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1、盂县实验小学教学设计(导学训练卡)年级 五 科目 英语 课题:Unit6 Holidays 第一课时重难点:词汇;holiday,clear,island,seafood,hotel,how long,go swimming 句型;Where will we stay? How long will we stay in Sanya?教具使用:多媒体,卡片。导 学 卡导学设计一、学习目标(有了目标,学习才能有的放矢) 1.通过Look and learn栏目,帮助学生掌握旅游相关词汇,为本单元的句型学习打好基础。 2.通过Listen and say中的情景对话,完成下一页的练习题。锻炼学生的阅

2、读能力,从而能更好的理解课文。 3.Listen and say中关于度假计划的情景对话,帮助学生学习本单元的核心句型。 。二、学习任务Pre-task preparations1. 儿歌朗诵。在黑板上或用多媒体呈现儿歌,配一欢快的节奏,让学生朗读,一方面复习前面所学过的内容,一方面又为新授内容做辅导。如: What are you going to do this weekend?Were going to visit HangZhou this weekend,this weekend.How are you going there this weekend,this weekend?We

3、re going there by plane this weekend,this weekend.2.让学生一小组为单位,根据上面儿歌的主要句型和节奏,在组内自编儿歌并诵读,教师抽读检查。While-task procedures1.用Apple tree游戏引入生词hotel.T;(draw a line on the blackboard and five short lines under it.Then point to the short lines)This is a new word.There are five letters in this word.Please gues

4、s what the first letter is.S1:AS2;BT;Yes,well done.Please read after me;h-o-t-e-l,hotel.Ss:H-o-t-e-l,hotel.然后出示hotel的生词卡片,与学生问答。 2.播放Listen and say 的录音,并出示以下问题,学生听录音后回答问题。 (1)Where are the Lis going this summer?(They are going to Sanya.) (2)How do they get there?(They get there by plane.) (3)Where w

5、ill they stay?(They will stay in a hotel by the sea) 再次播放录音,并出示以下选项,学生听录音后选择正确答案。 a They will go swimming there. b They will row a boat there. c They will play football there. d They will have seafood there. e They will fly a kite there. What will the Lis do there?(a,d) 三、课堂训练(该是我们大显身手的时候了,要相信自己)1.让

6、学生独立完成课本第37页的练习。然后,分别请几名学生将答案用完整的句子表述出来。S1:The Lis are going to Sanya this summer.S2:They get there by plane.S3:Theyll stay there for five days.S4;Theyll stay in a hotel by the sea.S5:Theyll go swimming and have seafood there.2.学生仿照课本第37页的练习,制作一张自己的度假计划卡片,然后用所学词汇和句型与同桌交流。3.完成课后的阅读理解题:Who:The LisWhere to go;-When:-Go there by:-How long-Stay in-Activities-


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