2. 文化的定义与特征。3. 文化与交际的关系。 要求:掌握文化与交际的概念,

2、了解交际的特性、文化的特征,理解文化与交际之间的关系。(三)第二章文化的影响考试内容:1. 文化的多样性2. 文化的深层结构 要求:掌握文化模式的概念,了解交际的多样性,理解文化的深层结构。(四)第三章语言与文化考试内容:1. 语言与交际的关系,其中包括语音、语义、句法、语用与跨文化交际的关系。2. 语言的翻译。 要求:通过各种实例、练习了解语音、语义、句法、语用与跨文化交际的关 系。(五)第四章非言语交际考试内容:1非言语交际的概念、功能、特征。2. 非言语的词义和语用。3. 人体语、时间语、空间语。4. 其他非言语信息。要求:了解非言语交际的研究概况、功能、特征,了解并学会恰当使用一批常

3、用 的非言语,掌握一些常见的不同文化背景下的体态语。(六)第五章文化对商业语境的影响考试内容:1. 文化与商业语境2. 国际商业语境3. 国内商业语境要求:了解文化价值观对商业语境的影响,并通过与中国传统交易方式的对比, 掌握经济全球化形势下如何进行有效沟通,成功进行国际竞争的原则和技巧。(七)第六章文化对教育语境的影响考试内容:1. 教育体制差异性2. 多元文化教育背景3. 多元文化背景下的教学方式 要求:通过学习中外教育体制,了解不同文化中教育理念的差异,以及课堂中师生角色的期待差异所导致的不同课堂风格和教学方法。(八) 第七章文化对保健语境的影响考试内容:1. 疾病预防及治疗的文化差异性

4、2. 性别文化体现在保健语境中的差异性 要求:了解不同文化中保健理念的差异,了解性别文化差异性在保健语境中的 体现,理解文化差异性可能导致的保健语境中的交际失误。(九) 第八章培养跨文化交际意识考试内容:影响跨文化交际的因素 要求:进一步了解文化的差异性,多元性和发展性。三、考试方法、考试时间及试题类型1考试方法 :笔试2. 计分方式:3. 考试时间:期末试卷考试时间为120 分钟4. 试题类型:(1)选择题(10%)(2) 判断题(10%)(3) 问答题(20%)(4) 案例分析题(20%)(5)阅读理解题(20%) (6)综合写作(20%)四、教材与主要参考资料1. 教材:2. 主要参考资

5、料:Samovar, Larry A. Communication bet ween Cultures, j 匕京:夕卜语教学与研究出版社.2000胡超跨文化交际实用教程北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2013顾曰国跨文化交际北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2009许力生跨文化交际英语教程上海:外语教育出版社,2008五、样题Part One: True or False (15 points)Directions: Read the following statements and decide whether theyare True or False. And write T or F on t

6、he answer sheet.1.In countries with high uncertainty avoidance, people tend to ensurecertainty and security through an extensive set of rules and regulations.12.In USA, slouching is considered a sign of rudeness and poor manners13.Like Japanese and Chinese negotiators, a detailed written agreementis

7、 not central to the negotiation process in the Middle East, France and Germany.14.In China, friendship means a willingness to be indebted and to repay the debt more than owed15.Culture is such a comprehensive term that it may encompass everything, tangible or intangible, material or spiritua1.Part I

8、I. Translation (20 points)Directions: Translate the following Chinese terms into English and English terms into Chinese 1 stereotypes 2 paralanguage3. ethnocentrism4. masculinity5 high-context culture6. monochronic time7. speech act 8. conversation taboos9. vocal qualifiers 10. power distance11. 译码1

9、2.偏见13.文化震惊14.不确定性回避15.概念意义16语用错误17.礼貌原则18归纳法19.空间语言20礼仪与礼节Part Three: Reading Comprehension: (30 points)Directions: For each of the following three passages, there are 5 questions Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question, than write the corresponding letter on the answer sheet

10、Passage 1In the United States, you can feel free to visit in peopl e s homes, share their holidays, enjoy their children and their lives without feeling obliged to continue a lifetime relationship Do not hesitate therefore to accept invitations from Americans simply because you cannot invite them to

11、 your home in return. No one will expect you to do so; they realize that you have traveled a great distance Americans will enjoy welcoming you and will be pleased if you accept their friendshipeasilyVisitors may notice that although Americans include them easily in their personal daily lives, they d

12、o not show visitors a great amount of special courtesy if doing so requires much time This is frequently the opposite of what occurs in some countries, where people are especially generous in giving their time to visitors, but do not necessarily welcome them as guests in their homes In some places,

13、hosts will go to airports late at night to meet a visitor they do not even know well: they spend much time acting as a guide- all evidence of great generosity Yet they may never invite the guest to meet their families or join in their family life It is important to note that in both cases the feelin

14、g is equally warm and friendly; only the way of expressing courtesies is different Americans warmly welcome visitors into their homes, and try to do as many special things for a guest as time permitsIf possible, they will meet you at the airport but if not, you can take public transportation from th

15、e airport to your hotel: and taxi or bus from your hotel to their home Upon arrival, a warm welcome will await you. Indeed, visitors are readily invited into homes during the time they are in the country. Although it may be considered more proper to entertain a guest at a restaurant in some countries, this is not the case in the United StatesGenerally, however, Americans consider it more friendly to invite a person to one s home than to take him to a restaurant For purely business purposes, you are more likely to be invited to a restaurant Questions 1-5 are base


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