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1、12个句子搞定2015高考英语50个新增词汇The new government has assured the people that high taxes on some basic commodities such as food and clothes will cease. They anticipate that this change will happen next month.新政府向人们保证将停止对食物和衣服之类的基本商品征收高额税收,人们期待这种变化下个月将会发生。I have just compiled a comprehensive list of American

2、TV dramas which have been very popular overseas. I want to contrast them and try to understand why they are popular.我编写了一份在海外非常流行的美国电视剧的详细清单,我想加以对比,试图弄明白他们为什么收欢迎。Some people believe the devil exists and lives in hell. They say hell is a place which is hotter than the core of the earth. People who ar

3、e sent to hell live in despair and are exploited by the devil.有的人认为魔鬼是存在的,生活在地狱里。据说地狱是比地核还要热的地方。被送到地狱的人生活在绝望中,受到魔鬼的剥削。Crushes on the subway are the curse of London. Often the amount of people exceeds the space which is available. I am always reluctant to use the subway.地铁上拥挤的人群是伦敦的祸根,乘客的数量常常超过能提供的空间

4、。我总是很不情愿乘坐地铁。I really enjoy innovating. I have deduced the perfect formula to make a great sauce to eat with steak. Its very complicated, but you have to get the ratios / proportions of ingredients correct.我很喜欢创新,我已经想出一种很棒的牛排酱的酿制方案,很复杂,但是你要把各种配料的比例搞对。By criterion for cancer, her disease is in an int

5、ermediate stage now. Reluctant as she is to have her hair cut, its crucial for her to consent to the doctors formula for her treatment,otherwise her life will be in danger. 根据癌症的标准,她的疾病目前处于中期。尽管她不情愿把头发剃掉,但是同意医生的治疗方案很重要,否则生命就有危险。Work laws have undergone big changes recently. According to government g

6、uidelines employers should not differentiate between manual employees based on ethnic background or gender. 最近劳动法经历了大的变化,根据政府的指导原则,雇主不应该根据种族背景和性别对雇员加以区别对待。He wrote his will in his journal. He was earnest that his estate would be divided evenly between his children. His eldest son would be excluded a

7、s he had an argument with him. No one could interfere with his decision.他在日记中写下了遗嘱,他当真要把他的财产在他的孩子们之间平均划分。不过他的大儿子因为和他吵过架将不被包括在内。没有人能够干涉得了他的决定。Scientists believe we evolved from apes. Some people do not believe this as they dont want to equate themselves with monkeys. Their viewpoint is not logical. 科

8、学家认为我们是从类人猿进化来的,有的人不相信,因为他们不想把他们自己等同于猴子,他们的观点是不符合逻辑的。Even though the great pyramids are very old they have excellent foundations and look extremely graceful. The Egyptians had great vision. 尽管大金字塔年代久远,但是它们的基础很好,而且看起来十分优雅。埃及人很有远见。Judges have a lot of insight into legal matters. They have a very impor

9、tant job; they can grant someone their freedom or send them to prison. 法官们对法律事务有很强的洞察力。他们的工作很重要,他们可以准许某人自由,也可以送某人去坐牢。He gave the stupid boy a candy, trying to induce him to imitate the monkey, but the boy was all thumbs and they couldnt interact with each other well.他给那个傻孩子一块糖,想要引诱他模仿猴子,但是那个孩子太笨拙了,不能很好地进行沟通。注意:高考试题中,当年的新增词汇常常会出现在单项选择、完形填空和阅读理解中,一般情况考到2-3题


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